七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Do you like bananas?Section B教案2(新版)人教新目标版_第1页
七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Do you like bananas?Section B教案2(新版)人教新目标版_第2页
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1、Unit 6 Do you like bananas?新词汇学习的热身学习内容:教材Section B的1a活动设计意图:引出新单词的学习。教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step 1播放动画,利用1a提供的图片引出新单词。Play the flash. Ask students to look at the pictures in1aand learn about some new words.Watch the flash and learn.观看动画,学单词。Step2带读新单词。Get students read the new words aloud after the teacher.Re

2、ad the new words after the teacher.跟读单词。Step3引导学生将单词分类,在1b中添加单词。Ask students to add more words to the lists in1b.Think and write.思考,填写单词。学中活动一教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step 4要求学生完成2a听力任务。听第一遍,完成2a听力任务。利用PPT演示,快速核对答案。Ask students to listen to the tape and circle the words from2athey hear.让学生听录音,并在2a的单词中圈出所听到的单词。Ch

3、eck the answers.核对答案。Listen to the tape and circle the words from2athey hear.听录音,在2a的单词中圈出所听到的单词。Check the answers.核对答案。Step5要求学生完成2b听力任务。利用PPT演示,快速核对答案。Ask students to listen to the tape again and fill in the chart.让学生再次听录音并填写表格。Check the answers.核对答案。Listen to the tape again and fill in the chart.

4、再次听录音并填写表格。Check the answers.核对答案。Step6再次播放2a录音,要求学生填词。Play the tape and askstudentsto listen again and fill in the blanks.Listen and fill in the blanks.听并填空。Sandra: Do you like carrots?Tom: _, _ _.I like all vegetables.Sandra: How about broccoli? _ you like broccoli?Tom: Yes, I do. Its great! Do yo

5、u like vegetables?Sandra: No, I _ _vegetables. Well, only salad. I likesalad. But I like fruit. I likebananas, orangesTom: _ _ apples? I dont like apples!Sandra: Yes, I like apples. And you know what I really _?Tom:What?Sandra: Ice cream!Step 7利用动画资源,核对答案。再播放一次,让学生为下一步口语表达做好准备。Play the flash, and as

6、kstudentsto check the answers and repeat after the tape.Check their answers.核对答案。Watch and repeat after the tape.看动画,跟读。Step8在完成2b的学习之后,对以下知识点进行讲解:1.How about broccoli?花椰菜怎么样?how about意为“怎么样?”用于提建议,后面接名词或是动词加-ing。如: How about this skirt?这条裙子怎么样? Its very beautiful.它很漂亮。How about playing the piano?弹钢

7、琴怎么样?2.And you know what I really like?你知道我真的喜欢什么吗?本句中what I really like作为宾语从句,其语序要用陈述句语序。Take notes while listening to the teacher.听教师讲解,作笔记。Step 9播放动画。布置2c小组活动任务,利用PPT演示,核对完成小组合作的口语表达任务。Play the flash. Ask students to do the pairwork in2c.Watch the flash. Do oral practicein pairs.观看动画,结对进行口语操练。学中活

8、动二目标语综合运用训练学习内容:教材Section B的3a、3b、3c活动设计意图:*在读写实践活动中巩固目标语、扩展单元话题。*在进行自我单元小结的过程中,巩固单元重点知识。教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step 10播放音频,布置3a阅读任务:第一遍阅读,要求学生在表示水果的词语下面画线,在表示蔬菜的词语上画圈。利用PPT演示,快速核对答案。Ask students to read and listen to the text and underline the fruits and circle the vegetables.Check the answers in class.Listen

9、 and read, underline, circle and check the answers.听,阅读,按要求完成任务,核对答案。Step 11播放动画,第二遍阅读,要求学生书面回答问题。利用PPT演示3个问题。Play the flash. Ask students to read again and answer the following questions.Answers:1.She has eggs, bananas and apples for breakfast.2.No, she doesnt.3. Yes, she does.Watch the flash.Read

10、and answer.观看动画,阅读短文,回答问题。1.What does Sandra Clark eat for breakfast?2. Does she eat hamburgers for dinner?3. Does she eat lots of healthy food?Step12布置朗读并复述短文的任务。Ask students to read aloud and retell the text.Read aloud and retell the text.朗读并复述短文。Running star Sandra Clark eats lots of healthy food

11、. For breakfast, she likes eggs, bananas and apples. For lunch, she likes hamburgers, salad and pears. And for dinner, she has chicken, tomatoes, French fries and, for dessert, ice cream.Step13讲解知识点:1.eatv.吃作及物动词用时后面可接名词做宾语,表示“吃”。如:Eat some apples, please.请吃苹果。也可作不及物动词,如:We eat three times a day.我们每

12、天吃三餐。辨析eat和have:eat常和具体的食物名词连用,也可单独使用。如:The boy likes eating strawberries.那个男孩喜欢吃草莓。Dont eat too much. Its bad for you.别吃太多。对你没好处。have表示“吃”的意思时,常和三餐名词连用,涉及到具体吃的内容时,可与eat互换。如:She has breakfast at 7:00 am, has lunch at 12:00 and has dinner at 6:00 pm.她上午七点吃早饭,十二点吃午饭,下午六点吃晚饭。Do you like eating / having

13、 chicken?你喜欢吃鸡肉吗?常用搭配:eat up吃光eat well吃得好eat out在外面吃饭eat like a bird吃得少eat like a horse吃得多eat ones words食言谚语:You are what you eat. = You are healthy if the food you eat is healthy.饮食决定你的健康。2.runnern.跑步者run为不及物动词,意为“跑步”。如:I like to run in the morning.我喜欢早上跑步。3.welladj. & adv.健康的;良好的;好;满意地在文章中的标题Runne

