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1、体育运功项目英语Sports English,Ancient Olympic Games 古代奥运会 (776BC-393AD) Olympic Games of Modern Times 现代奥运会(1896- ) Paralympic Games 残疾人奥运会 Special Olympic Games 特殊奥运会 Youth Olympic Games 青年奥运会 Asian Games 亚洲运动会 Universiade ,ju:niv:sid 世界大学生运动会,International Comprehensive Sport Competitions,Lecture 2,Sport

2、 Events 运动项目,帆船 Sailing 花样游泳 Synchronized Swimming sikrnaizd 游泳 Swimming 跳水 Diving 水上运动 Aquatics kwtiks 举重 Weightlifting 棒球 Baseball 射箭 Archery 柔道 Judo rtri dud 足球 Football/Soccer 篮球 Basketball 乒乓球 Table tennis 跆拳道 Taekwondo taikndo 击剑 Fencing 蹦床 Trampoline fens trmplin 排球 Volleyball 沙滩排球 Beach Voll

3、eyball 网球 Tennis 手球 Handball 曲棍球 Hockey 体操 Gymnastics/Artistic Gymnastics 竞技体操 :tstkdmnstks,水球 Water Polo 艺术体操 Rhythmic Gymnastics rimik 皮划艇静水 Canoe/Kayak Flatwater knu kaik 摔跤 Wrestling resli 射击 Shooting 拳击 Boxing 马术 Equestrian kwestrin 铁人三项 Triathlon trailn 现代五项 Modern Pentathlon pentln 羽毛球 Badmin

4、ton 垒球 Softball 自行车 Cycling 田径 Athletics letiks 皮划艇激流回旋 Canoe/Kayak Slalom sl:lm 赛艇 Rowing,武术 wushu 拳术 quanshu; barehanded exercise; Chinese boxing 空手道 karate krti 板球 cricket 高尔夫 golf 保龄球 bowling 橄榄球 rugby 藤球 sepak takraw siplk tek r: 壁球 Squash skw,台球 cue sport/billiards bljdz 美式台球 pool 斯洛克 snooker

5、snu:k 体育舞蹈 dance sport 卡巴迪 kabaddi 轮滑 roller sports 滑旱冰 rollerblading 滑水 water-skiing 冲浪 surfing 赛龙船 dragon-boat racing,登山运动 mountaineering; mountain-climbing 国际象棋 (international) chess 围棋 Weiqi I-go 象棋 xiangqi 摩托运动 motorcycling 潜水(带呼吸器) scuba diving 跳伞 parachuting pru:ti 相扑 sumo sumu,泰拳 muay thai 散

6、打 free combat 飞盘 frisbee 徒步旅行 hiking 瑜伽 yoga jg 剑道 kendo kend 双节棍 nunchakus nu:nta:kuz 攀岩 rockclimbing 露营 camp 跑酷 parkour,跳绳 skipping rope / rope skipping 踢毽子 kicking shuttlecockt()lkk shuttlecock kicking 毽球 shuttlecock (playing) 板羽球 battledore and shuttlecockbt()ld: 秋千 trapeze/swing trpiz 肋木 wall b

7、ars 慢跑 jogging 划船 boating 风帆 wind surf,太极拳 taichi 舞龙舞狮 dragon dance lion dance 滑翔伞 sailplaning/paragliding prlaidi 蹦极 bungee jumping 健美操 calisthenics,klisniks aerobics robks 门球 gate ball 飞镖 boomerang 街舞 groundbeat street dance 街头篮球 freestyle(street basketball),Recognized Sports,air sports 航空运动 bandy

8、 俄罗斯式冰球,老式曲棍球 billiard sports 台球运动 boules 滚木球 法国式滚球游戏 bowling 保龄球 bridge 桥牌 chess 国际象棋,cricket 板球 dance sport 体育舞蹈 golf 高尔夫 karate 空手道 korfball 荷兰式篮球运动(比赛双方各六男六女) life saving 救生 motorcycle racing 摩托车 mountaineering and climbing 登山运动,netball 落网球 篮网球又称为投球或英式篮球,是一种发源自篮球的团队球类运动,一般被视为系以女性为主的运动项目 orientee

