七年级英语上册 lesson61~62 学案 人教新目标版_第1页
七年级英语上册 lesson61~62 学案 人教新目标版_第2页
七年级英语上册 lesson61~62 学案 人教新目标版_第3页




1、广西桂林市宝贤中学七年级英语上册 lesson6162 学案(无答案) 人教新目标版学法指导1.充分利用好自己手头的资源:听录磁带、英语字典和相关参考书,它们是你最安静最有求必应的老师。 2.仔细观察课文中的对话和图片,体会这些句型和客套话的相应运用情景。3.记忆单词的方式:把难记忆的单词写在小卡片上,甚至坐在公车上都可以拿出来瞅一眼。课题内容新概念第一册 Lesson61&62及时质疑Learning Aims Key pointsDifficult points1、1知识目标:学习并掌握这两课的生词、句型、语法。 重点词汇:feel/look ill,must,call, remember

2、, cold, flu,measles,mumps Headache,aspirin,earache,toothache,dentist,stomach,medicine 句型:whats the matter with .? She has a +疼痛/疾病;take/have medicine 语法:have(和 have got)+表示疼痛和疾病的名词,注意定冠词的使用,系动词+adj2、能力目标:正确运用所学词汇和句子进行交际;运用所学语法知识正确完成相应练习3Key points :知识目标。 4Difficult points :语法、能力目标Get Ready 1.你知道哪些有关

3、疾病和疼痛的词?_2.如果有同学生病了,你应该怎么做?_3.拼读Lesson61&62的生词并朗读。Page 122,P124Listen In (Read On)1. 听Lesson59录音,回答问题: What is good news for Jimmy ?2. 再听录音并跟读。哪一句最难读?_Say It Right在课本上找出下列词组和句子并划线,然后把中文意思写在课本上Phrases:1. be in bed 2.feel ill, look ill 3.call the doctor 4.the doctors telephone number 5.show me your to

4、ngue 6.have a bad cold/headache 7.stay in bed for two weeks8.good news 9.have an earache/stomach 10.have flu/measles/mumps 11.have a temperature 12.take an aspirin, take some medicine 13.see a dentist/ doctorSentences:1.Whats the matter with him? He feels/looks ill. He has a bad cold.2.Can you remem

5、ber the doctors telephone number? 3.Thats good news for Jimmy.4.What must they do? They must take some medicine.Focus On 重点词汇学习:1. 观察下列句子,总结feel有什么意思?(1) I could feel rain on my face.(2) The silk feels very smooth.(3) I feel it hard to finish it._ _ 2. whats the matter with.?你还知道哪些句子可以表达同样的意思? _ _3.

6、 还记得must的用法吗?观察下来句子,写出Must与have to的用法比较。 Must she see a doctor,or take an aspirin? You must sweep the floor. You have to work hard to make a living. I have to go to school tomorrow. _ _ 本课语法知识。1.feel ill与look ill 有什么区别? _2. 请观察Lesson 62 P123,当have(和have got)+疼痛和疾病的名词连用时,哪些词需要加不定冠词,哪些词不需要加不定冠词,请归纳。_4

7、. 用whats the matter with.?She/He has+疾病/疼痛,So she/he must.句型完成新概念Lesson62的看图说话。 _2.新概念P124模仿例句,说出相应的对话。Self-test (自我检测)Task 5:完成新概念练习册P102-103练习题。Task 6:翻译下列句子:1、他觉得不舒服,他看上去是病了。_2、你还记得医生的电话号码吗?_3、把嘴张开,让我看看你的舌头。_4、我们得去看医生。 _5、山姆发烧了,他正躺在床上。_Task 7:根据首字母或中文意思填空。1、Whats the m_ with him?2、He l_ ill. 3、He

8、 had a b_ cold, so he must s_ in bed.4、O_ your mouth and s_ me your tongue.5、Tom has a t_(牙痛)。Task 8:句型转换.1、 Helen is thirteen years old. She is in Class one.(用and 合并) _2、 He can play table tennis.(改成一般疑问句,并作否定回答) _3、I have a headache .(对画线部分提问) _4、 What happened to you?(改为同义句) _5、 Our class has 53

9、students. (改成同义句) _ _ 53 students in our class.6、 They often walk home. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) _ Task 9:选用所给连词填空: until,after, but, if, so, before, when, and, as soon as1. Ill go to the shops _ it is fine tomorrow.2. Every day he doesnt get up _ 6 oclock.3. She can sing a lot of songs ,_ she cant sing the song.4. I will let you know _ I arrive in Beijing. Dont worry.5. The fans go to the famous woman singer _ give beautiful flower to her. 6. _ she comes


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