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1、,浛洸第二小学:刘 雪 英 2016年6月,Unit 5 My clothes,第一课时,Fashion Show !,( 时 装 秀 ),小学英语:刘 雪 英 2017年6月,Unit 5 My clothes,人民教育出版社 2013教育部审定 小学四年级下册英语,浛洸第二小学:刘 雪 英 2016年6月,Unit 5 My clothes,第一课时,Fashion Show !,( 时 装 秀 ),Lets sing :,cat,hat,I like that beautiful hat.,T - shirt,shirt,I like that green T- shirt .,skir

2、t,shirt,I like that green .,skirt,pants,dress,I like that .,shirt,Theyre .,clothes,hat,Put on your shirt. Take off your hat. Wash your skirt. Hang up your dress. Put away your pants.,hat,cap,/ht/,Lets learn,绿色圃中小学教育网,Lets do:,Lets copy the new words:,skirt shirt pants dress hat,Step 3 Practice: 2.,Lets do some exercises: 1、我会补全单词,并写出其中文意思。,2、Open your guided learning plan page 55 , lets go on to do some exercises.,Step 3 Practice: 3.,i r,i r,a,a s,o e s,衬衫,裤子,女裙,帽子,衣服;服装,(1)Listen and read the new words and sentences. (2)Copy the words: clothes, hat, skirt, dress,


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