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1、1.Not only my sister but also I _ a student now. A.is B.are C.am D.was 2.We plan to go to England by_plane, but none of us can speak _ English language. A.a,the B.an, an C./,an D./,the 3. The porter spoke neither _ nor _. A.slow,clear B.slowly,clear C.slow,clearly D.slowly,clearly,4. I had invited L

2、ily to my birthday party, _, she _ come. A.but,didnt B.however, did C.but,dont D.however, didnt 5. I would appreciate _ if you would help me. A.it B.that C.one D.this 6. He pretended _ ,but I knew he was awake. A. to be sleepy B.to be asleep C.sleep D.sleeping 7. I noticed a thief _ into the room wh

3、en I passed by. A.jumping B.jump C.to jump D.jumped,8. I dont know _ to deal with the problem. A.how B.what C.that D.it 9.Mr. Wang taught _ maths? A. our B. we C.us D.ourselves 10. The bottle _ Lucy put a letter was picked up by a holland girl. A.at which B.in which C.on which D.to which,用括号中的词或词组连接

4、以下各组句子,必要时可作其他改动 1. I sat down at a table. I ordered a meal. (and) 2. I phoned several times. I couldnt get an answer. (but) 3. I phoned several times. No one answered. (but),4.My mother teaches English. My father teaches English. (Both and) 5.My mother teaches English. She teaches French too. (both

5、 and) 6.You will go to the airport. I will go to the airportone of us has to go. (Eitheror) 7.My aunt doesnt speak English.My uncle doesnt speak English. (Neithernor),Lesson 26 The best art critics,WORDS,1.:t n. 艺术 1) U 艺术,美术 an art gallery lri 画廊 black art 巫术 an art lover 艺术爱好者 2) arts pl. 文科 3) 技术

6、,技巧,窍门 He is good at the art of making friends. 他擅长交朋友。 arts and crafts kr:ft 工艺 artist 艺术家,画家 artiste 艺人,2.kritik n. 评论家,批评家 a music critic 音乐评论家 a literary litrri critic 文学评论家 Im my own critic. 我是一个严于律己的人。 He is famous as an art critic. 他是位著名的艺术评论家。 critical adj. 批评的,评论的, 苛刻的,岌岌可危的,(疾病)危急的 a criti

7、cal remark 批评性的评论 You are critical. 你很挑剔。 a critical situation 危急的情况,critically adv. 苛刻地,非难地 She looked at my picture critically. 她用挑剔的目光看我的画。 criticize kritisaiz v. 批评,评论,对挑剔 Shes always criticizing her friends for being selfish. 她总是批评朋友们自私。,3. peint v.画 1) n. U 油漆 a pot of paint / a pail of paint

8、一桶油漆 Give the door two coats of paint 给那扇门刷两层油漆 Wet Paint! 油漆未干! 2) n. C 绘画颜料 oil paints 油画颜料,3) v. 刷涂,油漆,涂 把房子涂成蓝色 Paint the house blue. 4) v. 画;化妆;把(药等)涂于 paint a picture 画一幅画 paint flowers 画鲜花 She spends several hours painting her face. 她花了几个小时化妆。 5)painting 画 oil painting 油画 Chinese painting 中国国

9、画 painter n. 画家,油漆工,4.pritend v. 假装 pretend to do sth. 假装做 孩子假装睡着了。 The baby pretended to go to sleep. She pretended to know the answer. pretend to be doing 假装正在做 学生们假装正在读书 The students pretended to be reading books,pretend that +从句 假装 她假装她不在家。 she pretended that she was not at home. pretended adj.

10、虚伪的,只是表面的 装出来的病 pretended illness,5. ptn 1) n. 图案,花样, 式样 = design 多漂亮的图案啊! What a pretty pattern! 她穿了一件带有玫瑰花图案的连衣裙。 She wore a dress with a pattern of roses on it. 2)n. 模式,方式 behavior pattern 行为方式,3) n.模范,榜样; 她是行为的榜样。 She is a pattern of good behavior. 4) adj. 榜样的 a pattern wife /husband 模范太太/丈夫 She

11、 is a pattern of good behavior. 她是行为的榜样。,6. k:tn n. 窗帘,幕布 curtain material / curtain cloth 窗帘布 ring up the curtain 开幕 ring down the curtain 落幕 ring up the curtain on a new football season 新的足球赛季正式开始 behind the curtain 在幕后地,秘密地,7.mtiril 1) n. C 材料,原料 听力材料 listening material 建筑材料 building materials 他不

12、是当官的料子。 He is no officer material. 2) pl. 工具,用具 writing materials 书写工具,8.pri:ieit v. 鉴赏 = understand and enjoy I cant appreciate modern art. 我欣赏不了现代艺术。 appreciate sth. 感激 I appreciate your help. = Thank you so much for your help. 很感激你的帮助,appreciate doing sth. 喜欢做某事 She appreciates painting oil paint

