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1、Unit one,family, Teaching purpose: 1. definition and functions of a family in society Definition: A fundamental social group in society typically consisting of a man and woman and their offspring FAMILY = Father And Mother I Love You Functions: The harmoniousness of a family is the basis of the whol

2、e society. A. help to stabilize the society B. act as a productivity power C. multiply offspring for a nation,D. boost the social productivity by family consume E. intensify peoples sense of national adscription and inspire their passions to sacrifice for their country in wartime 2. rights and oblig

3、ations of an individual (family member) for his family and his country Parents should bring up their children. Children should support their parents. Respecting the old and loving the young is our Chinese traditional virtue.,3. differences between a Chinese and a west family A. family patterns at pr

4、esent single parent family joint or extendedfamily (with two or more nuclear families) mixed (parents) family nuclear family (parents with an unmarried child or children) stem family (parents with a married child or children) lineal family (共祖家庭,直系家庭),B. Family patterns in the past consanguine famil

5、y (血缘家庭, from marriage between brother and sister with a kin) group marriage family (氏族)群婚家庭, from marriage between different clans, but having several husbands or wives simultaneously punaluan family (彭那鲁亚家庭, 亚氏族群婚家庭, from marriage of brothers having one wife or sisters having one husband) syndynas

6、mian or pairing family (偶婚家庭, from marriage of one husband having one wife or vice versa),C. The most ideal family pattern in China (Four-generation-under-the-same-roof, before the May 4th Movement of 1919): There is a big, extended family. Family members stay together. The old are respected and the

7、 young are loved. Children have enough care from their parents. The old try to give children all they can and expect them to be well-educated, and become decent adults.,D. The ideal family patterns in west countries: DINK: dual income, no kids (丁克家庭) DINKY: dual income, no kids yet (丁克家庭) DENK: dual

8、 employed, no kids (丁客家庭) DEWK: dual employed, with kids (多客家庭) NILKY: no income, lots of kids (无收入多子女的家庭),Change of number of family member: From early time to the middle of 20th century: 5-6 1393: 5.68 1812: 5.33 1875: 5.5 1934-1935: 5.5 1930: 5.6 1949: 4.7 1965: 4.5 1978: 4.4 1982: 4.3 1985: 4.1,

9、the Lost Generation (“迷惘的一代”,20世纪初 ) Baby Boom Generation (“高峰儿一代”,二战后。Fear war and conscription, pioneer of sexual revolution and drug-taking ) the Silent / Silence Generation (“沉默的一代” ,50年代 ) the Beat Generation (“跨掉的一代” ,50年代 ) the Me Generation (“自我的一代”,50年代) Generation X (“无名的一代”,60年代: 1965-197

10、7. Fear unemployment, cynical, irresponsible, indifferent, materialist),Generation Y (“未知的一代”,70年代: Gen Y; Ygen,1978-1998. Worry about AIDS, extremely self-confident, cynical) internet, cell phone, DVD, satellite, short message, TiVo (数字录象设备), iPod (Inductive Potential Divider 电感性电位分压器), electronic

11、pet, tube baby, Millennials, Echo Boomers, iGeneration, D.A.R.E (Digital Art Reveals Expression), Google, MySpace, Nintendo (任天堂) 1974-1985: MTV times 1980s-1990s: Internet times 1990s-2000s: new silent times,hippies (60年代的“嬉皮士”, They deny social system, material progress, sexual standards, etc. The

12、y seek to express the interpersonal relationships of the way of the love directly. They wear the long hair, grow a beard, unusual or exotic dress, often live together, and take drug.) yippies (youth international party, 70年代的“易皮士”,一个松散的激进青年组织, They pursue money and indulge in material comfort, use v

13、arious famous brand while being loyal while being hot.) yuppies (young urban professionals, 80年代的“雅皮士”,城市少壮职业人士),bluppies (black yuppies, “黑人雅皮士”) guppies (gay urban professionals, “同性恋雅皮士”) yappies (young affluent professionals, “耶皮士”) muppies (middle-aged urban professionals, “玛皮士”,都市中年职业人士) woopi

14、es (well-off older person, “富皮士”,富有的老年人) yeepies (youthful energetic elderly people involved in everything, “逸皮士”,积极投身各种活动精力充沛的老人) sippies (senior independent pioneers, “夕皮士”,指55岁到80岁已婚、健康、有固定收入的消费者),yuffies (young urban failure,“雅废士”,失败的城市青年) zippies (zen-inspired propoia pagans,“兹皮士、滋皮士”) Zippies

