七年级英语上册 Module 7 Unit 2 When do you use a computer导学案(新版)外研版_第1页
七年级英语上册 Module 7 Unit 2 When do you use a computer导学案(新版)外研版_第2页
七年级英语上册 Module 7 Unit 2 When do you use a computer导学案(新版)外研版_第3页
七年级英语上册 Module 7 Unit 2 When do you use a computer导学案(新版)外研版_第4页
七年级英语上册 Module 7 Unit 2 When do you use a computer导学案(新版)外研版_第5页




1、Unit 2 When do you use a computer?第三课时学习目标 1、熟悉本课所学新词汇;2、学会一般现在时的特殊疑问句;3、了解不同国家和地区的人们使用电脑的情况学习重点 一般现在时的特殊疑问句。学习难点 一般现在时的特殊疑问句。课前预习1、课前朗读下列单词。travel 旅行 Internet 网络 sometimes 有时 check 检查 train 火车 information 信息 share 分享 send 发送2、从课本中找出以下短语。 使用电脑 发送邮件 检查火车时刻表 买票 制作旅行计划 玩电子游戏 使用说明与学法指导1.根据自己所掌握的语音知识,认读第

2、94至95页上本单元的新单词;2.听录音并划出自己读错的单词;3.与同伴讨论,解决自己的问题。预习自测题 A用英语写出下列单词1. _ v.分享 2. _ n.游戏 3. _ n.顾客4. _ n. 因特网 5. _ v.检查;查看 6. _ n.火车7. _ n.旅行 8. _ n./v.计划;打算 9. _ n.票10. _ n.音乐 11. _ n.电影 12. _ n.夜晚13. _ v.搜寻 14. _ n.信息 15. _ n.邮件16. _ v.发送 17. _ adv.有时 18. _ adv.经常B 用英语写出下列短语1. _ 在我家 2. _ 与客户交谈3. _ 上网 4.

3、 _ 查看列车时刻表5. _ 制定旅行计划 6. _ 买票7. _ 听音乐 8. _ 看电影9. _ 搜索信息 10. _ 查看电子邮件11._在星期天 12._给发电子邮件13. _ 玩电脑游戏 我的疑问_ 课内探究一、通过师生互问检查学生预习情况问题,并探讨解决疑问二、结合课文内容回答下面的问题1. Who doesnt have a computer at home?2. Who plays computer games? Does he or she play computer games every day?3. What does Jack do on the computer?

4、三、快速完成活动三,然后核对答案,大声朗读这些动词短语四、完成活动四,注意采用所选择单词的正确形式当堂检测A、请根据首字母或汉语提示写单词,注意采用正确形式1. Computer g_ are interesting, but we cant play too often.2. I really want to watch movies. Lets go to buy t_.3. Ms. Lin t_ to the students in English in class.4. Alice _ (搜寻) for information on the Internet.5. Do you hav

5、e any _(计划) for your travel to Australia?B、根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。1. Sam有时在电脑上给他的朋友们发电子邮件。Sam emails to his friends _ _ _.2. 你通常在学校使用电脑吗? _ you _ a at school ?3. 我们不经常见面,所以我们发照片。We dont _ see each other, so we .4. 你能帮我查一下火车时刻表吗?_ you help me the times?5. 不要天天玩电脑游戏。_ computer every day.C、请根据实际情况回答下面的问题,注意采用完整

6、的句子回答1. Does your father/ mother use a computer? _2. What do you do on a computer? _3. When do you use a computer? _4. Do you play computer games? What games do you play? _课后反思 _课后训练1. 听录音模仿朗读Act 3对话, 注意语音语调,有条件的同学可以进行分角色表演。2. 根据拼读规则,拼读并记忆本单元的十四单词。Unit 2 When do you use a computer?第四课时学习目标 1、熟练掌握本单元

7、重点词汇、表达,理解其它词汇和表达:2、能够读懂介绍电脑的短文的大意;3、能够根据问题用句子形式写出回答。学习重点 一般现在时的特殊疑问句。学习难点 一般现在时的特殊疑问句。课前预习识记下列单词和词组1. 经常 2. 因特网 3. 检查;查看 4. 计划;打算 5. 音乐 6. 电影 7. 信息 8. 澳大利亚 9. 火车 10. 游戏 11听音乐 12.看电影 13搜查信息 14 上网 使用说明与学法指导1. 巩固掌握本单元重点单词、短语及句型。2. 将预习中不能解决的问题标出来,并写在我的疑问处,预习自测题 A. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. When_ he _( use ) a com

8、puter ? 2. Daming always _( do ) his homework carefully3. He often _ (talk) to his customers on the internet.B. 选词填空。 search send share 1. Teachers always _ for information on the internet. 2. On Christmas Day, my father usually _ a card to me. 3. I often _ a movie with my parents.我的疑问 课内探究1. My fat

9、her is a manager of a company, so he often talks to his customers on the computer.Li Ming is often late for school.We usually send emails to our teachers.He sometimes sees his grandpa at the weekend._ 通常 _ 经常 _有时频度副词usually/ often/ sometimes用法小结:1) 位置:在be 动词之_,行为动词之_。2) usually/ often/ sometimes在频度上

10、的区别:usually often sometimes学以致用他经常在星期天游泳。 He _ _ on Sundays.有时候我们出去看电影。 We _ _out to watch movies.2. share v. “共用,分享”。其后可直接跟表示事物的名词作宾语:share sth. “分享/共用某物”;也可与介词with构成share sth. with sb.“与某人分享/共用某物”学以致用_ 我爸爸和我共用这台电脑。 May I _ the desk _ you? 我可以跟你共用这张桌子吗?3. search v.搜寻,搜查。后面跟人作宾语,表示“搜身”;后接地点作宾语,表示“ 搜

11、查某地”。search后直接跟的宾语是指搜的对象或地方。 search for “为而搜;搜索” 在这个短语中,for后接的宾语必须是想要找到的人或物。The policeman searches him at the gate.I search my room for my shoes.学以致用He_the classroom _his homework.A, search, for B. searches, for C, search, with D. searches, with we can go on the Internet and _ information.我们可以上网搜索信息

12、。当堂检测A. 请用所给单词的正确形式填空1. On the Internet, I listen to music and _ (check) my emails, but I _ ( not play) computer games.2. Linda _ (like) swimming. She _(not like) playing football.3. What _ you usually _ (do) on Sundays?4. How many emails _ your brother _ (send) every week?5. Do you _ (have) any friends in Australia?6. Does tiger _ (eat) bamboo?B、句型转换1. I usually visit my grandma on Saturdays. (对画线部分提问) _ _ you usually _ on Saturdays?2. Peter checks emails every Friday night. (对画线部分提问) _ _ emails every Friday night?3. My parents make travel plans on the Internet. (改为否定句) My parents _ _ trave


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