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1、大学英语四(六)级写作,一. 概述 二. 开头的方法 三. 结尾的方法 四. 作文中常用的一些句型和连词 五. 作文框架,一、概述,根据历年考试的情况和考试大纲及新教学大纲的规定,四级考试短文写作大抵有以下几种题型:提纲作文;提示作文;图表作文;关键词作文;写文章摘要或大意;信函;个人简历等。 (一)、提纲作文 这是一种限制性命题作文,先给出英文作文标题,然后再用英语或汉语列出提纲,要求考生根据所给出的提纲确定写作主题,构思段落模式,写出符合要求、一定字数的短文。提纲作文省却了考生立提纲的构思过程,但从另一角度给考生提出了新的要求:考生必须既紧扣标题,又严格遵守提纲,不能脱离或漏掉提纲规定的作

2、文要点。一般提纲作文给出的提纲有几点,短文就写几段,但如果提纲中仅有二点,则考生可以在构思时增加一个终结段。考生的构思过程主要可从以下几个方面进行:,根据提纲要求设计每段的主题句,注意最好不要逐字翻译提纲。 根据提纲及主题句自由搜索写作素材。 从所搜列的原始素材中为每段选取最能说明问题,也即与短文标题、提纲及主题句最为密切的23个要点,注意也要选择考生本人感到最容易下笔的内容。,(二)、提示作文 提示作文也是一种限制性命题作文,给出英文作文标题后,以中文或英文给出一段关于这篇短文写作内容的提示,要求考生按照提示范围 确定短文主题,先构思写作提纲,再构思短文及段落的展开模式,最后搜索写作素材,选

3、取写作要点。提示作文的提示方式多种多样,除了下面要分节专门讨论的图示和关键词形式外,主要还有提供几个供选择的建议或方案;提出几个提示性问题;提供短文要包含的一些要点;阐述问题或现象的小段文字。,(三)、图表作文 如前所述,图表作文是一种特殊的提示作文,即提示以图表的形式出现,提示的信息隐含在图表之中。考生必须先仔细研读图表,使图表中的数据、曲线、图形等成为与短文标题相关并能为我所用的有意义的信息。 考生读图时务必要把握表层信息和深层含义这两方面的内容,主要考的是考生对图表深层次信息(原因、根源、发展可能等)的挖掘和阐述。 这类作文都可以采用下列统一的标准提纲: 1.现状图表揭示的表面现象 2.

4、原因引起图表表面现象的深层次社会根源 3.发展趋势或启示图表所表述的现象的发展前景(或趋势)及从中我们得到的启示,(四)、写文章摘要或大意 写摘要或大意实际上是书面表达能力的一种应用,当属于应用文写作范畴。这一题型先提供给考生一篇较长的文章,然后要求他在规定的时间及字数范围内写出该文章的摘要或大意。文章摘要或大意是文章主题、主要论点、论据等要点信息的概括和总结。写摘要或大意的目的是要客观、完整、准确、扼要地把原文的主要内容和观点再现在一篇相对较短(约原文的1/4至1/5)的短文里。六级考试至今也尚未考到过该题型。写摘要或大意的方法与步骤: 1.以较快的速度阅读原文,找出主题和要点等所需信息。

5、2.根据这些主要信息,构思这些内容的重组顺序和方式。要求摘要所包含的信息尽可能浓缩、完整、准确。同时,重组一般宜遵循与原文相同的先后顺序。 3.要忠于原文,不遗漏要点,不添加原文中没有的情节或观点。注意区分原文的要点和细节,并略去细节。 4.切忌简单拼合原文的要点和主题,要用自己的语言通过浓缩重新组织。,(五)、信函 英文书信是典型的应用文写作,英文书信大抵可分为私人信函与公务信函两大类。公务信函一般为单位之间或单位与个人之间就某些非个人事务而往来的信件。私人信函则是亲朋好友之间就个人事务、情感交流而往来的信件。公务信函比较讲究格式和语体。 信函的写作主要涉及信函必须遵循的特殊格式,另外英文信

