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1、人教版小学英语四年级下册,Unit 6 Shopping.,执教人: 王 莉 萍 张掖市 临泽县 鸭暖镇中心小学,Unit6 Shopping,B lets learn & talk,学习目标: 1.会读、会认、会用新单词:nice、pretty、cheap、 expensive。 2.听懂会说句子:Can I help you? / How much is this skirt? / Its very pretty. / Its too expensive. 3.能在实际的情景中应用所学单词和句子,进行购物对话。 学习方法: 根据具体的情景,运用所学单词和句子进行对话, 提高的交际能力。,d

2、ress,hat,shirt,jacket,shoes,shorts,pants,skirt,socks,Revision -Whats in the supermarket?,umbrella,scarf,Look at this/that dress. cool beautiful Its small /big good /great,口语 练习,Try to say,一、The new words.,nice 好的,pretty 美观的,Look at the dress.,Its nice.,Its pretty.,1.Lets learn.,学习新单词,30 yuan,200 yua

3、n,cheap,expensive,Look at the dress. _.,Its cheap,Look at the dress. Its _.,expensive,¥98,¥50,¥6,Expensive or cheap:,¥198,¥268,¥ 20,¥ 100,Look at _. Its _.,Look at _. They are _.,2. Practise Talk about the pictures like this:,that umbrella,pretty,¥80,the gloves,nice,¥ 10,二、Lets talk.,¥200,How much i

4、s this sweater? Its two hundred yuan.,询问价格?,How much,1. Lets learn the important sentences.,How much is this ?,¥200,¥ 40,¥ 27,¥ 99,¥ 71,¥ 34,Its_.,How do you like this coat? (你认为这件大衣怎么样?) Its,(pretty/not pretty/nice/not nice),1. Lets learn again.,A: How do you like this? B: Its (cool/nice/long/nice/

5、big/short/ colorful/beautiful/small),2. Pair work:,B Lets talk,Mom: Sarah, how do you like this skirt?,Sarah: Its very pretty.,Assistant: Can I help you?,Mom: Yes. How much is this skirt?,Assistant: Its eighty-nine dollars.,Mom: Oh, thats expensive.,Sarah: I like it, Mom.,Mom: Sorry, Sarah. Its too

6、expensive.,3.Read, tick or cross.(读对话,判断,打或打 。) ( ) 1. This skirt is very pretty. ( ) 2. Sarah likes this skirt. ( ) 3. They will buy(买) it.,Mom: How do you like this skirt ? Sarah: _. Assistant: Can I help you? Mom: Yes._? Assistant: Its 89. Mom: Oh, _. Sarah: I like it ,Mom. Mom: Sorry, Sarah._.,4

7、.听录音,补全对话。,Its very pretty,How much is this skirt,Thats expensive.,Its too expensive.,5.Show time -Lets go shopping.,¥ 50,¥ 25,角色扮演,Mom: How do you like this skirt ? Child: Its very pretty. Assistant: Can I help you? Mom: Yes. How much is this skirt? Assistant: Its 89. Mom: Oh, Thats expensive. Chil

8、d: I like it ,Mom. Mom: Sorry, Sarah. Its too expensive.,6.小组合作,编演对话。,good /nice/beautiful /great,dress/coat/hat/sweater,Its cheap. I will take it .,三、Lets practice.,1.巩固练习-选词填空, My Mum pay 800 yuan for a bike. Its so _. The pants are _. So I can take them. The phone is very_. The poor mans shoes are _.,Lets do,cheap expensive,cheap,cheap,expensive,expensive,购 物 需 理 性


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