七年级英语《Unit10 Where did you go on vacation:SectionA(3a—4)》教案 人教新目标版_第1页
七年级英语《Unit10 Where did you go on vacation:SectionA(3a—4)》教案 人教新目标版_第2页
七年级英语《Unit10 Where did you go on vacation:SectionA(3a—4)》教案 人教新目标版_第3页




1、山东省郯城三中七年级英语Unit10 Where did you go on vacation:SectionA(3a4)教案 人教新目标版主备人课型New验收结果:合格/需完善时间 分管领导课时2第 周 第 课时 总第 课时 教学目标:1. Ss can master the new words and sentence structures.New words: New York City; Central Park,exam,were,rainy, delicious,expensive,inexpensivecrowdedflew,kite,later,felt,little, cor

2、ner, discuss,etcSentence structures:Where did you go on vacation? I went to summer campDid she go to Central Park?Yes,she didNo, she didnt2. Ss can use the target language to talk about past events, then learn to talk about their vacation.3. Listening, speaking, writing and reading practice 重点、难点1.

3、New words and sentence structures.2. Learn to talk about past events, then learn to talk about their vacation3. Learn to write a similar dialogue.教 学 过 程教师活动学生活动修改意见Step 1Free talk Ask the question:Where did you golast Sunday?Step 2Point out the pictures in the photo album. Ask students to describe

4、what they see(In Picture 1 there is a man with a bowl of soupThere is also a waiter. He looks angry)Step 3Presentationla(In picture 2 there is a beautiful beachThere is a manHe looks unhappy)Read the first two lines of the dialogue to the classPoint out the answer was in the first line. Then point o

5、ut the blanks in the rest of the lines of the dialogueRead the conversation to the class saying the word blank for each blank line: How blank the beaches?Then say,Write the word was or were in each blank. Ask students to complete the activity on their ownPoint to picture 3 and ask students to say wh

6、at they seeThen read the words under the picturePronounce any new words and explain what they mean,if necessary Say:In this picture a girl is on a busThe girl is taking a bus tripAsk,What does relaxing mean?Does it mean you are excited or quiet?How do you look when you relax?H students dont know the

7、 meaning of relaxing, demonstrate by leaning back in your seat and half一closing your eyes.Say a dialogue with a studentpoint to the food picture. Ask,How was the food? Do a send example,if you wishMove around the room monitoring their workOffer language or pronunciation support as neededHave two stu

8、dents perform the example conversation,or perform it yourself with one student(you ask the questions)Point out that the conversations starts off with the sentences in the speech bubblesFor example,A:where did you go?B: I went toA: What was the weather like? B: It was hot and humidStep 4PractiseSay:F

9、irst fill in the chart with the information about your last vacation,Say where you went,what the weather was like, what you ate,and what else you didAs students fill in the chart move around the classroom, monitoring progress and offering help as necessary。step 5Summary本节课学习了3个生词,和句式的练习运用。通过本节课的学习,学

10、生能熟练地运用句型where did you go? I went .Step 6Homework1、动词的适当形式填空:A: Where _ you _ on your vacation?(go)B:I _ to the stores(go) what about you?A: I _ at home (stay)B: What _you _?(do)A:Nothing much.B: Why _ you _at home?(stay)A:I just _ to go out(not want)2. Make a conversation and actStudents talk about

11、events in the past Describe what theysee in picture 1 andpicture 2Fill in the blanks inthe conversation学生看3a部分)practice and actListen(学生看图互问)Work with the teacher.Work with a partnerand act outRead and learnMake their own conversation Practice in pairsThe student replies,it was awfulwork in pairsLook at picture6,Practice the conversation belowAsk and answer questionsSomething in


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