七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Food and lifestyle Task学案(新版)牛津版_第1页
七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Food and lifestyle Task学案(新版)牛津版_第2页




1、Unit 6 Food and lifestyle Task【课时导航】一翻译下列短语。1.踢球去保持健康_2.吃健康的食物_3.喝一杯牛奶_4.吃一个鸡蛋作早餐_5.给我能量_6.吃米饭或面条作午餐_7.整个下午_ 8.帮助我很好的开始一天_9.喝许多水_ 10.需要它们保持健康_ 11.讨论基蒂的生活方式_12.拥有一个健康的生活方式_二用首字母及所给汉语意思填空。1.I must c_ my lifestyle.I should do more exercise every day.2.I like this kind of cake very much.It t_ good.3.He

2、is a good football player.He is very strong and he is always full of e_.4.If you want to keep fit,you must eat h_ food.5.I often have _(汤),fish and vegetables for dinner.6.My mother doesnt like _(面条),she likes _(米饭).7.Drinking a glass of milk helps me _(开始) the day well.8.We do nothing the _(整个的) af

3、ternoon.【实战演练】一用所给词的适当形式填空。1.The food can give us energy for _(do) sports.2.He is fat now. I think he needs _(exercise) every day.3.My father plans _(do) exercise every morning.4.Millie seldom _ sweets for lunch. She likes _ rice and fish.(eat)5.Everyone needs to do some exercise _(keep) fit.6.Eatin

4、g too much meat _(be) very bad for our _(healthy).二单项选择。( )1.-_ do you swim every day? -I swim for half an hour. A.How long B.How often C.How much D.How many( )2.My father _ goes to work by car because he doesnt have a car. A.never B.often C.usually D.sometimes( )3.They _ healthy,and they _ healthy

5、food. A.all;always eat B.are all;eat always C.all are;eat always D.are all;always eat( )4.I like eating _ and _. A.lemons;beefs B.lemon;beef C.lemons;beef D.lemon;beefs( )5.For dinner,I often have _,_ and vegetables. A.soups;fishs B.soup;fishs C.soups;fish D.soup;fish【拓展延伸】一翻译。1.一周我锻炼不到三次。 I _ _ _ t

6、hree _ a week.2.我很少吃甜点,因为我知道它们对我的牙齿不好。 I _ eat sweets,_ I know they are _ _ my _.3. 水果和蔬菜对我们有益。 _ and _ _ good _ _.4.我喜欢玩电脑游戏和在网上和朋友闲聊。 I like _ _ _ and _ _ friends on the Internet.5. 我们经常锻炼来保持健康。I usually _ _ _ _.整个上午她很高兴。She is very happy _ _ _.6. 早餐帮助我很好地开始一天。Breakfast _ _ _ _ _ well.二句型转换。1.I dr

7、ink two bottles of milk every day.(对划线提问) _ _ _ _ you _ every day?2. I drink two bottles of milk every day.(对划线提问) _ _ _ _ milk _ you _ every day?3.Kittys uncle seldom visits China Space Museum. (对划线提问) _ _ _ Kittys uncle _ China Space Museum?4.I love writing because I want to learn more about the world. (对划线提问) _ _ _ love writing?5.Which fruit do you like best?(改为同义句) _ _ your _ fruit?6.We have a Chinese lesson on Monday,Wednesday,Thursday and Friday. (改为同


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