七年级英语上册 Unit 1 My name’s Gina Section A教案 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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1、Unit 1 My names Gina问候语学习热身学习内容:激活所学的相互问候。例如:goodmorning . goodafternoon . goodeveningHello .Hi .How are you?Im fine,thanks .教育活动设计意图:引出本单元的问候语,准备学习本单元的目标语。教育阶段教师行动学生行为步骤1激活学过的相互问候。ask students to list ways of greeting they know .List ways of greeting they know .列举所学的相互问候。Step2同学们和录音机一起唱hello牙齿的歌。as

2、k students to sing the songhellotogether。Sing the songHellotogether。一起唱hello牙齿的歌吧。Step3同学说我们徐璐打招呼的时候可以用什么样的句子。ask students to list more ways of greeting。For example:Saying Hello1-hi,matthew.how are you?-绿色!How about you,Lisa?2-good morning/afternoon/evening .-hello,ms chen.how are you?-Im ok,thank y

3、ou .3.-你好,亚历克斯。how are you?-great.hows everything with you?4.hi . long time no see . how are you doing?5.How is it going?Saying Goodbye1-see you later,Matthew .-bye-bye,Lisa .2-goodbye.have a nice day .-see you tomorrow .3-bye.have a good evening .-thanks,kim.you,too.4-good night,Mrs mor gan .-道德拜,M

4、SChen .5-well.goodbye,alex.see you later .-yeah,see you.takecare .List more ways of greeting。列举其他问候语。Saying Hello1-hi,matthew.how are you?-绿色!How about you,Lisa?2-good morning/afternoon/evening .-hello,ms chen.how are you?-Im ok,thank you .3.-你好,亚历克斯。how are you?-great.hows everything with you?4.hi

5、. long time no see . how are you doing?5.How is it going?Saying Goodbye1-see you later,Matthew .-bye-bye,Lisa .2-goodbye.have a nice day .-see you tomorrow .3-bye.have a good evening .-thanks,kim.you,too .4.-道晚安,Mrs mor gan .-道德拜,MSChen .5-well.goodbye,alex.see you later .-yeah,see you.takecare .步骤4

6、动画广播,请同学们用学过的问候语问好。首先徐璐打招呼,然后站起来,问候老师及其他同学。play the flash and ask students to greet other students。watch the flash and greet the teacher and other students .用看动画学的问候语问候。初中活动1教育阶段教师行动学生行为步骤5动画广播,根据教科书布置学习任务。通过学生分类,可以使用在动画、房间里的东西、人物等方面看到的颜色、房间里的东西、人物等词语。play the flash and ask students to do the exerci

7、se in1a。For example:Color:Things around the house:People:.密钥:Color : blue、black、white、red、yellow.Things around the house : key,ball,bag,cap,fish,basketball,book.People : man、woman、boy、girl、student、teacher.watch the flash . write English words for the things in the picture。动画看着,写相应的英语单词。按照教师的要求独立完成。S

8、tep6学生完成后,要求与同事核对答案,并与全班一起核对答案。利用学生资源核对答案,注意照片的拼写是否正确。ask students to check the answers in pairs first and then check in class。学生必须集中精力拼写单词。Check the answers with the partners。和同伴讨论确认答案。try to correct the mistakes if there are any。纠正存在的错误。步骤7拿1a中的单词读。ask students to read the new words after the teac

9、her。Read the new words after the teacher。跟着单词读。初中活动2重点词汇教学:My、name、is、I、am、nice、to、meet、you、what、whats=what is、your、hello、hi学习目标语言:Whats your name?我叫 s jenny.im jenny.nice to meet you .学习内容:教材a部分的1b和1c活动设计意图:帮助学生问徐璐的名字,为对话交流准备句型。教育阶段教师行动学生行为Step8请学生观看打徐璐招呼的动画。Askstudentsto watch a flash。Watch a flas

10、h。观看动画。Step9在播放听力材料之前,要求学生多看1a照片,以便学生预测和理解听到的内容。然后布置听力任务。ask students to look at the picture in 1a first and think about what they will hear .Look and think。看图片预测。Step10播放听力材料,进行听力训练。听第一次把答案写在书上。After listening,ask students to number the conversations。第二,老师帮助核对答案。ask students to listen again and che

11、ck the answers。listen and number the conversations。听并表示答案。Listen again,and check the answers .听着,确认一下答案。步骤111b第三次广播让学生根据对话内容写文章。play the tape and ask students to fill in the blanks。listen to 1bt he third time and fill in the blanks .听着,填补不足的单词。Conversation 1A:海洛!_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mary。b : _ _ _ _ _ _ _

12、_,玛丽!Im Jim .Conversation 2A: _ your name?B: Alan。Conversation 3A: _ _ _ _ _ _ name s jenny。B:im gina。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you!Step12确认答案,要求学生相互调查。ask students to check the answers in pairs。Check in pairs。互相调查答案。Step131b第四次广播。同学们读和对话吧。ask students to listen to the tape and read after t

13、he tape。Listen and read after the tape。听着,和读书对话。Step141b朗读后,对以下知识点进行说明。explain the following language points。1.我的pron。我的梅是I(我)的所有格。类似的是his(他的)、(她的)、(你的)、(他的)他们的),its(它的)。例如:My name is Jane。我叫简。Her telephone number is .她的电话号码。2.is (am,are) v .是She is my classmate。她是我的同学。I am in Class 1,Grade 2。我在二年级一

14、班。Are you a new student?你是新来的学生吗?3.缩写格式:she is=she sHe is=he sI am=I mYou are=youre4.nice adj .太棒了。愉快How nice to see you!很高兴见到你!Today is a nice day。今天天气很好。5.meetv。相遇相逢Lets meet for dinner .我们聚在一起吃晚饭吧。Listen and make notes。听说明,做笔记。1.我的pron。我的梅是I(我)的所有格。还有类似的东西。其他(他的)、呵呵(她的)、雅(你的)、钱德(他们的)、艾兹(它的)。例如:My

15、 name is Jane。我叫简。Her telephone number is .她的电话号码。2.is (am,are) v .是She is my classmate。她是我的同学。I am in Class 1,Grade 2。我在二年级一班。Are you a new student?你是新来的学生吗?3.缩写格式:she is=she sHe is=he sI am=I mYou are=youre4.nice adj .太棒了。愉快How nice to see you!很高兴见到你!Today is a nice day。今天天气很好。5.meetv。相遇相逢Lets mee

16、t for dinner .我们聚在一起吃晚饭吧。Step15完成1c。练习1b中的对话,向班上其他同学问好。ask students to practice the conversations above and greet other students in the class .练习对话,向班上其他同学问好。practice the conversations . then greet other students in the class。初中活动3学习目标语言:-whats his name?-his name is Tony .-whats her name?-her name is Jenny .-excuse me,are you mark?-是的,上午.学习内容:教材a部分的2a和2b活动设计意图:介绍自己,询问别人的名字,在练习对话的过程中学会巩固目标语。教育阶段教师行动学生行为Step16在播放听力材料之前,要求学生多看1a照片,以便学生预测和理解听到的内容。然后布置听力任务。ask students to look at the picture first and think about what the


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