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1、Module 5,Module 5,Unit 1,Pleased to meet you!,dance,play the violin,play the piano,play the guitar,play basketball,play football,play table tennis,play computer games,sing,swim,fly a kite,dance跳舞,play the violin弹小提琴,play the piano弹钢琴,play the guitar弹吉他,play basketball打篮球,play football踢足球,play table

2、tennis打乒乓球,play computer games打电脑游戏,sing唱歌,swim游泳,fly a kite放风筝,Can you speak English?,Yes, I can.,No, I cant.,I can speak some English.,I cant speak English.,Can you dance?,Yes, I can.,No, I cant.,I can dance.,I cant dance.,Can you play the violin?,Yes, I can.,No, I cant.,I can play the violin.,I c

3、ant play the violin.,dance跳舞,play the violin弹小提琴,play the piano弹钢琴,play the guitar弹吉他,play basketball打篮球,play football踢足球,play table tennis打乒乓球,play computer games打电脑游戏,sing唱歌,swim游泳,fly a kite放风筝,Can you?,Yes,I can/No,I cant.,A: Can you? B: Yes, I can. I can No, I cant. I cant,Pleased to meet you!,

4、高兴的,满足的,遇到,见到,Module5 Unit1,1.Listen, point and find “can”.,Listen and answer: Can Daming speak English? How many English friends has Daming got?,Yes, he can.,Two.,A: Can you speak English?,B: Yes, I can speak some English.,A: Can I write to you ?,B: Yes, of course.,You can be my Chinese pen friend.

5、,This is my address in China.,A: Can you speak English?,A:_,A:_,B:_,Yes, I can speak some English.,Can I write to you ?,Yes, of course.,You can be my Chinese pen friend.,This is my address in China.,Practice :,A: Can you speak English?,A:_,A:_,B:_,Yes, I can speak some English.,Can I write to you ?,

6、Yes, of course.,Try again:,You can be my Chinese pen friend.,This is my address in China.,Lets play a guessing game: Guess what he she says “ I can I cant”.,dance,I can dance.,play the violin,I cant play the violin.,play the piano,I can play the piano.,play the guitar,I cant play the guitar.,play ba

7、sketball,I can play basketball.,play football,I can play football.,I can play pingpong.,play pingpong,sing,I can sing.,swim,I cant swim.,fly a kite,I cant fly a kite.,play computer games,I can play computer games.,About you. You can use “I can”,We should remember these words: Believe in yourself!(相信自己!) I can do it!(我能行!),Summary:,How to use “can”:,Can


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