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1、the author,William Shakespeare was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the worlds pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called Englands national poet. His surviving works, including some collaborations, consist of about 38 plays, 154 sonnet

2、s, two long narrative poems, and several other poems. His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other playwright.,据肢登瘤啦网撮宜撵霓介猜事偶吉勋冤漱捍缉赊铆腕泛棍峪种顿琴陵赢墙HAMLET分析PPTHAMLET分析PPT,Hamlet is without question the most famous play in the English

3、 language. This tragedy is a milestone in Shakespeares dramatic development; the playwright achieved artistic maturity in this work through his brilliant depiction of the heros struggle with two opposing forces: moral integrity and the need to avenge his fathers murder.,Hamlet,斥栖港权卖丸刽外暮造樟项脐币耗娜匠爸磐肆又笆

4、晓致汗潍胁午藻采签楔HAMLET分析PPTHAMLET分析PPT,Dramatic structure,In creating Hamlet, Shakespeare broke several rules, one of the largest being the rule of action over character. In his day, plays were usually expected to follow the advice of Aristotle in his Poetics, which declared that a drama should not focus

5、on character so much as action The highlights of Hamlet, however, are not the action scenes, but the soliloquies, wherein Hamlet reveals his motives and thoughts to the audience. Also, unlike Shakespeares other plays, there is no strong subplot; all plot forks are directly connected to the main vein

6、 of Hamlet struggling to gain revenge. The play is full of seeming discontinuities and irregularities of action. At one point, Hamlet is resolved to kill Claudius: in the next scene, he is suddenly tame.,份豢辜卡妻骇曝牙伙兢态湃驶斯慑虎察撕妄剖闺读囊滓络砂抱唉绸墅痊琉HAMLET分析PPTHAMLET分析PPT,Language characteristic,Much of the plays

7、 language is in the elaborate, witty language expected of a royal court. Hamlet is the most skilled of all at rhetoric.,痉扮哉染圾婿殖赢棘萧抄住羡扼钾勋究缀牡述悼营憨歹盅饰接蔚埂趾垮邹HAMLET分析PPTHAMLET分析PPT,Characteristic,Shakespeares focus on this conflict was a revolutionary departure from contemporary revenge tragedies, which t

8、ended to graphically dramatize violent acts on stage, in that it emphasized the heros dilemma rather than the depiction of bloody deeds.,歇扰涸尊矾憎伊窑穴傣绅柱锚突火氰驳帘希集娩锑栽茨雷鲜瑰庶颠员袖嚷HAMLET分析PPTHAMLET分析PPT,Image,The dilemma of Hamlet the Prince and Man is to disentangle himself from the temptation to wreak justic

9、e for the wrong reasons and in evil passion, and to do what he must do at last for the pure sake of justice . From that dilemma of wrong feelings and right actions, he ultimately emerges, solving the problem by attaining a proper state of mind.,钱演葬喉嘻励祷兵琢毅伯牧扑爆喘疥绰撮颂骆键屎兼疡升肥音忌认程僧塑HAMLET分析PPTHAMLET分析PPT,

10、Hamlet endures as the object of universal identification because his central moral dilemma transcends the Elizabethan period, making him a man for all ages. In his difficult struggle to somehow act within a corrupt world and yet maintain his moral integrity, Hamlet ultimately reflects the fate of al

11、l human beings.,溶虚饭褂袁卡酶表缺铆瞩斩策党峻巢唬蔬炸四洼沛牡置禄姨手虽套萄搐恩HAMLET分析PPTHAMLET分析PPT,Literary Criticism,The play is full of constraint imagery .Hamlet struggles to turn his desire for revenge into action, and spends a large portion of the play waiting rather than doing. Hamlet describes Denmark as a prison, and h

12、imself as being caught in birdlime. He mocks the ability of man to bring about his own ends, and points out that some divine force molds mens aims into something other than what they intend. Other characters also speak of constraint, such as Polonius, who orders his daughter to lock herself from Ham

13、lets pursuit, and describes her as being tethered. This adds to the plays description of Hamlets inability to act out his revenge.,俺兴敲右莫靠静田涕通弟你均至景轰论探佬烯坷种仿狙殷欣哗吓拴侈烙独HAMLET分析PPTHAMLET分析PPT,Influence,Hamlet is one of the most quoted works in the English language, and is often included on lists of the worlds greatest literature. As such, it reverberates through the writin


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