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1、Body language,Book 4 Unit 4,晨背佳作 积累素材,话题词汇 1.accent n.口音;腔调 2.expression n.词语;表达 3.knowledge n.知识;学问 4.master v.精通;掌握 5.pronounce v.发音 6.shortcoming n.缺点;短处 7.be afraid of making mistakes害怕出错 8.express oneself in English fluently用英语流利地表达思想,9.have a good command of sth.精通 10.improve writing skills提高写

2、作能力,话题佳作 假设你们班将要召开一次学习经验交流会,请你以“How to Learn English”为主题,写一篇发言稿,介绍你的英语学习经验。内容要点如下: 1.要学好英语,应该尽可能多地寻找机会使用英语; 2.初学阶段,应该重视英语听说能力的培养和提高; 3.语法学习是重要的,有助于正确理解和使用英语。,佳作欣赏 Boys and girls, Im very glad to be here to talk about how to learn English. First,we should put English into practice as much as possible

3、. Also,learners can learn something meaningful from their partners. Second,at the beginning of our English learning,we should pay more attention to listening and speaking,which are the basis of English learning and are closely connected with reading and writing.,Finally,grammar is also important,whi

4、ch helps us understand and use English freely. Grammar tells learners how to organize English structures. That is all about my experience. Thank you.,名师点睛 在遣词造句上,作者使用了一些高级词汇,如:o practice,as much as possible,pay more attention to,be closely connected with等和一些高级句式,如:which引导的定语从句、it作形式主语等。它们不仅表达

5、了文章的内容,也体现了多种表达方法的运用,从而表明了作者较好的语言组织能力。 在文章结构上,作者使用了表示顺序的提示词first,second,finally依次阐述表述的要点,从而使篇章结构具有条理性和层次性。同时,文章结尾部分的客套语与开头部分的开篇语前后照应,符合演讲稿的结构要求。,基础排查点拨要点,语篇训练提升能力,内容索引,教材升华综合运用,基础排查点拨要点,A.写作必记单词 1.represent vt.代表;象征 (1) n.代表;议员; adj.典型的;有代表性的 (2)He represents himself a friend of the king.(填介词) (3)Ne

6、xt,she tied several chopsticks together, (represent) a family.(2015安徽),1,representative,as,representing,2.curious adj.好奇的 (1) n.好奇心 (2)out of 出于好奇 (3)In high school,I (对好奇) the computer, and built my first website.(2016北京),curiosity,curiosity,became curious about,3.approach vt. Confident body langua

7、ge; Active listening; Eye Catching and Entering the personal bubble.,1.What does the underlined sentence in the 1st paragraph mean in fact? A.Men are often hiding their real feelings in their minds. B.Men are good at hiding their real feelings but showing the opposite. C.Male body language contains

8、many differences in meaning. D.No one can understand the male body language.,句意理解题。根据第一段第三句“Try to look behind his words and sneak into his mind.”及倒数第二句“Men are more experienced to hide what they have in their minds.”可知,男性会经常隐藏他们真实的情感,所以答案是A。,答案,解析,1,2,2.When a man wants to express his real feelings

9、,how does he do according to this passage? A.He can use written language indirectly to express them. B.He can directly speak out loudly. C.He can take different steps depending on the facts. D.He can express his feelings by body language.,细节理解题。根据第二段中的“When you are worried what to do when accepting

10、a proposal from a man,just start observing his body language. This way would tell you a lot about his feelings and behavior.”可知,他们通过肢体语言来表达他们的情感,所以答案是D。,答案,解析,1,2,. 七选五,(2016重庆万州二中期中) Things to Do When Youre Feeling Down Lets start with a fact. We all have days when we feel down and discouraged. 1 H

11、ere is a list to help you get back on track.,答案,解析,D What can you do to pull yourself back from despair?,根据下句“Here is a list to help you get back on track.”可知,上文讲述的是如何才能使你精神振奋起来,D选项“What can you do to pull yourself back from despair?”符合,故选D。,Take Care of Yourself This may seem like an obvious thing,

12、but try your best to get a good nights sleep and eat healthy food when youre hungry. 2 Consider setting an earlier bedtime than usual and stick to it. Make some nourishing snacks that you can easily grab instead of sugary junk food. Fresh fruit,a piece of cheese,some cutup vegetables,homemade soup;t