6、函还讲究个“A、B、C”。A即Accuracy-准确,B即Brevity-简洁,C即Clarity清晰。英文信函的格式。英文书信通常由七个部分组成。它们是信封、信头、信内地址、称呼、正文、结尾套语和署名。,(六)、个人简历(Resume) 个人简历是新大纲上提到的另一种应用文写作题型。简历有普通简历和标准格式简历两种,两种简历格式不同但作用完全一样,都是为了让他人了解自己的年龄、地址、家庭背景、婚姻状况、教育、专业、工作及其他经历等情况。简历要求别人看了能相信你的自我介绍,正是为了提高简历的可信度,写简历的语言要求简洁明了、朴实,忌用华丽的词藻。 普通简历与一般的自荐信正文相类似,全部个人信息

7、通过一段文字表述。,二、作文开头的方法,1、提问法 先用讨论或解答的设问, 引出自己观点, 适用于有争议性的话题. Should(What)? Attitudes towards (opinions of)vary from person to person. Some people think of (regard, view)as 2、观点法开门见山,直接了当地提出自己对要讨论的问题的看法 1) Maybe it is time for us to take a fresh look at the idea / attitude that 2) Now vast majority of p

8、eople are beginning to realize (be aware, accept) that 3)Now people are becoming increasingly aware of the need (importance ) of 4) Now there is a growing awareness/recognition of the necessity to.Now people become increasingly aware/conscious of the importance of .,3.比较法通过对过去,现在 两种不同的倾向,观点的比较 , 引出文

9、章要讨论的观点. 1)For years, has been viewed (regard) as But people are taking a fresh look at it now. 2)Until recently, was seen (viewed) as However, that is changing now. 3)People used to think thatin the past. But things are quite different now. 4. 定义法就某个概念进行解释或定义引出文章的主题 1) By , we mean 2) refers to 3)

10、what is is 4) when we talk about, most of us think thatis,5、对立法先引出其他人的不同看法,然后提出自己的看法或者偏向于某一看法,适用于有争议性的主题. 1) When asked about., the vast/overwhelming majority of people say that . But I think/view a bit differently. 2)When it comes to . , some people believe that . Others argue/claim that the opposi

11、te/reverse is true . There is probably some truth in both arguments/statements , but (I tend to the prefer/latter .) 3)Now,it is commonly/generally/widely believed/held/acknowledged that . They claim/ believe/argue that . But I wonder/doubt whether.,6 、.现象法陈述现存的事实和情况,引出要剖析的现象或者问题, 然后评论 1) With the r

12、apid growth (increase, development) of (in), is becoming more and more popular. 2) With the fantastic spur both in industry and in economy in China, is on the rise. And there have been two quite different views on this phenomenon. 4)As the socialist market economy in China is expanding, is becoming

13、more closely related to the market. 5)In the last years, has become the most popular form of.However, there are both positive and negative points associated with it. 6)In recent years, there has been a remarkable increase in It is estimated that 7)Recent years have witnessed a marked growth of 8) Re

14、cently the rise in problem of/(phenomenon of) . has cause/aroused public/popular/wide/ worldwide concern. 9) Recently the issue of the problem of/the phenomenon of .has been brought into focus. ( has been brought to public attention),7、引用法 先引出名人名言或者有代表性的看法, 来引出文章要展开论述的观点! 1)Knowledge is power. such

15、is the remark made by Bacon. This remark has been shared by more and more people . 2)Education is not complete with graduation. Such is the opinion of a great American philosopher. Now more and more people share his opinion. 8、故事法 先讲一个较短的故事来引发读者的兴趣, 引出文章的主题. 1)Once in (a newspaper) , I read of/learn

