七年级英语上册 Unit 1 Getting to Know You Section B教案 (新版)仁爱版_第1页
七年级英语上册 Unit 1 Getting to Know You Section B教案 (新版)仁爱版_第2页
七年级英语上册 Unit 1 Getting to Know You Section B教案 (新版)仁爱版_第3页




1、Unit 1 Getting to Know You教学目标知识与技能目标1. (1) Learn the letters Hh-Nn. (2) Learn some useful words and expressions: this, is, Mr.=mister, see, my, mom, teacher, how, do 2. Talk about greetings and introductions: Miss Wang, this is Michael. Micheal, this is Miss Wang. Nice to see you. Nice to see you,

2、too. How do you do? How do you do?过程与方法Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方法情感态度与价值观激发学生学习英语的兴趣,学会日常问候语教学重点1、 (1) Learn the letters Hh-Nn. (2) Learn some useful words and expressions: this, is, Mr.=mister, see, my, mom, teacher, how, do 2. Talk about greetings and introductions: Miss Wang, this is Michae

3、l. Micheal, this is Miss Wang. Nice to see you. Nice to see you, too. How do you do? How do you do?教学难点 Talk about greetings and introductions: Miss Wang, this is Michael. Micheal, this is Miss Wang. Nice to see you. Nice to see you, too. How do you do? How do you do?教学方法发现式教学过程设计 Step 3 Consolidati

4、on 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟) 1. (学生用自己的姓名操练1a的内容,完成1b。) T: Now use your own names to practice 1a. Finish 1b. 2. (教师用课件展示3a的内容,并板书3a新句型,让学生观察并体会,教读新句型。) T: Look at the screen and learn the conversation. Nice to see you. Nice to see you, too. Mr. Lee, this is my mom. Mom, this is my teacher. How do you do? How

5、do you do? 3. (听录音3a,学生跟读,然后三人一组进行角色表演,操练3a。) T: Listen to the tape and repeat. Then Ill ask the students to role-play the dialog. 4. (指导学生根据3a对话,完成3b中的对话,巩固练习重点句式This is 和How do you do?的用法。找几组同学表演所填的对话。) T: Please complete the conversation in 3b. Then act it out. 5. (学生独立完成4。核对答案。) T: Read the sent

6、ences in 4 and match them.6. (学生两两对话,复习重点句型。) T: Practice some dialogs according to 1a and 3a in pairs. Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟) 1. (做“Which one is missing?”游戏,复习字母Aa-Gg。) 游戏规则:以小组为单位,人人参与。打乱字母卡片Aa-Gg,并把它们贴在黑板上。每一次故意拿掉一张字母卡片,让学生以最快的速度找出来。给最快的小组加分,直到巩固完Aa-Gg卡片,评出优胜组。 T: Now, lets play a game t

7、ogether. “Which one is missing?” 2. (教学字母Hh-Nn,完成2a。) (1)(播放录音,让学生看2a并逐个跟读字母,学习Hh-Nn的发音。停止播放录音,学生齐读字母Hh-Nn,直到学生非常熟悉为止。) T: Please look at 2a, listen to the tape and repeat, then read together. Later Ill ask some of you to read these letters by yourselves. (2)(板书字母Hh-Nn, 教学字母的写法。可参见Section A中教学Aa-Gg的

8、方法。) T: Please look at the blackboard, lets learn how to write these letters. (3)(利用英文字母卡片,做字母抢答游戏,使学生们对学习字母更加感兴趣。) 如:老师举起一张字母卡片Kk; 学生迅速说出Kk前面和后面的字母; 最先答对的获胜。 T: Lets play a game. Ill show you some letter cards. Then you must say the neighbours of the letters as quickly as you can. The one who says

9、the letters first is the winner. 2、 (写出大写字母的小写形式和小写字母的大写形式,让学生完成2c。) T: Please rewrite the words using small or big letters in 2c. 4. (做字母找朋友游戏。) (1)教师拿出英语字母卡片,每张卡片上有一个大写字母或小写字母,大小写字母每套十四张。将十四张大写字母的卡片贴在黑板的左边,十四张小写字母的卡片贴在黑板的右边。但把大写字母和小写字母的顺序打乱。 (2)将学生分成两组,每组选派一个代表到黑板上,把打乱了的英文字母按正确的顺序排列起来,最先正确完成的一组为获胜

10、者。要求学生通过游戏提高辨认字母,熟悉字母顺序的能力。 T: Lets play another game. Please put the letters in the right order.5. (听录音,完成2b。) T: Listen and circle the letters you hear in 2b. 6. (听录音,学生跟读,鼓励学生说出其中文含义,教师再用英语解释完成5。) T: Listen to the tape and repeat. Then tell me their meanings in Chinese, please. After that, Ill te

11、ll you in English. OK? Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5分钟) 1. (老师来到一个学生面前,让他(她)介绍他(她)在班上最好的朋友。要求使用以下句型: This is Nice to see you./Nice to see you, too. Nice to meet you./Nice to meet you, too. How do you do?/How do you do? : Please introduce your best friend to us group by group with the sentences belo

12、w. Example: T: S1, S2, S3, your group please. Suppose S2 and S3 are S1s friends. But they dont know each other. So S1 introduces S2 to S3, OK? S1: Hi, S3, this is my friend S2. S2, this is my friend, S3. S3: Nice to meet you./ How do you do? S2: Nice to meet you, too./ How do you do? 2. (鼓励学生在各学科教材上

13、找出著名人物,如历史人物、天文学家、地理学家、化学家 等,用This is 句型把他们介绍给班里的同学。) T: Please find out the famous people and introduce them to us. 3. (象形字母游戏:让学生出示一些与字母相像的图案或实物,鼓励其他同学运用想象力去辨认它们是什么字母。) T: Please find out some objects which are like letters. Then tell them. 4. Homework: (1)让学生利用一切资源收集缩写字母的含义,并与其他同学一起在课后分享。 (2)把字母Hh到N


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