七年级英语《Unit5 Reading2》学案_第1页
七年级英语《Unit5 Reading2》学案_第2页
七年级英语《Unit5 Reading2》学案_第3页




1、江苏省无锡市蠡园中学七年级英语Unit5 Reading2学案学习目标:1. keep some safe from danger 2. stop a fire3. be hurt by fire4. Thank you for joining us5. That sounds dangerous.6. read about it 7. How clever!/ How terrible!8. Is he getting better now?9. Im very happy that he is well now. 10 . be careful with matches11. leave

2、the stove on12. Dont put anything hot into the rubbish bin13. keep long hair away from fire要点点击1. burn-burned-burned burn-burnt-burnt 你是怎么烧伤你的脖子的? _ 2. be in hospital _ be in the hospital _ His father is a doctor. He works in _ hospital. His father is ill. He has to be in _ hospital for a month. 3.

3、帮助某人 _ 帮助某人做某事 _ 在某一方面帮助某人 _ 帮助某人逃出火灾 _ 互相帮助 _4. stop a fire stop doing sth stop to do sth. Tell you father to stop _ (smoke) because its bad for his health.5. keep keepsafe (from danger/fire) 使安全(脱险) keepaway from 使远离 keep sb./sth. + adj. (clean, happy,tidy) keep sth. open/closed (门窗盒子眼睛等开关) keep s

4、b. doing 使某人一直做某事 keep (on) doing sth. 6. sound dangerous 听起来危险 sound like a bird 听起来像鸟叫 感官动词s_, l_, s_, t_, f_ + _ +_+_ 她看起来像个老师。 She looks _ _ _. -这条毯子摸上去感觉如何? _ does the _ _? -很柔软。 It _ _. Consolidation 中译英1. 你必须采取措施以确保安全。 You must do something _ _ _ _.2. 大火严重烧伤了他的脖子和手臂, 所以他不得不住院3个多月。The big fire

5、 _ his _ and _ badly, so he _ _ _ in hospital for over three months.3. 你知道这位参观者上周发生了什么事情了吗? Do you know _ _ _the _ last week?4. 我很高兴他现在正在好转。Im very happy that he _ _ _ now.5. 他叫你不要把热的东西放在垃圾箱里因为那样会很危险。 He _ you _ _ put _ hot _ the _ _ because it _ be _. Homework一 词形转换1. Fire can be very _ (danger).2.

6、 He always hurts _ (he). He is so _ (care).3. To play with _ (match) is very _ (danger) for children.4. Thousands of _ (visit) come to Wuxi every year.5. Dont s_ in the meeting room.6. What a t_ meal! Nobody wants to eat it.7. Bi Fujian is my grandfathers favourite h_. 8. My son is looking forward t

7、o _ (收集) more toy planes. 9. Im _ (高兴的) that youll come to my school next month. 10. Can you look after _ (你自己) if your parents are not at home?二 单项选择( ) 1. My parents always tell me _ others late at night. A. callB. not to callC. not callD. to call( ) 2. Thanks a lot for _ us _ the game this evenin

8、g. A. join, inB. joining, /C. in, forD. joining, in ( ) 3.Is there _ in todays newspaper? Nothing. A. exciting anything B. anything exciting C. something excitingD. something excited( ) 4. Keep away from the _ things. Its _ to stay there. A. danger, dangerB. danger, dangerous C. dangerous, dangerous

9、D. dangerous, danger( ) 5. That _ good idea. Do you think so? A. sound aB. sounds /C. sounds aD. sound /( ) 6. -_ your teacher _? -He is tall and strong. A. Hows, look likeB. Whats, look like C. Hows, likeD. Whats, like三 句型转换1. She was very glad to help Mr Liu. (同义句) She was very glad _ _ _ Mr Liu.2

10、. How fine the weather is! (同义句) _ _ _ it is! 3. It is great fun to play chess in the park! (感叹句) _ _ _ it is _ _ chess in the park!4. Many fans brought the Superstar flowers and presents. Many fans brought _ _ _ _ the Superstar. 四 动词填空1. The boy _ (burn) himself while he was playing with fire. 2. I

11、 _ (leave ) for Beijing the day after tomorrow. 3. They walked off and _ (leave) me standing there all by myself. 4. _ (not pour) waste water into the river.5. Thank you for _(save) my little cat. 6. Listen! Can you hear anyone _ (call) for help?7. Lots of students came to see Mr. Xu. They _ (bring) chocolates to him. 8. Can you


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