15、are those who are pursuing higher living standard and will try every way they can to grasp every possible opportunity to gain success. zuppies (zestful upscale people in their prime,“祖皮士”,指正当年壮、事业处于上升阶段的人士),Discussion What kind of family is a happy family? What is an unhappy one? All happy families

16、resemble one another; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own fashion. (Leo Tolstoy) 幸福的家庭彼此相似,不幸的家庭各有不幸。(列夫托尔斯泰),Passage A A Thankful Woman and Mother A Cornucopia of Thanks I. About the author Debbie Farmer (黛比) Debbie Farmer is a syndicated humorist and a mother holding down the fort in Antioc

17、h (安提俄克,古叙利亚首都,现土尔其南部城市) and her column Family Daze appears in newspapers across the United States. Debbie Farmers unique style of writing connects with parents across the country.,Contact information: She can be reached at , or by writing .,II. Analysis of the text Cornucopia: (Greek Mythology) The

18、 horn of the goat that suckled Zeus, which broke off and became filled with fruit. In folklore, it became full of whatever its owner desired. 【希腊神话】丰饶之角:哺乳了宙斯的山羊的角,后来脱落并装满了水果。在神话中,它装满其主人希望得到的任何东西。,cornucopia ,k:njukupj 1. a goats horn filled with grain and flowers and fruit symbolizing prosperity 2.

19、 the property of being extremely abundant Our cornucopia is the human mind and heart. 我们富足是由于人类的智慧和热情。 WALK into almost any big supermarket in America and you will find a cornucopia of food. 随便走进一家美国的大型超市,你几乎都会看到极度丰盛的食品。 The symbols of Helios were horses heads, a crown of seven rays, a cornucopia ,

20、and a ripened fruit. 赫利奥斯的象征物是马头、七彩王冠、羊角盛器和成熟的水果。,horn of plenty丰饶之角,在希腊神话里,主神宙斯(Zeus)的父亲是克洛诺斯(Cronos),母亲是瑞亚(Rhea)。预言说:克洛诺斯的统治将被一子推翻。克洛诺斯非常害怕,就把自己的子女都吞进肚里。宙斯生下来后,他的母亲瑞亚用一块石头代替宙斯裹在襁褓中,以假乱真,被克洛诺斯一口吞下去。瑞亚把宙斯托付给仙女阿玛尔忒亚(Amalthea)扶养,阿玛尔忒亚是一只母山羊,她用自己的乳汁喂养宙斯。 有一次,阿玛尔忒亚与小宙斯玩耍时,宙斯不小心弄断了她的一只羊角,仙女梅丽莎(Melissa)赶紧

21、为阿玛尔忒亚医治伤痛。宙斯捡回那只羊角,为了表示补偿和感激之意,宙斯赋予它神奇的功能,羊角能源源不断地 供给主人所要求的任何东西。 从那时起,那只羊角就被叫做 “Horn of Amalthea”或者“Cornucopia”, 象征着永久的富饶。所以在英语中, horn of plenty也就成了“富裕丰饶的象征”。,Structure:,Part I : Para 1-3 She found new meanings of ThanksgivingPart II : Detailed differencesPart III :(the last two ps) The only thing

22、that remains unchanged.,She found new meanings of ThanksgivingYounger: a ton of time, everything Mother: priorities clearly changed cornucopia: abundance a of +CN, UN sure (American oral) adv =sure enough surely,priority,-sth deserving prior attention In that respect, it has a kind of priority over

23、the hells or the underworlds of Homer and Virgil. 在这一点上,它优胜于荷马与维吉尔笔下描绘的,那些地狱或阴间。,A ton of gold黄金万两 a ton of stuff许许多多的东西 A ton of coal一顿煤 A ton of choices Me, too, Ive got a ton of homework. 我也是,我有一堆作业没做完呢。 More than a ton of confetti, little pieces of paper, rains down on the crowd. 一吨多小纸片大小的五彩纸屑雨点

24、般洒落在人群之中。 If captain and crew had had a ton of food with milk, they could have held out indefinitely. 如果船长和船组人员有一吨食物加上牛奶,他们就可以无限期地坚持下去了。,end up:,+ prep p: Wasteful people usually end up in debt.If you continue to steal youll end up in prison.+adj If he carries on driving like that, hell end up dead.