16、t . The phenemenon of . has aroused public concern. 2)I have a friend who . Should he . ? Such a dilemma we are often confront with in our daily life. 3)Once upon a time , there lived a man who . This story may be (unbelievable) , but it still has a realistic significance now.,三、作文结尾的方法,1. 联系自己的感想谈如

17、何做 1)Therefore, we should take steps ( take actions, take effective measures, take precautions采取预防措施) to, only in this way can we 2)As builders of the 21st century, we should be responsible for 3)As a youth of new China, I will Otherwise, I will not live up tos expectations. 2.预示后果 1)No doubt, if we

18、 cant improve the situation, it is very likely thatwill be put in danger. 2)Obviously, if we are blind to the problem, the chances are thatwill be put in danger. 3)Any person who ignores the warning would pay a heavy price. 4)We need to take a fresh look at the matter seriously, otherwise, we are do

19、omed to fail.,3.号召 1) It might be time to take the advice of and to put special emphasis on the improvement of 2)It is time that we put an immediate end to the unhealthy phenomenon of 3)It is essential that effective measures should be taken to prevent the tendency. 4.表明个人观点(请参考后面的议论文框架) 1) In short

20、 ( To sum up, In conclusion), I firmly support the former ( latter) view that It is because Im sure my opinion is both sound and well-grounded. 2)There is probably some truth in both statement (views, arguments). But in my view /opinion ( as far as Im concerned), I believe that.because Im sure my op

21、inion is both sound and well-grounded,四、作文中常用的一些句型和连词,1.用于比较、对照的句型 1)The advantages derived from A far outweigh the benefits we gain from B 2) Although A has a considerable advantage ofit cannot be compared with B in 3)When the advantages and disadvantages are compared, the most striking conclusion

22、is quite obvious. 4)A may be superior to B, but it has its own problem, for one thingfor another 5)There is no doubt that it has both negative effects and positive effects. 6) A and B have several thing in common. They are similar in that 7) A bears some striking resemblance(s) to B 连词:However, comp

23、ared with/ in comparison with, in comparison/ in contrast, while,2举例说明的句型 1)is frequently cited as a common example of 2)let us suppose that(imagine) that 3)just imagine what would happen if 连词:for example, for instance, takefor example, a good case in point is 3.说明重大意义的句型 1)The suggestions mentione

24、d above may not guarantee the success, but they deserve our efforts. It will help; it will benefit 2)Anyway, whether it does us good or harm, one thing is certain that it will undoubtedly 3)We are entering a new era, which requires,4.表示因果关系的连词:as a result, for, thus, because, for this reason, so, th

25、erefore, as, since, consequently, for one thing for another 5.表示递进关系的连词:and, furthermore, more than that, also, likewise, moreover, in addition, what is more, 6.表示转折关系的连词:although, however, on the contrary, but, in spite of, otherwise, despite, nevertheless, yet. 7.表示顺序关系的连词:first, second, third, an

26、d so on, then, after, before, next, last, finally. 8.表示结论关系的连词:as a result, finally, therefore, accordingly, in short, thus, consequently, in conclusion, so, in brief, in a word.,五、作文框架,1 . 关于阐述观点,Para 1: when it comes to , some people think(argue, claim, maintain, hold, believe, say, regard) that A

27、 is more important than B. It goes without saying that A plays an important part in The reasons are as follows. Firstly, (To begin with, first of all) Secondly (also, moreover, furthermore, whats more) Finally, . Para 2:On the other hand (however, on the contrary), some other people argue that we sh

28、ould attach more importance to B. According to them, we shouldinstead of Without B, A will For one thing, it helps us toFor another, it is also essential to,Para3.:There is probably some truth in both statements (views, arguments). But in my opinion/view (But as far as I an concerned), I believed th

29、at we should At the same time, we should Because either of them (Both of them are) is vital /essential/ very necessary/ indispensable in Im sure my opinion is both sound and well-grounded. Or para.3:In a word (In short, To sum up, In conclusion), I firmly support the former (latter) view that It is

