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1、Welcome to our class,Wu Qiuying,Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?,How long have you been watching TV ?(1 hour),I have been watching TV for one hour.,Is he playing football now?,How long has he been playing football?,He has been playing football for 18 years.,He has been playing footba

2、ll since 1989.,How long have they been calling? (ten minutes),They have been studying for ten minutes.,They have been calling since eight oclock.,Was born: 1973singing:1989-now,How long has he been singing? He has been singing for 20 years. He has been singing since 1989. He has been singing since 2

3、0 years ago. He has been singing since he was 16 years.,Tracey was born: 1981 learn English: 1994 now,How long has Tracey been learning English?,She has been learning English since 1994.,She has been learning English for 12 years.,She has been learning English since she was 13.,She has been learning

4、 English since 12 years ago.,Duty report,report reporter,School,Marathon,Skating,Read and answer Section A 3a,1. Why are students skating? 2. How much does each student raise for every hour they skate? 3. How long has the skating marathon been going? 4. Who was the first to start? 5. Who was the las

5、t one?,To raise money for charity.,Ten yuan.,For five hours.,Alison was the first to start.,Li Chen was the last one.,3b Its 2pm now. Write the Students names from above table on the time line.,Alison,Sam,Lu Ning,Li Chen,Watch a video and complete the table.,5 hours,Sam,4 hours,4 hours,Lu Ning,Li Ch

6、en,1 hour,9am,2pm,5 hours,Alison,(二),引导时间的介词for与since的区别,for,since,表示时间的持续,for + 时间段,表示“自从过去某一时间点以来”,since + 时间点,强调一段时间,强调动作或状态 一直延续到现在,( for与since引导的短语用how long提问 ),for a year for four weeks for ten days,since last year since two weeks age since he came.,Im talking to you from the Hilltop School .

7、Here, students are skating to . For every hour they skate, each student raises ten yuan for charity. The skating marathon has been going for five hours now, and several skaters are still skating. Alison was the first one to start, and has been skating for the whole five hours. Next is Sam, and he ha

8、s been skating for four hours. Lu Ning has been skating for four hours too, and Li Chen just started an hour ago.,Skating,Marathon,raise money for charity,Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks Hello, everyone. Im a reporter.Im talking _ you from the Hilltop School Skating Marathon. Students are

9、skating to_money for _. The skating marathon has been _ for five hours now, and _ skaters are still skating. Alison was the _ one to start.He has been skating for the _ five hours. Sam and Lu Ning have been skating_ four hours. Li Chen just_ an hour _.,to,charity,raise,going,several,first,whole,star

10、ted,ago,for,Task 1,Interview,Ask your classmates something about the sports they play.,A: Liu Ying, what sport do you play? B: Tennis. A: When did you start? B: When I was eleven. A: So how long have you been playing? B: Three and a half years.,Report:Liu ying likes tennis.She started playing tennis

11、 when she was 11 years old.She has been playing tennis for three and a half years.,Now you are a reporter,watch a video and give us a report.,have a sports meeting 开运动会 the long jump 跳远 win the first HuiFang Ann LiuMei far farther farthest,Task 2,homework,1.Review the passage you have learnt today.

12、2. Practice how to make a report.,Thank you for listening,Goodbye,skate 溜冰(v.),a pair of skates,She is skating.,She is a skater.,溜冰鞋(n.),marathon ( n.)马拉松,raise money for charity 为慈善活动筹款,Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells? Section B,A: How long has Jay been singing ? B: He _ for/since _

13、. (周杰伦 英文名:Jay Chou 1986年 7岁时开始学习唱歌距今23年),A: How long has Yao Ming been playing basketball in NBA? B: He_ for/since_. (姚明2002年进入NBA),A: How long has Liu Xiang been running? B: He_ for/since_. (1990年7岁时开始练习短跑,距今已有19年),看 图 抢 答 小 组 PK,coins,Collect shells,shells,stamps,kites,flying a kite,movie tickets

14、,toy animals,toy animals/ stuffed animals,天下收藏,Bob,Marcia,Liam,外国朋友谈收藏,2a,2b Listening,kites,since he was ten years old,22,stuffed animals,for five years,35,theater and movie tickets,since last year,20,A: What does Bob/Marcia/Liam collect? B: He /She collects . A: How long has he/she been collecting

15、 ? B: Hes/Shes been collecting . A: How many does he/she have ? B: He/She has ,2c PAIRWORK,小组收藏调查,1.What do you collect? 2.How long have you been collecting? 3.How many do you have ?,Make a survey and give a report,现场观众谈收藏,活动要求: 1.各小组推选一到两名代表,带着自己的藏品到前台展示。 2.班长,英语科代表,团支书组成评审团评出下 列奖项:,现场观众谈收藏,1.Who h

16、as the longest collecting history ? 2.Who has the most collections ? 3.Who has the most interesting collections ?,现场颁奖,Collecting gives me Collecting is I feel 提示词 happiness confidence 自信 enjoyment 享受 wealth 财富,获奖感言,make friends,knowledge知识share分享,A:_, Bob ? B: I like collecting kites . A: _? B: Since I was eight years old . A: _


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