七年级英语《Unit4 Where’s my backpack?》教案_第1页
七年级英语《Unit4 Where’s my backpack?》教案_第2页
七年级英语《Unit4 Where’s my backpack?》教案_第3页
七年级英语《Unit4 Where’s my backpack?》教案_第4页
七年级英语《Unit4 Where’s my backpack?》教案_第5页




1、 Unit 4 Where s my backpack一、教材分析中心话题:谈论物品的位置。 语言目标:要求学生熟悉物品的名称。语言结构:能用Where 问句和一般疑问句提问,并用方位介词 来回答;注意名词的单复数;人称代词they的用法。能力目标:通过对话练习,小组活动,小组竞赛等方式, 学会熟练地表达,并能从口头训练转向笔头训练。二、教学目标 通过教学,学生能熟练地描述房间物品的摆设;能用英语发表个人观点;能学会与他人交流和合作。1. 认知目标 掌握有关物品的新单词:table, bed, dresser, bookcase, sofa, chair, drawer, plant, bag

2、, alarm, CD, video, video cassette, hat, 熟练运用 in, on, under, (beside, in front of, near) 等介词。 熟练运用 Where 问句和一般疑问句及其回答。 注意名词单复数的用法。 注意代词 they 的用法。2. 能力目标 学会一些基本的学习策略,并运用这些策略提高运用英语的能力。 培养语用能力,让学生真正做到用中感悟,把所学到的语言知识与生活实际结合起来,使学习过程生活化。 培养英语思维能力和创新意识。 学会不断地发现问题,并用自己已有的知识水平和生活经历来解决实际问题。三、 教学设计(一)课堂任务设计思路:本


4、处。最后进行小组汇报。第三步尤为重要,因为在此突出体现了由信息差造成的交流活动的必要性。第三个任务是设计自己理想中的房间并向大家描述。在此活动中所涉及到的最基本的句型结构是关于陈述物品方位的句子,由于它能引起学生的兴趣,学生参与性很强,它最大限度的调动了学生的积极性,他们会在完成任务的同时自觉的运用他们在第一和第二个任务中所用到的知识,以及一些超出本课教学内容的语言知识。这对学生自觉学习能力的提高有很大好处。目标语言学习策略与思维技巧重点词汇Wheres the baseball? Where are the CDs? Theyre behind the desk.Theyre next to

5、 the key. 分类表述听取特定信息Dresser, bookcase, sofa, drawer, plant in, on, under, beside, next to, between, behind语言结构语言功能多元智能Where + be问句表示方位的介词: in, on, under, beside, next to, between, behind询问方位表述方位方位识别与表述逻辑分类与表述 课型新授课课时Period1(sectionA:1c1c & 3a3c)教学目标Learn the new words by heart and talk about where t

6、he things are重点Where is? Its on / in / underWhere are? Theyre in /on / under 难点介词的用法| 名词复数关键运用新单词教具pictures,a recorder.教法听说读写。学法Help each other in groups.程序教学活动内容师生活动设计设计意图时间分配Step 1: Warming up. Talk with the students about the things in the classroom by asking “What is it/are these?” Step 2: New w

7、ords learning. A、A group competition between boys and girls to brainstorm what things are in a bedroom/a study/a living-room? The group which can list more things is the winner.B. Show the pictures of the things and learn the words: bookcase, bed, plant, dresser, drawerC. Cover the picture to have t

8、he students guess what it is / what they are?Step 3: Section A 1bStep 4: A. Learn the new words in ,on , under, near, by helping the teacher find out the things she lost. 1 T: Where is my English book? S: Its here. T: Oh, its on the desk. 2. T : Where are my keys ? S : Theyre under your book. 3.T :

9、Where is my dictionary ? S : Its in the backpack. B. Teacher gives the orders like “ put the books on the pencil-case./ put your pencil in the pencil-case.” etc, and students do the actions. C. Look for things. The students hide and look for the things in groups. They can give the others some clues.

10、 For example: This is my book. Its on the second desk.Step 5:Pattern Drills A: Wheres the plant? B: Its on the floor.Step6:Give two students two pictures of a living room. One picture has more objects in it, but the other doesnt. The student with Picture B tries to put the things in the right places

11、 by asking the student with Picutre A questions “Wheres the” or “ Wherere the ?”Homework :learn the new words by heart Teacher and the Ss sum up together. Teacher read and Ss follow mePlay the tape ,Ss listen again and the teacher checks the answers. Teacher guides and the Ss work in pairs.Teacher guides and the Ss work in pairsTeacher and the Ss sum up together.Stimulate studentsinterestpractice new wordsPractice listening.Oral practice e.and practice the propositions: on ,in ,underOral practicePractice the new sentences5101


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