9、ring,rntrr 定向越野 定向运动就是利用一张详细、精确的地图和一个指南针,按顺序到访地图上所指示各个点标,以最短时间到达所有点标者为胜。 运动通常设在森林、效外和城市公园里进行,也可在大学校园里进行。 pelote basque p()ltbsk 巴斯克人回力球 原为西班牙巴斯克人(Basque)玩的球戏,polo 马球 马球(POLO),史称“击鞠”、“击球”等,骑在马背上用长柄球槌拍击木球的运动。 powerboating 汽艇 racquetball 网拍式壁球 在四面有墙的手球场内由两名或四名选手玩的一种游戏,使用一种短柄球拍和一个直径2(1/4)英寸(5.7cm)的空心像皮球

10、 roller sports 轮滑 rugby 橄榄球 squash 壁球,sport climbing 攀岩 surfing 冲浪 sumo 相扑 tug of war 拔河,underwater sports 潜水 water skiing 滑水 wushu 武术,Winter Sports,冬季两项(越野滑雪射击比赛) biathlon bailn 大雪橇比赛 bobsleigh bbslei 短雪橇比赛 lugelu 冰壶 curlingk:li 冰球 ice hockey 滑冰 skating 滑雪 skiingski,冰球场 rink 冰球 puck; rubber 速度滑冰 sp

11、eed skating 花样滑冰 figure skating 冰场 skating rink; ice rink 人工冰场 artificial ice stadium 速度滑雪 cross country ski racing 高山滑雪 alpine skiing 速降滑雪 downhillrace,General Terms,manager 经纪人 instructor 教练,技术指导 coach 教练 guide 领队 trainer 助理教练 refereerefri, umpire mpai (网球.棒球)裁判 linesman边线裁判 touch judge (橄榄球)裁判 at

12、hlete,contestant, competitor, player,sportsman 运动员 professional 职业运动员 amateur mt 业余运动员,爱好者 enthusiast, fan 迷,爱好者 favourite 可望取胜者 (美作:favorite) outsider 无取胜希望者 championship 冠军赛,锦标赛 champion 冠军 record holder 纪录创造者 cheer team 拉拉队,General Terms,stadium 运动场 track 跑道 ring 圈 ground, field 场地 pitch (足球、橄榄球)

13、场地 court 网球场 team, side 队 home team 主队 visiting team 客队 competitive sport 竞技性运动 make ones mark 出名 event 体育项目(尤指重要比赛) PE (Physical Education) 体育 physique 体格、体质,General Terms,团体项目 team event 单项 individual event 男子项目 mens event 女子项目 womens event 冠军 champion; gold medalist 全能冠军 all-round champion 亚军 run

14、ning-up; second; silver medalist 第三名 third; bronze medalist 世界纪录保持者 world-record holder 种子选手 seeded player; seed 优秀选手 top-ranking/topnotch athlete,General Terms,比赛地点 competition/sports venue(s) venju: 国际比赛 international tournament tnm()nt 邀请赛 invitational tournament 锦标赛 championship 东道国 host country

15、/nation 体育场 stadium; sports field/ground 体育馆 gymnasium, gym; indoor stadium dimneizim 比赛场馆 competition gymnasiums and stadiums 练习场馆 training gymnasiums 操场 playground; sports ground; drill ground 体育活动 sports/sporting activities 体育锻炼 physical training 体育锻炼标准 standard for physical training 体育疗法 physica

16、l exercise therapy; sports therapy 广播操 setting-up exercises to music 药检 兴奋剂检查 doping test,Ball Games,Football/Soccer,Football,E-E Football: 1. a game played by two teams of 11 players, using a round ball which players kick up and down the playing field (the pitch) (Oxford Advanced Learners E-C Dicti

17、onary) 2. any of various games played with a ball (round or oval) in which two teams try to kick or carry or propel the ball into each others goal Soccer: a football game in which two teams of 11 players try to kick or head a ball into the opponents goal,Questions,Where was the ancient football orig