30、because So my conclusion is that. Im sure that my opinion is both sound and well-grounded.,Sample : Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary?,When it comes to a test of spoken English, some people maintain that it is very not only necessary, but very important. It goes without saying that spoken Englis

31、h plays a very important part in judging a students proficiency of English. The reasons are as follows. To begin with, although many people have taken dozens, even hundreds of English tests ever since they started learning English and many even got surprisingly high marks, few of them can express th

32、emselves freely in spoken English. And if people cant speak a word of it, whats the sense of learning it and what do those high marks mean? They are none but deaf-and mutes before the native speakers. Furthermore, with so many college graduates and undergraduates having passed CET-4 and CET-6, a tes

33、t of spoken English is a further way to tell the excellent from the not so excellent. Finally, it is viewed as a new challenge to those who “live and learn”.,However, there are some other people who think differently. According to them, we should not attach so much attention to spoken English. For o

34、ne thing, both teachers and students have to take pains in preparing for such a new kind of test, but the result is always not so satisfactory as so many failed in the test. For another, even if they passed the test and got not bad marks proving that their English fluency, there are not so many chan

35、ces for them to use their spoken English, for English is for them a second language. In a word, I firmly support the former view that a test of spoken English is indispensable in singling the excellent out. It is because I regard it as a welcome challenge and another opportunity to improve my langua

36、ge ability and career potentials. Im determined to practice my oral English more often, and if I am qualified for such a test, I will not hesitate a moment to apply for it.,2. 关于分析解决问题,Para 1. There is no denying the fact that is a popular topic which is much talked about not only by,but also by.It

37、isgenerally thought that. (or) With the fantastic increase both in industry and economy in China, is on the rise. (or) With the rapid growth (development) of, is becoming more and more serious. Para 2. The reasons forare as follows. To begin with,secondlyTherefore, we should attach great significanc

38、e to solving theproblem.(or) What are the reasons for ? One is that The other is that No doubt, if we cant improve the situation, it is likely that will be put in danger.,Or: Why . ? For one thing. For another . Or: The answer to this problem involves many factors. For one thing. For another. Still

39、another . Or: A number of factors contribute to .one is. Another important factor is is also responsible for the change/problem Certainly , the . is not the sole reason for ,Para 3. There are at least two possible ways to cope with it.The first way to tackle it is toThe other policy that is worthado

40、pting is to Only in this way can We succeed in dealingwith the problem in the near future. Para 3. (or)Therefore, we should take steps (take actions,take effective measures, take precautions)to we can In addition, Only in this way can we (or) Its time to call for an end to (or) We should appeal to t

41、he public to put an end to the unhealthy phenomenon of) On one hand On the other hand,Sample: Economic Development and Pollution,Nowadays Chinas economy has been developing in a surprising speed. However, it is followed by an environmental problem. So many rivers and lakes have been polluted to such

42、 an extent that people can not drink the water from them, and no fish can be seen in them. If you walk along or stand on the bank, you may smell strange odor from rotten rubbish sent into the rivers and lakes. What are the reasons of the pollution? One is that we neglect the environmental protection

43、 when we develop the economy. Even in some areas, people have destroyed the environment in order to make more money. The other is that we havent efficient devices to prevent pollution. Some factories have no enough funds to equip themselves with advanced facilities.,In order to solve the problem peo

44、ple should be cultivated with the awareness of protecting the environment. In addition, the government should establish a set of laws and regulations to restrict and even punish those polluting action,3. 关于利与弊,Para.1 We are all aware that everything has its two sides. is no exception. has brought bo

45、th advantages and disadvantages. Para.2 As far as we are concerned, there is no doubt that has positive effects. Firstly SecondlyHowever, it is not without weaknesses. The principal one isBesides, Para.3 From what has been discussed above, we may safely come to the conclusion that has both negative