25、+doing Well end up paying much more.,Velcro: “维可牢牌”尼龙搭扣 A trademark used for a fastening tape consisting of a strip of nylon with a surface of minute hooks that fasten to a corresponding strip with a surface of uncut pile, used especially on cloth products, such as outerwear, luggage, and athletic s

26、hoes. 维可牢:一种尼龙刺粘搭链的商标,该搭链由一条表面有细小钩子的尼龙条与表面有毛圈的对应的尼龙条粘合面构成,尤指用于布制品上,如外套、箱包以及田径鞋等。,activate,V.1. put in motion or move to act 2. make active or more active activate an old file 3. make more adsorptive activate a metal 4. aerate (sewage) so as to favor the growth of organisms that decompose organic mat

27、ter 5. make (substances) radioactivecf stimulate, fan, motivate, needle,So our group set out to find the signals that activate those genes. 因此,我们的团队决定要找出哪些讯息可以活化这些基因。 Learning proper technique and how to activate more muscle fibers at once increases strength. 学习适当的技巧,和如何去活动更多的肌肉纤维然后马上增加力量。 In partic

28、ular, huntington appears to activate the on switch, or promoter, of the gene that encodes BDNF. 更特别的是,杭丁顿蛋白似乎活化了负责制造BDNF基因的开关(称为启动子)。,hurl h:l,n. a violent throw v. 1. throw forcefully 2. make a thrusting forward movement 3. utter with force; utter vehemently hurl insults cf let drop hurl-curl卷曲, wh

29、irl漩涡,旋转v, n,curl k:l,n. 1. a round shape formed by a series of concentric circles (as formed by leaves or flower petals) 2. American chemist who with Richard Smalley and Harold Kroto discovered fullerenes and opened a new branch of chemistry (born in 1933) 3. a strand or cluster of hair v. 1. form

30、a curl, curve, or kink the cigar smoke curled up at the ceiling 2. shape ones body into a curl She curled farther down under the covers 3. wind around something in coils or loops 4. twist or roll into coils or ringlets curl my hair, please 5. play the Scottish game of curling,INSIDER TIP: For a rela

31、xed wave the curl should start below the ear-line. 专业建议:为了卷发看上去慵懒自然,应该从耳朵下方开始卷头发。 Do you want a big fluffy chair that swallows you up?Do you want a chair that you can curl up in sideways? 你是要一个自己能陷入其中的蓬松式椅子呢,还是一个可以让你蜷缩在旁边的椅子? The stream showed clear and smooth-looking in the glasses and, below the c

32、url of falling water, the spray from the dam was blowing in the wind. 小河在望远镜里显得清澈而平静,打着漩涡的水从拦水坝泻下来,底下的水花在风中飞溅。,Hurl them into the abyss! 把他们投到深渊里去! You therefore didnt need to hurl an expensive canister across the solar system to find out. 因此,用不着投掷一个昂贵的罐罐穿越太阳系去查明真相。 Saloon bar patriots may be happy

33、to read tabloid newspapers which take every opportunity to hurl abuse at continential neighbours . 沙龙酒吧里的那些爱国分子很喜欢阅读通俗小报,因为这些小报总是抓住一切机会去抨击邻国。,Respond to the reading (p7-8): (Para.4-5) Before she had children, her priority sounded like grand concerns: her country, democracy, freedom or power of her n

34、ation. But now her priority was her children, and the things they did, such as hearing the sound of her son taking off shoes, and hurling them out of the car windows. 1. (Para.6-7) She was concerned about environmental protection before having children. But now her priority was her children. She car

35、es more about comfort and convenience of her sons clothes.,whirl hw:l n. 1. confused movement he was caught up in a whirl of work 2. the shape of something rotating rapidly 3. a usually brief attempt I gave it a whirl 4. the act of rotating rapidly v. 1. turn in a twisting or spinning motion 2. caus

36、e to spin 3. flow in a circular current, of liquids 4. revolve quickly and repeatedly around ones own axis The dervishes whirl around and around without getting dizzy 5. fly around rising smoke whirled in the air,Cf n.旋转,回旋;昏乱;一连串的事;短暂的旅行revolution, rotation, rolling, turning vi.旋转,回旋;急走;头晕眼花wheel,

