七年级英语上册 Starter Unit 9-10教案(新版)牛津版_第1页
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1、Starter Unit 9-10教学课题课型Revision本课题教时数: 15 本教时为第11 教时 备课日期 教学目标:To analyze the exercise paper and consolidate the learning of Unit 9-10教学重点、难点: To analyze the difficulties in the paper.教学方法与手段:Communicative Approach, The Direct Method教学过程: 教师活动学生活动设计意图Analyze the exercise paper to the students.(试卷见附)

2、Listen carefully and take notes.To consolidate the learning of Unit 9-10.授后小记: 这节课对Unit9&10练习卷进行评析,让学生进一步掌握两类物主代词的用法。授课日期 一、 短语翻译1.踢足球_ _ 2.看电视_ _3.放风筝_ _ 4.听音乐_ _5.骑自行车_ _ 6.做家庭作业_ _7.过马路_ _ 8.玩电脑游戏_ _9. look at the blackboard _ _10. park the car in front of the supermarket_ _11. put the picture on

3、 the wall_ _12. look for the right place _ _ _13. wait for the bus _ _ _14. I see._ _二、根据句意,用适当的介词填空15. Look _the sign,please.16. Dad likes listening _light music.17. I like looking _things _the Internet.18. The woman is waiting _the bus _the bus stop.19. We cant bring our bags _the supermarket.20.

4、There are many trees _front _our classroom.21. Who has a pet _your class?三、同义句转换(每空一词)22. This is his yellow cap._ _ _ is _.23. Are these your apples? Are these _ _?24. Those are their desks.Those _ are _.25. Those are our booksThose books are _26. She is my friend.She is a friend _ _.四、根据要求改写句子五、单项

5、选择3435363738394041424334. There a desk and two chairs in the classroom.A. isB. areC. hasD. have35.There any time left(剩下).A. isB. areC. isnt D. arent36. “Whose room is this ?” “Its _ .” A. myB. yourC. hisD. her 37. “_you_ any CDs?” “Yes, I_.”A. Does; have; doesB. Does; has; does C. Do; have; doD. Do

6、; has; do38. “The light is green. I cross the road?” “Yes, you .”A. Must, mustB. Can; must C. Can; canD. Must, can39. “ I do homework first ?” “Yes ,you .”A. Must; mustB. Can; areC. Must; can D. Am; can40. ,can we play basketball here ?A. SorryB. Why notC. Im sorry D. Excuse me41. “Why not to the pa

7、rk now?” “Lets .”A. go ;goB. to go; go C. to go; to go D. go, to go 42. “Where can I put my new trousers?” “You can over there.”A. put itB. put themC. to put it D. to put them43 .“What can I do in the library ?” “ ”A. You can play basketball.B. You can shout.C. You can read books.D. You can smoke.六、

8、完成句子44.禁止在礼堂内大声喧哗。_in the hall.45.我该把我的自行车放在哪儿? 你可以把它放在屋子的后面。_ my bike? _ the house.46.你必须现在打扫教室。_ now.47.我可以吃些苹果吗? 当然可以。_? _.48.我必须在学校做家庭作业吗? 不,不必了。 你可以带回家做。_at school? _.You _.49.我们必须等绿灯,然后才能过马路。 We must _, then we can _.50.你为什么不先停车呢? 我们等会儿去超市。 Why not _? We can _ later. 51站在树下的那个妇女是谁?她是Nick and P

9、eter 的母亲。 _ under the tree ? Shes _. 根据句意及首字母、英文解释、中文完成下列句子1. Many old people dont like to live in tall b _ in the city.2. Do you think its easy to find a t _ in the busy streets?3. Li Lei often goes to Yangzhou L _ to borrow books about Chinese.4. We usually call o _ workers “white collar (白领).”5.

10、English people like to grow flowers and grass in their g .6. The shop is still _ . (not closed) You can buy things now.7. Oh, your notebook looks very . (nice)8. We shouldnt park the car at the (door) of the supermarket. 9. Our school (a place for students to do sports) isnt big. We cant play footba

11、ll on it.10. You mustnt_(带) your comic books here.11. Its not easy to (摘) apples on those high trees.12. Its dangerous for little Jim to (爬) the ladder.13. He often helps the old man to (过) across the road.14. Teachers dont let us (给喂食) the monkeys in the zoo.15. His twin brother (使用) pencils to wri

12、te Chinese.二、改错(下列各句均有一错,请划出并横线上改正)16.Are there a pair of glasses on the teachers desk? 17.Are there some birds in the tree? No, there arent. 18.His cousin, Nick is between the tree. 19.We school is big and beautiful. 20.There is a toilet at the right of the playground. 21.How many birds in the tree

13、? There is only one. _22.There isnt a office on the ground floor. 23.There are lot of students in the library. 三、单项选择 26272829303132333435363738394026. -Is there art room in your school? - No, there .A. a, isntB. an, isntC. an, arent27. Thank you. _.A. Thats rightB. Thats all rightC. Thats good28.Th

14、ere an office and some classrooms the first floor.A. is, atB. is, onC. are, on29. Let_ go into the room.A. Jim and IB. I and Jim C. Jim and me30. Wheres Linda? Shes the poster.A. looking out B. looking afterC. looking at31. floors are there in that teaching building?A. How oftenB. How manyC. How muc

15、h32.A is for people to play tennis.A. basketball courtB. tennis courtC. football field33.-Must we clean the classroom now? -No, you _. A. mustnt B. cant C. neednt34. - . -Theres a ball under it.A. Whats it?B. Whats under the tree? C. Whatre those under the tree?35. The bookshop is the left of the st

16、ationery shop.A. onB. fromC. at36. Are these _ skirts?A. Lily and LucysB. Lilys and LucyC. Lilys and Lucys37. In England, people usually drive their cars of the street.A. on the leftB. on the right C. in the middle38. What does “first floor” mean in American English?A. 第一层B. 第二层C. 地下室39. - Are there

17、 any pandas in the zoo? - .A. ThanksB. Yes, pleaseC. Yes, of course40. Here for you, Mary.A. are some teddy bear B. is a teddy bearC. the teddy is四、用所给词的适当形式填空41.How many (family) does this building have?42.We want to have a (swim) pool in our house.43.Many people think (boy) are cleverer than girls

18、? 44.They look the same. They must be the (twin) brothers.45.That little girl keep (饲养) lots of (goldfish).46. “ No _ (park) “ means you cant _ (park) here. 47. There _ (be) many _ (sign) in the park.48. He must _ ( look ) left and right first . 五、句型转换49. Beijing Zoo has a lot of big animals. (用There be 改写)_50. Im a student in No. 1 Middle School. (用study改写) _5


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