18、inated? Where did the modern football produce? When did football become an Olympic official event? When was the Federation International de Football Association founded? When was the first FIFA World Cup held?,Football,The origin of the game “Football” dates back to the early recorded history. Docum

19、ented evidence,a manual of Chinese military during the Han Dynasty in about 2nd century BC, describes an organized activity resembling football. It was known as “Cuju” (Tsu Chu). Modern football was reinvented by the English, and developed in European land and South Africa countries. On 26th October

20、, 1863, the worlds first rules for football game were born in Cambridge University of England. Thus, that day has been remembered as the date of birth of modern football. On 21st May,1904, the Federation International de Football Association (FIFA) was founded in Paris. The present president of FIFA

21、 is Mr. Joseph S. Blatter from Switzerland. In 1900 at the Paris Olympic Games in France, football started to appear as a performance sport, rather than a competitive event. In 1908, football officially became one of the events in the Olympic Games. The first FIFA World Cup was held in 1930.,Nowaday

22、s, football is the international term for the most sensational sport. While in the United States and Latin America, soccer seems to be the most acceptable word for football, which originated from association football. In these areas, football usually refers to rugby. Modern football is an eleven-a-s

23、ide field game. The team is divided into some sections: goalkeeper, defensive players, midfield players and offensive players. The goalkeeper is the only player who may touch or move the ball with the arms or hands. Football is played outdoors on a grassy pitch about one hundred and five meters long

24、 and seventy meters wide. At each end there is a goal 2.44 meters high and 7.32 meters wide. A football match usually lasts ninety minutes, consisting two forty-five minutes halves (the first half and the second half). The aim of the football match is to score goals and prevent the opponent from sco

25、ring goal.,Useful Expressions,Kick off! 开球 Out of Bound!球出界! Goal! 进球 Offside! 越位! The ball has crossed the sideline. 球出了边界。 Play on!比赛继续! The referee is calling the captains to central spot for the toss. 裁判员正在组织双方队长在中点进行猜硬币。 Heads 正面 Tails 反面 No. 9 opened the scoring after five minutes. 开场5分钟,9号队员首

26、开纪录。,A goal! 得分! He gets a red card and is sent off. 他得了张红牌,被罚下场。 Foul throw! 掷球犯规! Referee gives a red card. 裁判出示一张红牌。 Time out!比赛暂停! Dont hold up the game ! 不许拖延时间! Out Side! 界外球! Japan lost one nil. 日本队0:1负。 South Korea finished top of their qualifying group with two wins and one draw from their

27、three matches. 韩国队以3场比赛2胜1平的成绩获得小组第一。,Major Professional Terms,All-out attacking 全攻型打法 away match 客场比赛 back-heel pass 脚后跟传球 back pass 转身传球 bicycle kick 倒勾球 break through 突破 captain 队长 centre circle 中圈 centre field 中场 centre forward 中锋 cheering team 拉拉队 corner area 角球区 corner ball 角球 corner kick 发角球

28、curved ball 弧线球,defender 后卫 defensive wall 人墙 delay the game 延误比赛 direct free kick 直接任意球 dive header 鱼跃顶球 drawing lots 抽签 dribble past 带球过人 evict/eject 罚出场 extra period 加时赛 fake a ball 假摔 final eight 前八强 first half 上半时 five-a-side-football 五人制室内足球 foot over 抬脚过高 football 足球;橄榄球(美、澳、加) forward 前锋 fou

29、r-three-three-formation 4-3-3阵型 free back / spare man 自由中卫 free kick 任意球,goalie / goalkeeper 守门员 hacking / stamping 蹬踏犯规 half (back) 前卫 handball 手球犯规 head 头球 indirect free kick 间接任意球 intercept 断球 juggle 颠球 kick 踢球 kick off 开球 legal charging 合理冲撞 linesman 巡边员 long pass 长传 long shot 远射 make a goal 破门得分 midfield 中场 offside 越位 opposing half 前场 outside 出界 own goal 乌龙球 own half 后场,pass back 回传 penalty


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