37、circle, spin vt.使旋转;卷走,飞快地带走turn, spin, swing,In a whirl of transactions, the risk of sharp practice, including insider dealing, may well grow. 在这一连串的交易中,产生更多欺诈行为(包括内幕交易)的风险会大大增加。 I ran to him, heart pounding, knowing that this time he wouldnt be able to lift me and whirl me round. 我跑向他,心怦怦地跳着。我知道这回

38、他不可能再像从前那样将我托起,原地转几个圈了。 Advertisers said they were happy to give it a whirl, especially given the cheap price tag, even if they did not see an overwhelming response. 出版商们也很乐意尝试这种做法,特别是当这项运作相当廉价的情况下,即便目前看来并没有什么很强烈的回应。,2. (Para.8-9) Before she had children, she made a point of eating healthy food, suc

39、h as fresh and organic vegetables. But now, with children, she was more concerned about convenience of cooking. She uses microwaves and precooked food more.,overflowing ,uvflui,adj. n 1. overfull with water 2. covered with water an overflowing tub n.溢流,过剩;溢出物surplus, flow-off adj.过剩的,溢出的;充满的full, su

40、rplus, redundant,His heart is overflowing with gratitude. 他的心中充满感激之情。 They allow used dishes, cups and utensils to pile up in the sink until it is overflowing. 探摸把用过的盘子,杯子和一些器皿都堆积在水剿里直到没地方放。 Mother opened the box to find a big white enamel dishpan - overflowing with crimson satin that spilled out ac

41、ross her lap. 母亲打开盒子,里面是一个大的白色搪瓷洗碟盆盆中容纳不下的深红色锻子拖坠到母亲的腿上。,landfill lndfil,n. a low area that has been filled in n.垃圾填埋地;垃圾堆cf laystall, rubbish dump,diaper daip,n. 1. garment consisting of a folded cloth drawn up between the legs and fastened at the waist; worn by infants to catch excrement 2. a fabr

42、ic (usually cotton or linen) with a distinctive woven pattern of small repeated figures Cf didy, nappy disposable diaper 一次性尿片,纸尿裤,I put baking soda in my diaper pail to help with odors. 在婴儿尿布桶里放些小苏打可以去除味道。 Cloth diaper may be folded in a triangle or a rectangle. 用布做的尿布可以叠成三角形或长方形。 For Baby: To redu

43、ce chafing and to keep skin smooth and soft, use after bath and diaper change to help absorb excess wetness. 婴儿:为了减少皮肤发炎和保持皮肤光滑,柔软,使用后浴缸和尿布的变化,以帮助吸收多余湿度。,blimp blimp n. . a small nonrigid airship used for observation or as a barrage balloon,organic :nik,organic matter 有机质;有机物;有机物质 organic synthesis

44、化有机合成 organic chemistry 有机化学 organic solvent 有机溶剂 organic pollutants 有机污染物,n. organic :nik a fertilizer that is derived from animal or vegetable matter adj. 1. relating or belonging to the class of chemical compounds having a carbon basis hydrocarbons are organic compounds 2. of or relating to or de

45、rived from living organisms organic soil 3. being or relating to or derived from or having properties characteristic of living organisms organic life organic growth organic remains found in rock 4. involving or affecting physiology or bodily organs an organic disease 5. of or relating to foodstuff g

46、rown or raised without synthetic fertilizers or pesticides or hormones organic eggs organic vegetables organic chicken 6. simple and healthful and close to nature an organic lifestyle 7. constitutional in the structure of something (especially your physical makeup),micro maikru,adj. extremely small

47、in scale or scope or capability,microfilm maikrufilm vt. 缩微拍摄 vi. 缩微拍摄 microcode maikrkud n. 计微码,survive,continue to live; endure or last 同endure,go,hold out,hold up,last,live,live on,survive continue in existence after (an adversity, etc.) He survived the cancer against all odds 同come through,make

48、it,pull round,pull through,survive 反succumb,yield,The speaker claims that competition teaches inferior enterprises how to survive and develop. 发言人称竞争教会了较差的企业如何去生存与发展。 In reality the question we are asking is, How many links can we break and still have a species survive? 事实上,我们要问的问题是,我们究竟可以切断多少联系,还能保

49、证一个物种的生存? One study found that conifers with the fungus are twice as likely to survive a drought as those without. 一个研究发现有有真菌的针叶树比没有真菌的针叶树有两倍可能在干旱中幸存。,endure: put up with something or somebody unpleasant outlast: live longer than pull round continue in existence after (an adversity, etc.) pull throu

