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1、2011年雅思阅读高分策略 赵曙明,雅思阅读题型简介 1. Diagram completion 2. Sentence completion 3. Summary completion 4. Short answering questions 5. Multiple choice 6. Matching 7. Heading looking 8. T/F/NG,2010年雅思阅读的特点 1。题型明显变化 (1)T/F/NG题型:有所降低。 (2)Matching 题型:比重上升(近35%),其中尤其 以段落搭配相关信息型配对题为主。 (3) Headings looking题型:逐渐上升(约

2、32%) (4)词汇考查:同义词/近义词;常用认知词汇约 4000。 (5)语言结构考查:结构/句型的转换等。 新文章逐渐增多(约23%)for example: 磁场的研究; 桥梁检测;香水和琥珀色;某种植物的研究;先天还是后天的重要;在语言习的方面儿童比成人更具优势;,题型变化解析 1.判断题考试题目数量比起往年有所减少,但不是不考所以2010年考生成绩明显比其往年有所降低。 2. 配对题暴增这种散见于剑桥真题系列5,6和7上的题目是2010年雅思舞台的主角,对于出题人来讲,这是一种容易掌控的题目,只要将文章中语句稍加转换,即可成为一道很有水平且很难引起任何争议的题目。考虑到雅思考试次数在

3、2010年的暴增,这样的出题套路也无可厚非。但是,对于单词量偏小,过度依赖技巧的中低分数段同学来讲,这种题型则成为难以逾越的鸿沟,读不懂文章,看不懂题目,更不知两词之间联系,考试自然而然无法获得理想分数。 3. 主观题增多,比如:Headings looking ; 客观题有所减少, 比如: 图标填空,句子填空,回答问题。,雅思英语考试出题的特点 1. 不但注重语言基础,更强调其理解应用 The school education standard has been improving gradually. Q: The school education standard is not unsa

4、tisfactory as it used to be.(T/F/NG) 2. 要求宏观把握篇章的同时还要注意语言表述的细节。 A few government officials even estimate that the war has created more than half a million refugees who need immediate food, clothing, and shelter. Exactly how many refugees are there? a. half a million b. over half a million c. We dont

5、 know exactly. d. Only a few government officials know the exact figure.,2010年雅思阅读高分策略 (语言基础+阅读技巧+应试技巧) 认知词汇积累 1。 基本词汇量:至少掌握3600个词汇。这样才能达到理想的听课效果。 2。建立同义/近义词词库: 定位和理解的关键 原文: The earliest recorded use of water power was a clock, constructed around 250 BC. Since then, people have used falling water to

6、 supply power for grain and saw mills, as well as a host of other uses. The earliest use of flowing water to generate electricity was a waterwheel on the Fox River in Wisconsin in 1882. Q: An early use of hydroelectric power was in the timber industry. (同义词多样性+句式结构多样性 )(T/FNG?),3. 怎样才能多增加认知词汇 _ Word

7、-building 前缀拓展法 1)a/an= no Asexual =a+sexual =无性的 Apathy=a + path +y=no+feeling+ n Asymmetry=a+symmetry=no+symmetry Atypical=a + typical 非典型的 Anarchy=an +archy=no+chief 无政府状态 Anonym= an + onym=no+name匿名 Anonymous=an+onym+ous=no+name+adj,2). Poly=many Polygamous=many+marriage+ous一夫多妻的 Polyclinic=poly

8、+clinic=many+clinic Polyclinic Hospital 综合医院 Polygen=poly+gen=many+gene Polyandry=poly+andr+y=many+man+n一妻多夫 Polytechnical =many+technical Polytechnical University 理工大学 Polydirectional=many+direction+al Polychromatic=many+chroma+tic=many+color+adj Polyarchy=poly+arch+y=many+chief+y 多党制,词根拓展法 1)aud(i

9、)=hear 表示“听”的涵义 auditor n. 旁听生,审计员, 核数师 audience n.听众, 观众, 接见, 拜见 auditorium n.听众席, 观众席, 礼堂 audio-visual 视听 audiphone n.助听器 audipollution 听觉污染 auditing n.查帐, 审计, 审核, 审计学 auditory adj.耳的, 听觉的 - system,2)volv=roll volvo Involve=in+volve=into+roll 牵涉 - in Revolve=re+volve=again/back+roll 旋转 Evolve=e+vo

10、lve=out+roll 发展,进化,演变 Intervolve=inter+volve=between+roll缠绕 Devolve=de+volve=down+roll 移交 3)cur=flow Currency=cur+rency=flow+n 流通,货币 Incur=in+cur=into+flow 招致 Occur=oc+cur=to+flow 发生,浮现,4) viv, bio=life Vivia 人名或某种保健产品 Vivid 栩栩如生的 Revive=back+life 恢复,复活 Revival n Survive=over+life 幸存下来 Survival n Su