13、ing. 她喜欢画油画。 appreciation ,pri:i:en n. U 欣赏,感谢 I show no appreciation of jazz.,like、love、enjoy、appreciate的区别: like love enjoy appreciate (程度一个比一个深),9. nutis 1) v. 注意到,察觉到(不用进行时) notice sb do sth 注意到某人做某事(全过程) Have you noticed her cry? 你注意到她哭了吗? notice sb doing sth 注意某人正在做某事 Did you notice him leavin

14、g? 你注意到他离开了吗? notice +从句 You never notice whats going on around you. 你从来都没有注意到你周围发生了什么?,2) n. 注意,察觉 穿红衣服的女孩引起了他的注意 The girl in red caught his notice. take notice of 注意到,留心到(通常用于否定句) They didnt take notice of notice. 3) n.(书面的)通知,布告,海报 put up a notice 张贴布告 without notice 没事先通知,擅自 He gave his secretar

15、y a months notice. 他提前一个月通知他的秘书。,notice 细节上的注意, 往往是别人没注意的东西, 强调结果 I notice the beauty spot.(美人痣) pay attention to 思想上的注意,强调过程,10.h v.悬挂,吊 1) v. 悬挂,吊 hang-hung-hung I am hanging my picture on the wall. He hung a map of the world on the wall. Hang your coat on the hook! 2) v. 绞死,吊死 hang-hanged-hanged

16、He was hanged for murder. 他因谋杀被绞死。 The thief was hanged. hang round 徘徊,闲荡,11.kritikli adv.批评地,12.we conj.是否 weather n. 天气 under the weather 心情不佳的,身体不适的 in all weathers 不论晴雨,不论幸与不幸 make heavy weather of sth 大惊小怪,小题大做 weather-beaten 饱经风霜,whether 和if的区别 1.当句末为or not时,引导词只能用whether 而不能用if. whetheror not

17、 =if 2.介词后,引导词只能用whether而不能用if. 3.与不定式连用,引导词只能用whether而不能用if. 4.从句放在句首,引导词只能用whether而不能用if. 5. if在表示“如果”的时候,不可以用whether 取代.If 在表示”是否”的时候有时可以被whether 所替代,由从属连词whether, if 引导的宾语从句,1. Will he go to the park with us? I want to know if /whether he will go to the park with us 2.Can he come? He is worried

18、about whether he can come? 3.Is it going to rain tomorrow or not? I dont know whether it is going to rain or not.,将下列每组两个句子用适当的词连接起来 1.Do you like English?Wei Fang asked me . Wei Fang asked me _ _ _ English . 2. Were you at home before nine last night ? The policeman wants to know. The policeman wan

19、ts to know _ _ _ at home before nine last night. 3. Has he come back from Guangzhou ? I asked my teacher . I asked my teacher _ he _ _ back from Guangzhou.,ifwhether I liked,ifwhether,ifwhether had,come,he was,4. Ill go to the park . It doesnt rain tomorrow. Ill go to the park _ it _ rain tomorrow.

20、5. Can Mike drive a car ? Could you tell us ? Could you tell us _ Mike _ _ a car ? 6. Did Alice work out the problem herself ? I asked the teacher . I asked the teacher _ Alice _ _ _the problem herself.,if doesnt,ifwhether can,ifwhether,drive,had worked out,13.upside down 上下颠倒 当他倒立时,一切似乎颠倒了。 When he

21、 stands on his head, everything appears upside down to him. 乱七八糟,混乱不堪 我的小儿子总是弄的房间乱七八糟。 My little boy always makes the room upside down.,用以下单词填空(如有需要可以做适当的变动):art,appreciate,critic,notice,paint,whether,pattern,pattern,material,critical 1.Jim is going to get some_ for a new book. 2.I dont care _I get

22、it or not. 3.Have you read the article written by that famous_? 4.Why are you so_? 5.We all _a holiday after a year of hard working.,materials,whether,critic,critical,appreciate,6.This cloth has a _of blue and white squares. 7.His dream of becoming an _ has come true. 8.I _a certain coolness between

23、 them. 9.I dont _to know as much as he does about it. 10.What colour did you_the door?,pattern,artist,notice,pattern,paint,TEXT,1.Many people pretend that they understand modern art. pretend,understand用一般现在时 many people pretend that宾语从句 modern mdn 现代的,时髦的 model mdl 模型,模特 medal medl 奖章,奖牌 metal metl

24、金属,2.They always tell you what a picture is about. (作者认为一些懂得艺术的人的评论根本不着边际,这里用about有讽刺意味),3.Of course, many pictures are not aboutanything. of course: in fact about用引号表反语,讽刺的口吻。,4.They are just pretty patterns. just在此处指“只是,仅仅(是)” It was just a wrong number. just另一个意思是“刚才,正好,正是” Its just six oclock. I

25、ve just heard the news.,5.We like them in the same way that we like pretty curtain material. pretty curtain material 漂亮的窗帘布 in the same way that =as 正如一样 The son walked in the same way that/as his father walked. I love you in the same way that I love my father. I love you just in the same way that I