14、r eats well!中,well作为副词,意为“好”,修饰动词eat。well还可作为形容词,意为“健康的;良好的;适当的”。如:How is your father?He is well.比较级:better最高级:best短语:as well也;又;同样如:I went to the party as well.4.running star跑步明星动词run的现在分词作定语,修饰名词star,意为“跑步明星”。5.lotn.很多,许多短语lots of多用于肯定句中,意为“大量,许多”,也可写作a lot of。辨析lots of, many和muchlots of后面既可接可数名词,

15、又可接不可数名词;many多修饰可数名词;much修饰不可数名词。如:We need lots of books.我们需要很多书。I eat a lot of / lots of broccoli.我吃大量的花椰菜。He doesnt eat many vegetables.他没有吃很多的蔬菜。There is too much food.有大量的食物。常用搭配:a lot许多,非常。如:Thanks a lot.多谢。I like salad a lot.我很喜欢吃沙拉。6.healthyadj.健康的;健壮的;有益于健康的辨析healthy和health:healthy用作形容词,意思是“

16、身体健康的;对健康有益的”,可用来修饰名词,还可单独在句子中作表语。如:He likes healthy food.他喜欢健康食物。Many fast foods are not healthy.很多快餐是不健康的。反义词:unhealthy不健康的health用作名词,意为“健康;健康状态”。在句中可做主语或宾语。如:His health is not good.他的健康状况不佳。Vegetables are good for your health.蔬菜有益于你的健康。知识拓展:healthy是名词health与后缀-y组合而成的派生词。Health是它的词根,-y是形容词后缀。类似这种加

17、后缀-y构成形容词的词还有:cloudn.云彩 cloudyadj.多云的;windn.风windyadj.刮风的,等等。7.forprep.(表示目的)为了;因为;至于;对于;适合于for lunch至于午饭For us, English is very important.对于我们来说,英语是非常重要的。Take notes while listening to the teacher.听教师讲解,记笔记。Step14布置3b的读写任务。利用PPT演示,核对答案。Ask students to finish the task in3b.For breakfast, Tom likes eg

18、gs, oranges and bananas. For lunch, he likeshamburgers, carrots, and oranges.And for dinner, he likeschicken, broccoli and salad.Write about what Tom likes to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner.仿写练习。Step15提供3c的范文,帮助学生进行书面表达。1.Ask students to fill in the chart aboutwhat they like for the three meals

19、.让学生填表格。2.Ask students to write a short passageaccording to the chart above.让学生根据所填表格写一篇介绍关于自己三餐的文章。3.Show the sample passage. Ask studentsto compare their own work with thesample, discuss with each other and tryto point out the strengths and theweaknesses of their partners work.出示范文让学生对比范文,互相讨论,并指出

20、同伴作文的优点和不足。Sample:I want to be a running star one day, so I eat healthy food. For breakfast, I like eggs, applesand a glass of milk. For lunch, I like beef, riceand tomatoes. As for dinner, I like chicken, carrots and pears.1.Fill in the chart about what they havefor 3 meals a day.填表格。For breakfastF

21、orlunchFordinner2.Write a short passage according tothe chart above.根据所填表格写一篇介绍关于自己三餐的文章。3.Compare their own work with the sample, discuss with each other and try to point out the strengths and the weaknesses of their partners work.对比范文,互相讨论,指出同伴作文的优点和不足。Step16布置扩展任务。让学生模拟召开记者招待会,采访班中运动健将们的饮食习惯,并写出采

22、访报告。提供本单元的句型,以及报告的例文。1.Lead in the situation of a press conference.引入记者招待会。2.Show the sentences thatstudentsmay use during the interview.展示采访可能用到的句型。3.Askstudentsto interview the sports stars in the class and fill in the chart.组织学生采访并将采访结果记录在表格中。4.Askstudentsto write a short report according to the

23、chart.要求根据表格写出报告。Sample:We have sports meeting every year. There are many sports stars in our class. I am very glad to tell you the food they eat every day.Liu Ying is a running star. He runs very fast. He has milk, eggs and bread for breakfast. He eats chicken, broccoli and an apple for lunch. What

24、 does he have for dinner? He likes beef, carrots, salad and rice for dinner.Xu Dan can jump really high. She likes I think they have healthy eating habits. I will eat healthy food like them in the future because I want to be a sports star like them!Finish the task of writing a report.按要求完成任务。Step 17

25、播放动画,可以在完成Section B学习以后,利用动画导入布置以下调查活动:学生以四人或六人为一小组,为全组的同学列出一个野餐食物购买清单,在每个同学名字后面按照食物的分类写出他/她喜欢的食物。看哪个小组列出的食物既健康又好吃。完成任务时所需要的句型: Do you like oranges? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. Does Sally like apples? Yes, she does. / No, she doesnt. How about hamburgers?Watch the flash. Make a survey in groups with the target language.观看动画,按要求进行调查活动,操练目标语。学后活动学习效果评价学习内容:评价手册P47-51Test B活动设计意图:在综合训练中巩固Section B重点词汇和目标语。教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step 18播放动画,布置学生自己进行单元基础知识小结的任务。利用PPT演示核对小结情况。Play the flash. Ask students to sum up and make some notes themselves.Watch the flash. Sum up:观看动画,做基础知识小结:食物词汇:_单元重点句型:_


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