11、rvivor n Vivisection=life+cut 活体解剖 Antivivisection=against+life+cut Antivivisectionist反对活体解剖主义者,4.掌握猜词技巧 1. 根据定语从句: The concept of public transport also includes organized car pools, in which several people share the cost of riding together in the same private automobile. 2. 根据复述猜测词义:同位语的常有or, simil

12、arly, that is to say, in other words, namely, 等副词或短语出现。 The most common procedure for doing this is negotiation, the act of communication intended to reach agreement.,paraphrase的能力 什么意思呢?就是改句子的能力,抄要有艺术,改词,所谓的语言专家只不过都是改写句子的高手,换了一句话或几句话来说,但是表达一样的意思,这就是我说的in other words,这个能力在 list of headings题型里,淋漓尽致的体

13、现了考官的此意图,比如在原文里有这样一个Topic sentence: 原文:The caring image of company has gone. (公司关怀员工的形象一去不返了) 题目:The company employers show less caring to their staffs. (老板对员工不象从前那样关心了),必要的语法知识 当你通过同义词或paraphrase的能力找到答案所在处时,你就要以基本的语言结构为基础,应用阅读技巧分析句子的主干,知道什么是要看的,什么不用看,这里面名堂就多了,名师的教学经验就充分的体现在这里。 1. 简单句 2. 并列句 3. 复合句

14、4. 非谓语动词的句子 5. 带介词短语的句子 5. 带插入语的句子 6. 常用时态 7. 强调句 8. 虚拟语气 9. 到装句,掌握主要英语句子结构 简单句 He saw her for the first time. He fell in love with her . He saw her for the first time and he fell in love with her . 复合句 As soon as he saw her for the first time , he fell in love with her . 非谓语动词 Seeing her for the fi

15、rst time , he fell in love with her. 介词短语 He fell in love with her at the first sight (of her).,掌握必要阅读技巧 众所周知,许多同学都有了一定的英语能力,就是因为缺乏做题的方法才屡考屡败。所以要想拿高分就必须要掌握必要的应试技巧。 技巧1:Try crossing out the supporting details in order to determine the main idea: 例如1: These ideas, which left the mark on the developmen

16、t of European literature, chivalry, warfare, sanitation, commerce, political institutions, medicine, and the papacy , greatly changed Western culture.,例2 However,despite the importance of the recruitment decision and the range of sophisticated and more objective selection techniques available,includ

17、ing the use of psychometric tests,assessment centres etc, many organisations are still prepared to make this decision on the basis of a single 30 to 45 minutes unstructured interview,技巧2. 如果主题句中有 show ,suggest, suppose, assume ,demonstrate, illustrate, expose, reveal, unveil 等陈述观点的词,应重点看其后的宾语从句。例如:

18、Despite the significant increase in the number of women with dependent children who are in the paid workforce,Australian research studies over the last 15 years are consistent in showing that divisions of labour for family work are very rigid indeed.,掌握必要的应试技巧 1)“关键词的重要性 所谓“关键词是指题干中的核心词或者决定答案性质或位置的词

19、。典型的关键词是: (1)题目中的地名、时间、数字和生词。 (2)题目中的人名或主语和宾语。 由于它们会在原文重现,因此产生了一种答题方法:回原文找关键词。请看下面这道判断题: 原文:While it is acknowledged for many years that an increasing number of animals are bound to become extinct,it is only recently that the problem has been addressed by politicians Q: We have known for a long time

20、 that more species of animals will disappear(判断题),2) 技巧的重要性 True 就有几种体现形式 形式1: 题目与原文含义相同,但用词,结构不同。 The traditional images of the male breadwinner and female housewife and mother may be breaking down among females but this process is occurring more slowly among males. Q:Men accept changing perception

21、s of traditional gender roles more slowly than women do. 形式2:题目是原文的归纳与总结 It has been demonstrated that rapid response leads to a greater likelihood of an arrest only if responses are in the order of 1-2 minutes after a call is received by the police. When response times increase to 3_4 minutes _ sti

22、ll quite a rapid response _the likelihood of an arrest is substantially reduced. Q: A response delay of 1-2 minutes may have substantial influence on whether or not a suspected criminal is caught.,False的体现形式 体现形式1:题干与原文意思截然相反,有明显矛盾 As domestic markets are opened up to international competition and q

23、uotas which restricted the quantity of imports from any one country are abandoned, cheap, subsidized foreign imports are threatening the livelihood of many women small producers and entrepreneurs in cottage industries. Q: The opening up of domestic markets has greatly benefited cottage industries. 体现形式2:题干与原文不明显地矛盾 Women also have less job securi


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