46、and positive effects. But in my opinion, in spite of these disadvantages / advantages, does more good / harm than harm / good toFor one thing,For another,Sample: Studying Abroad,In recent years, there appeared a great upsurge in studying abroad in china. Thousands of scholars and students have gone

47、to foreign countries to study. Many people are making great efforts in applying for going abroad. We are all aware that everything has two sides. Studying abroad is no exception. It has brought both advantages and disadvantages. As far as we are concerned, there is no doubt that Studying abroad has

48、positive effects. (Attending schools abroad has many advantages.) First, we can see more clearly the strong and weak points of our own country by looking at her from outside. Second, we can learn much more advanced knowledge of science and technology from the foreign countries. Third, we can enjoy n

49、ew and different cultures and make friends with different people.,However, there are also some disadvantages in studying abroad. For example, language barrier is the most serious problem. Most students have difficulty understanding their lessons in the first few months. Financial difficulty is the s

50、econd (another)problem they are faced with. Most students have to find part-time jobs in order to support themselves while studying. From what has been discussed above, we may safely come to the conclusion that studying abroad has both negative and positive effects. In spite of these, the advantages

51、 outweigh the disadvantages. Therefore, it is advisable to attend a school abroad, if you have an opportunity.,4. 关于流行话题,Para.1 The rapid development of greatly affects our life. There is a growing popularity of among an increasing number of Chinese and they propose that China should give top priori

52、ty to . Para.2 However, different people have different opinions on this proposal. Some argue that greatly accelerates economic growth and one can never exaggerate its significance. China should heavily invest on the construction of the and popularize In spite of the, others claim that In addition t

53、o, Still others think that provides both challenges and opportunities for China. We should solve our problems in earnest and seize the opportunity to develop ourand to enhance(提高)the competitiveness of our nation.,Para.3 Nowadays, globalization of economy is the historical development trend with as

54、the driving force. In spite of its weaknesses, is sweeping the world. provides us the golden opportunity we cannot afford to miss.,关于对比式作文,对比式作文常用模式 For most people today, _ has become their major source of _.But as for me, _. A number of reasons may help at his point. I like A not only because it _

55、but because it gives_. Moreover, it _. However,/ on the contrary / in contrast, / by B, youre _. Although B has its own advantages, it can not compare with A in _1) 2) 3). So I prefer A , w hen I _, I would _,5. 关于如何做(How),本模块立意在“how”,以“方法”、“途径”、“怎么办”为短文的核心,多以枚举方式展开段落。 基本提纲: 第一段:陈述现象(引言)(phenomena/

56、introduction) 对现状、形势或困难的描述。 第二段: 途径/方法(way/method)列举做某事的途径或问题解决的种种方法。 第三段:评价或选择。对第二段中提及的途径进行简要 评价或选取其中一两种自己认为合适的方法、途径,略述选择依据。,Para1: With the development of ./ With the increase of ., (please refer to the second part above). Para2: The are various ways for (sb.) toTo begin with,Secondly,finally, Par

57、a3: In my case/ As far as Im concerned,Sample: How I Finance My College Education,With the rapid development of higher education in China, and more high school graduates admitted, universities can no longer be financed (困难)exclusively by the government and students must pay at least partly for their

58、 schooling.(现状),(方法)There are various ways for a student to pay his tuition and fees. To begin with, if the student is quite excellent in his studies, he can apply for scholarship. Secondly, especially in China, he can always depend on his parents for all kinds of expenditure, including living allow

59、ances. Then, he can choose to turn to the bank for a loan to pay his education, which he can repay after graduation. If he finds all the above not desirable, he still has another way to take to do a part-time job and work his way through college. (我怎么做)In my case, I am fortunate enough to be born into a well-to-do family and have no difficulty having my parents pay for all my fees. But as a college student, I dislike a totally dependent existence, so I am working part-time a


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