13、heyre all quick and easy options to consider.,答案,解析,A Science shows that both of these things can have a huge positive impact on both your mood and your blood sugar.,此处表示睡个好觉,吃点健康的食物,这些事情会对提高你的情绪有所帮助,A选项“Science shows that both of these things can have a huge positive impact on both your mood and yo

14、ur blood sugar.”与之相符合,故选A。,Whats Comforting to You? 3 Take a bike ride or go for a walk in nature. Treat yourself to a lunch at your favorite restaurant. Listen to some good music. Call a friend. Watch a funny movie. Take a nap. Read a good book. The release from stress will add to your level of hap

15、piness. Make an Action Plan,答案,解析,G If youre going through a tough time,think about some healthy comfortsthat will make you feel better.,结合本段小标题及内容可知,你可以通过一些健康的方式来安慰自己,G选项“If youre going through a tough time,think about some healthy comforts that will make you feel better.”符合,故选G。,Can you identify w

16、hats making you unhappy? If so,you have a good chance of changing it. 4 You dont have to figure out a whole plan to solve your conflicts; simply taking some steps in the right direction will boost your good feeling.,答案,解析,C What action can you take today that will make you feel better and change the

17、 pattern?,上文说你有机会做出改变,下文讲应如何做,C选项“What action can you take today that will make you feel better and change the pattern?”承上启下,故选C。,This,Too,Shall Pass What do you say to yourself when youre going through a tough time? Beating yourself up is not helpful! 5 Examples are,“It is what it is;let me just ac

18、cept it and move on.”“All I can do is put one foot in front of the other and keep moving.” And finally,“This,too,shall pass.” A.Science shows that both of these things can have a huge positive impact on both your mood and your blood sugar. B.A lot of researches show that when we intend to be happy,o

19、ur thoughts and actions follow suit.,C.What action can you take today that will make you feel better and change the pattern? D.What can you do to pull yourself back from despair? E.Try saying things that are relieving to your hearts and mind. F.Other times,the blues just seem to hit for no reason at

20、 all. G.If youre going through a tough time,think about some healthy comforts that will make you feel better.,答案,解析,E Try saying things that are relieving to your hearts and mind.,本段主要讲可以对自己说些什么。上一句是“过分自责没有用。”,空后面则是积极语言的例子,E选项“Try saying things that are relieving to your hearts and mind.”与上下文衔接自然,故选

21、E。,. 完形填空,I drove to a local supermarket the other day. My shopping list was 1 and my wallet was light. Still,I needed to get a weeks worth of groceries for my family.,1.A.heavy B.short C.frequent D.long,heavy重的;short短的;frequent频繁的;long长的。根据下文提到买了很多东西可知,作者的清单很长,故选D。,答案,解析,I parked my car,looked down

22、 at my list,and hoped I could 2 it all.,2.A.afford B.offer C.exchange D.accept,afford花费得起;offer提供;exchange交换;accept接受。由上文“my wallet was light”可知,作者钱不多,不知道能否支付所有的东西。下文“.I again if I even had enough to pay for it all.”也是提示。故选A。,答案,解析,As I 3 the door,I saw a man with kind eyes and a gentle 4 .,3.A.pain

23、ted B.approached C.cleaned D.left,paint粉刷;approach靠近;clean打扫;leave离开。根据上文说作者要去超市买东西,此处应是停好车走向超市的门。故选B。,答案,解析,As I 3 the door,I saw a man with kind eyes and a gentle 4 .,4.A.attitude B.smile C.anger D.manner,attitude 态度;smile微笑;anger 生气;manner 举止。由下文“I smiled back.”可知选B。,答案,解析,He said he was collecti

24、ng for a local food bank that helped to 5 the hungry in my area.,5.A.share B.train C.protect D.feed,share 分享;train训练;protect保护;feed喂养。根据空前的“a local food bank”及后面的“hungry”可知是用食物养活饥饿的人。故选D。,答案,解析,He handed me a second shopping list of things they could use and asked me to 6 if I could.,6.A.help B.writ

