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1、Unit 2 Extensive reading,A Biography of Isaac Asimov,1The boys new electronic toy train was _ envy of his friends . A a B the C / D a / the 2 Preparations are being made for the Olympic Games _in Beijing in 2008 . A to be held B held C holding D to hold 3 All these gifts must be mailed immediately _

2、in time for Christmas . A in order to have received B in order to receive C so as to be received D so as to be receiving,B,A,C,4 Was it during the Second World War _he died ? A that B while C in which D then 5 He made another wonderful discovery, _of great importance to science . A which I think is

3、B which I think it is C which I think it D I think which is 6 Would you please tell me the way you thought of _difficulties ? A smoothing away B to smooth away C doing away with D to make your way to,A,A,B,7 Nick is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does _ his boss . A serves

4、B satisfies C promises D supports 8 All the preparations for the task _, were ready to start . A completed B complete C had been completed D have been completed,B,D,Reading : Whats the main idea of the text ?,Introduction a famous American science fiction writer Issac Asimovs life and works .,2 How

5、many years did Issac Asimov work in store? A 5 B 9 C 11 D 13,D,3. Who was Issac Asimov? A. An American scientist and writer who got his PhD in physics in 1948. B. An Russian scientist and writer who married twice. C. An Russian - American scientist and writer who became a full time writer in 1958. D

6、. An American - Russian scientist and writer who had 2 children. 4. In which book did he develop a set of three laws? A. The Foundation Trilogy B. I, Robot C. In his first novel D. In his first science book.,C,B,5. What was Asimov best known for? A. His mystery stories. B. His science fiction storie

7、s. C. His science and history books. D. His books about the Bible and about Shakespeare. 6. .All the followings are true except_. A. Asimovs talent for writing wasnt obvious when he was young. B. He began having his stories published in science magazine in 1939. C. He published his first novel in 19

8、50. D. He published his first science book in 1953.,B,A,7. What might happen in a world where there were robots if Asimovs three laws didnt exist? A. Maybe robots will harm or injure human beings. B. Maybe robots will disobey human beings. C. In order to protect their own existence, robots may injur

9、e human beings. D. All of the above.,D,8 Why could Issac Asimov become a writer ? A A friend of his made him a writer B His parents wanted him to be a writer C He had the talent for writing D He had so many experiences in his life .,C,9 Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text

10、 ? A Issac Asimov didnt publish books until he became a fulltime writer . B Issac Asimovs ideas about robots completely influenced scientists researching into artificial intelligence C Robots should protect human beings in “I,robot .” D Issac Asimov wrote some famous plays about Shakespeare .,C,Read

11、 about Isaac Asimov and complete the timeline of the events in his life. Date Event Born in Russia. _. _. Parents bought a candy store. _. Mother had her third child. _ Started to take himself seriously as a writer. _ _.,Sister born,Moved with family to New York,Started working in a candy store,1931

12、,Began having stories published in science fiction magazines,Date Event _ Gained Masters degree in chemistry. Finished working in the candy store. _. 1942-1945 _. _ Got PhD in chemistry. _ Became a biochemistry teacher, Boston University School of Medicine. Published his first novel. _ . Developed t

13、hree laws for robots.,1941,Got married,Worked as junior chemist, Philadelphia Navy Yard,1948,1949,Published “I, Robot”,Date Event 1951-1953 Published “The Foundation Trilogy” and won an award for it. _ Published first science book _ Became a full-time writer. Divorced his first wife. _. _ Had a bloo

14、d transfusion. Became infected with HIV. 1992 _.,1953,1958,Married for a second time,1983,Died in New York,Language points,1. A Biography of Isaac Asimov biography n.传记 bio(尤其供公开发表的)个人简历(biography的缩写) bio cards传记档案卡; bio information传记资料 bio-表示“生命, 生物”之义 biophysics生物物理学 biochemistry n.生物化学,2 an Ameri

15、can scientist and writer 一位科学家兼作家 The singer and dancer _( be ) coming for a visit . The singer and the dancer _(be) Coming for a visit . A knife and fork _ ( be ) on the desk .,is / was,are/ were,is / was,3 fiction : stories / novels ,etc which describe events and people do not exist non-fiction :

16、writing that is about real people ,events and facts literature: writing that is considered to be work of art , including novels ,plays and poetry,4 Asimov had both an extraordinary imagination that gave him the ability to .and an amazing mind with which he searched for . “介词which/ whom”的结构引导定语从句,阿西莫

17、夫不仅有着超凡的想象力,使他能对未来世界进行探索,而且还有惊人的智力,使他能对现在和过去的各种事物作出解析,2) 句子分析:Asimov had both an extraordinary imagination and an amazing mind 是句子的主要部分,had在句中有两个宾语imagination和mind,他们分别带了自己的宾语从句。that引导的从句修饰imagination; with which引导的定语从句修饰mind。动词不定式to explore future worlds 修饰ability。,He seemed to be looking for the w

18、ords with which he could express what he was thinking about . The novel from which the films has been adapted for Children is written by a famous American writer . The car ,for which I paid a lot of money ,is now out of date . He is telling a storey of a hero, of whom everyone in the town is proud I

19、n the dark street , there wasnt a single person _they could turn for help . A whom B who C to whom D from whom,C,The Nile , _electricity is produced ,no longer destroys villages and crops . A which B from which C form it D from that - How do you like the cake ? - Its quite different from _I had last

20、 month . A that B which C the one D the one what,B,C,5 search + 地方 / 人 表示在某地/某人身上寻找/搜寻 search for 寻找某物 = search + place + for + object in search of 寻找,作状语,表示目的 The enemies _the Red Army man everywhere . They have _ the whole city _the missing boy . The boy has been to many places _his lost cat .,sea

21、rched,searched for,in search of,6 explanation n.解释, 解说, 说明, 辩解, 互相讲明 What is your explanation for being late? The only explanation for his behavior is that hes mad. explain v.解释, 说明 explain sth to sb We explained our plan to the committee.,7 From 1942 to 1948 he worked as a junior chemist junior adj

22、. younger , lower in rank 较年轻的/职位稍低的 He is the junior employee in the firm . He is two years junior to me. senior: older; higher in rank较年长的;职位稍高的 He is two years senior to me. senior citizens 老人,7 he started to take himself seriously as a writer. take sb/ sth seriously: regard sb/ sth as important and worth treating with respect认真对待某人某事 He takes things too seriously.他对事太认真了。 You cant take


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