26、 love money.,6.I think that young children often appreciate modern pictures better than anyone else. else跟在疑问代词和不定代词的后面,表示“另外/加、其它/他的、不同的”, who else,what else,anything else better than anyone else 比其他任何人(表示最高级的含义) 用比较级表示最高级: The teacher is the tallest. The teacher is taller than anyone else. (“else”

27、不能少, 把主语从“anyone”中排除) The book is more expensive than anything else.,7.My sister is only seven, but she always tells me whether my pictures are good or not. 连接词whetheror not可以表示选择: I dont know whether you are interested (in it) or not. You must help him, whether you like him or not.,whether 和if 表“是否

28、”,可引导宾语从句 whether 和if的区别 1.当句末为or not时,引导词只能用whether 而不能用if. whetheror not =if 2.介词后,引导词只能用whether而不能用if. 3.与不定式连用,引导词只能用whether而不 能用if. 4.从句放在 句首,引导词只能用whether而不 能用if. 5. if在表示“如果”的时候,不可以用whether 取代,She is only seven years old. She is a seven-year-old girl. 复合形容词: 1)只能放在名词之前,做前置定语; 2)各词之间用短横线连接; 3)

29、当中间出现名词时,要以单数形式出现。 30-metre- tall 2- foot- tall,8.Im hanging this picture on the wall, I answered. the windows in the wall the picture on the wall 注意介词的不同,9.Its all right, she said, but isnt it upside down? Isnt it upside down? Its upside down. 否定疑问句,没有否定的意思,起肯定作用,起强调作用,表达一种情绪 Arent you lucky? 你真幸运

30、Isnt it a boy?,Summary Writing,1.Does the writer study art,or does he study music?Does he paint a lot of pictures or not?(and) 2.Do many people really undetstand modern art or not? 3.Do paintings always have a meaning or not? 4.Are they sometimes pretty patterns or not?,5.Do young children appreciat

31、e modern paintings better than others or not?Do they notice more or not?(not only.but) 6.When did the writers young sister go into his room?Did she examine his new picture or not?(and) 7.Had he hung it upside down,or had he hung it the right way up?Did she notice this imdeiately or not?(and),The wri

32、ter studies art and paints a lot of pictures. Many people dont really understand modern art. Paintings dont always have a meaning. They are something pretty patterns. Young children not only appreciate modern paintings better than others,but noticed more also. The writers young sister went into his

33、room yesterday and examined his new picture. He had hung it upside down and she noticed this immediately.,Phrases,1.an art critic 艺术评论家 2.pretend to do sth 假装做某事 3.pretend to be doing sth 假装正做某事 4.pretend to have done sth 假装做完某事 5.hang sth on the wall 把某物挂在墙上 6.hang up 挂断电话 7.hang on 坚持下去,不挂断 8.hang

34、 about 闲逛 9.in the same way =as正如一样 10.again = once more 再,又 11.art gallery 艺术画廊 12.upside down 上下颠倒地 13.better than anyone else 比其他任何人都好,Look and think,1.Whose bike is it? Do you know,你能得出结论吗?,特殊疑问句作宾语从句: 1、用疑问词引导 2、从句用陈述句语序。 3、宾语从句时态受主句限制,whose bike it is?,2.How can I get to the post office? Could

35、 you tell me,how I can get to the post office?,3.Where does he live? She wants to know She asked,where he lives.,where he lived.,一般现在时 1 .表示现在发生的动作、情况、状态和特征。 I am an art student and I paint a lot of pictures.(目前状态) My mother is a doctor. 2 .习惯性 、经常性动作。 他总是帮助别人 He always helps others.,3 .客观事实和普遍真理。 T

36、he earth is smaller than the sun. Three minus one is two.三减一等于二。 He said that the sun rises in the east. 客观事实和真理无论谓语的时态是什么都用一般现在时。 4 .表示一种自然现象。(也可以叫客观真理) Days are long in summer. 在夏天,白天很长。 Winter comes after spring. 秋去,冬来。,5 .在以here,there开头的句子中,用一般现在时表示正在发生的动作。 Look! Here comes the bus. =The bus is

37、coming here. 瞧!公共汽车来了。 6 .部分动词如be, begin, leave, come, go等的一般现在时可以表示按规定、计划或安排预计将要发生的动作或 状态。 Tomorrow is Saturday. The train leaves for Beijing at seven.,7.习惯用语 Believe it or not, that is true. 口语中常说 believe it or not,”信不信由你”,“我说的是真的”。 相当一个插入语,短语中的believe没有词形变化。,有些表示状态和感觉的动词通常用一般现在时。这些动词一般不用于进行时: app

38、ear,appreciate,be, believe,notice,feel, find, forget, resemble,hear,know, like, look like, remember, see,think,understand等: Hes listening to that music! He must like it! I cant understand this picture.,频率副词是表示动作发生的频率,多与一般现在时连用。 100always “总是;一直;始终”。 He always comes late. 90usually “通常,经常”。 I usually go to bed


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