25、e C.advertise D.search,help帮助;write写作;advertise做广告,宣传;search搜寻。如果可以的话希望作者能够帮助他们。下文“I really wanted to help.”也是提示。故选A。,答案,解析,I smiled back,took the 7 and walked into the store. I really wanted to help,but wasnt sure if I could this time.,7.A.list B.name C.project D.budget,list清单;name名字;project计划;budg

26、et预算。根据上文提到那个人递给作者一份购物清单,此处是作者接过了那份清单。故选A。,答案,解析,I walked through the store,picking up vegetables,soup,spaghetti,bread,milk,cereal,macaroni,bananas,and a dozen other things. I slowly 8 each item off my list until I was done.,8.A.signed B.rid C.marked D.separated,sign签名;rid除掉;mark做记号;separate分开。根据语境可

27、知,此处意为:我买完一项,就划掉一项。mark off意为“在清单上划掉(表示某事已做完)”。故选C。,答案,解析,When I looked down at my full cart I 9 again if I even had enough to pay for it all.,9.A.wondered B.wandered C.fancied D.amazed,wonder想知道;wander徘徊;fancy想象,设想;amaze使吃惊。句意为:当我低头看了看满满一车东西时,我再次想知道我是否有足够的钱支付所有东西。故选A。,答案,解析,Then,as I put my own lis

28、t back into my pocket,I saw the food 10 list under it. I smiled and decided to trust my heart.,10.A.store B.cart C.bank D.nutrition,store商店;cart运货马车;bank银行;nutrition营养。根据语境可知是食物银行的清单,故选C。,答案,解析,With the food bank in mind,I went over and 11 two of the biggest boxes of rice the store had and put them

29、in my cart.,11.A.picked out B.picked up C.lifted up D.folded up,pick out挑选;pick up捡起;lift up举起;fold up倒闭。根据常识可知在超市中的东西放在下面,因此作者是从下面把东西拿起来放到车里,而不是举起来。故选B。,答案,解析,It took 12 six dollars out of my wallet to pay for them, 13 my heart felt six times larger when I did.,12.A.another B.other C.others D.more,

30、根据上文可知作者买了很多东西,这是除了那些东西以外花费的钱,故选A。,答案,解析,It took 12 six dollars out of my wallet to pay for them, 13 my heart felt six times larger when I did.,13.A.so B.and C.but D.since,根据前后两句句意可知是转折关系,故选C。,答案,解析,And when everything was 14 ,I had just enough to pay for it all.,14.A.ordered B.replaced C.packed D.t

31、otaled,order整理;replace取代;pack包装;total被加起来。当所有的东西都被加起来时,我刚刚足够支付这些东西。故选D。,答案,解析,It 15 so little to make our world a better place.,15.A.spends B.takes C.pays D.wastes,spend花钱;take花费;pay支付;waste浪费。句意为:只需要很少就能使我们的世界变得更美好。it takes (sb.) sth. to do.花费(某人)(时间、精力等)做,为固定句式。故选B。,答案,解析,A few dollars can help to

32、 fill a childs 16 belly(肚子).,16.A.hungry B.adequate C.anxious D.full,hungry饥饿的;adequate充足的;anxious焦虑的;full饱的。根据上文可知食物银行是帮助那些忍饥挨饿的人的,因此此处应是孩子饥饿的肚子。故选A。,答案,解析,A smile and hug can help to 17 a hurting heart. An encouraging word can inspire someone else to live and to love.,17.A.treat B.cure C.recover D

33、.heal,treat对待;cure治疗;recover恢复;heal愈合。根据句意“一个微笑和拥抱可以帮助抚慰受伤的心。”故选D。,答案,解析,A random 18 of kindness can change anothers day and life. It is up to us, 19 .,18.A.ability B.act C.appreciation D.allowance,ability能力;allowance补助;appreciation欣赏;act行为。句意为:一个随机的善举可以改变另一个人一天的生活。故选B。,答案,解析,A random 18 of kindness can change anothers day and life. It is up to us, 19 .,19.A.still B.yet C.although D.though,still仍然;yet但是;although尽管;though不过。此处考查副词,因此排除A项。though“然而,可是,不过”,口语,常用于句末。故选D。,答案,解析,If we ca


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