50、gh v. 1. continue in existence after (an adversity, etc.) 2. bring into safety Outlive: live longer than She outlived her husband by many years Succumb: be fatally overwhelmed同yield,bite bait, 过去式bit 过去分词bitten或bit 现在分词biting vi. 咬;刺痛 vt.咬;刺痛cut, gnaw at n.咬;一口;咬伤;刺痛smart, mouthful vi.咬;刺痛smart, gna

51、w at bite and sup 饮食 bite the bullet 忍痛,咬紧牙关;咬子弹(强忍痛苦) bite on 取得,尽力想 bite off 咬掉 grab a bite 吃点东西(非正式语);随便吃几口;先吃点东西垫垫肚子,spit spit spat,n. 1. a narrow strip of land that juts out into the sea 2. a clear liquid secreted into the mouth by the salivary glands and mucous glands of the mouth; moistens th

52、e mouth and starts the digestion of starches 3. a skewer for holding meat over a fire 4. the act of spitting (forcefully expelling saliva) v. 1. expel or eject (saliva or phlegm or sputum) from the mouth 2. utter with anger or contempt 3. rain gently 4. drive a skewer through,The snakes dont really

53、spit. 蛇不会真的喷射唾液。 They baby always spit up when he is burped. 婴儿打嗝时总会吐出一点东西来。 They can spit poison a distance of three feet and they always aim for the eyes . 它们能吐出毒液三英尺的距离,而且这往往是瞄准眼睛的。,spit,spit it out vt. 痛痛快快地讲出来 spit out 吐出 spit on 向吐唾沫 spit upon 对表示侮辱;向吐唾沫 spit at 向吐唾沫;对表示藐视 spit up vt. 喷出,吐出 sp

54、it and polish n. (陆、海军等)过分注意整洁和闪亮的仪容;对服装过分的擦洗,vi.吐痰;吐口水;发出劈啪声golly vt.吐,吐出;发出;发射release, project, let go n.唾液saliva, slabber,pediatric ,pi:ditrik,adj. of or relating to the medical care of children pediatric dentist,syrup sirp, s:-,a thick sweet sticky liquid n. 糖浆,果汁;含药糖浆 cough syrup 止咳糖浆;咳嗽糖浆 mapl

55、e syrup n. 枫蜜;糖枫汁 corn syrup (美)玉米糖浆 glucose syrup 葡萄糖浆 sugar syrup 糖浆 starch syrup 淀粉糖浆 fructose syrup 果糖浆,formative,formative education 启蒙教育 formative assessment 形成性评价;形成性测试;教学评测 formative years 形成期;形成性格时期 formative evaluation n. 形成性评量(价,估) Most adults in the region spent their formative years und

56、er communism. 该地区大多数成年人的观念形成于共产主义时期。 Their formative organs themselves are perfect in structure, as far as the microscope reveals. 它们的生殖器官本身,在显微镜下看来,构造上仍然是完全的。 One of the greatest formative experiences of my life preceded Harry Potter, though it informed much of what I subsequently wrote in those bo

57、oks. 这是我在写哈利波特之前的最据重要性的经历之一,尽管它对我后来在这些书中所写的许多内容有影响。,pantyhose pntihuz ,n. a womans tights consisting of underpants and stockings You know what Ive always wondered about? Pantyhose! 你知道我一直想穿什么吗?裤袜! The shops can offer you a big choice of hosiery, stockings and pantyhose, reaching from basics to the S

58、ex And The City look.商场里能为你提供针织品、长袜、裤袜等多种选择,从基本式样到“欲望城市”式的搭配都有。,make it all the way,Who make it all the way? 谁会一路走来,坚持到底? This year our aim is to make it all the way to Madrid. 今年我们的目标是杀进马德里。 Some gravity wave generated off the coast of South America, for example, make it all the way to Antarctica.

59、比方说,某些在南美洲海岸附近形成的亚重力波可以畅行无阻的传播到南极洲。 With a head start in business, you can make it all the way to the top. 做生意时抢得先机,你才能顺利一路到达巅峰。 I wonder if the raft will make it all the way to the end of the river. 我猜测这竹筏是否能顺利的到达河的尽头。 We democrats believe that we can make it all the way with the whole family intact.,3. (Para.10-11) Before she had children, she was able to complete her education. But now she was tied up to family and children, not even having time to think for a while. 4. (Para.12-13) She paid attention to the medicine she would use, and tried to use non-chemical product.


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