徐燕梅形容词和副词专题语法教学 说课课件.ppt_第1页
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徐燕梅形容词和副词专题语法教学 说课课件.ppt_第5页
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1、,8A Unit 3 Language Adjectives and adverbs,广州花都云山中学 徐燕梅,The comparative of adjectives and The superlatives of adjectives,Teaching Material,Teaching Objects,Teaching Methods,Learning Methods,Teaching Procedure,Content,Knowledge Object,Ability Object,Emotion Object,1.了解人类最新高科技产品,明确高科技产品成果与人们日常生活的关系,树立

2、科技创新的意识。 2.通过具体事物对比,让学生更热爱生活,创造新生活。,1.通过对比具体事物,掌握和运用比较级和最高级。 2.运用比较级和最高级描述日常生活事物。,学生掌握形容词比较级、最高级的转换规则以及部分形容词的不规则变化 学生能正确使用形容词比较级、最高级的句型进行看图造句 学生能够对一定事物进行对比,并进行简单的对话,Teaching Objects,教学理念,以 学业评价标准、生本、Sucessful English Teaching 等理念设计任务和课堂活动,开放互动的教学方式和合作探究性的学习方式,“有效课堂教学”理念,以学生为主体,以教师为主导,学习方法,小组竞赛,先学后教,

3、合作探究法,初二学生特点,心理上: 学习主动性增强,有探究学习的兴趣,但比较习惯被动式接受知识,比较依赖老师。,能力上: 形成了一定的逻辑思维与推断能力,掌握了具体事物比较的方法,并能对具体事物进行不同角度的描述。,对策,采用先学后教、小组合作学习的方法,养成学生独立思考和合作探究的学习习惯。,设计一些从易到难的题目,指导学生应用多种的比较策略,提高自己的事物的判断水平,体会事物判断的乐趣。,对策,整理形容词、副词的比较级和最高级构成规则及用法。 利用图片、视频等介绍My favorite modern machine.(5-8句) Groupwork:最喜欢的学习用品,日常用品等图片、视频,

4、并运用比较级、最高级进行比较。,Teaching Material,Modern machines,Compare things around us using adj and adv.,Reading A passage about a star,教学流程,高科技产品展示介绍,读明星文章找形副词,形副词用法比较转换,形副词构成用法归纳,比较日常生活事物,写一篇比较文章,Step1.Warming up: English talent show 英语才艺展示内容: 1.English songs or dance 2.jokes 3.Short plays 4.Reports:News rep

5、orts 5.Speech competitions 6.英文电影模仿 7.Teens阅读分享 。,展示要求“五度”: 1.舞台风度 2.表达力度 3.内容适度 4.问题挖掘深度 5.总结评价高度 创设学生展示才华的平台,体现我的课堂我做主, 我的快乐我做主。让学生表现课堂,体验课堂, 感悟课堂,享受课堂。 理念: While study is pleasure, life is great joy!,My favorite modern machines: 1. 它的外形(形状、颜色、价格) 2.它的结构、功能 3.它将来的发展及你的评价,Step2 :Read a passage abou

6、t a star and find out adj and adv.,Show is strong TAWANESE pop singer Show luo is now very popular. His new album, Only For You(独一无二),sold well all over Asia. But the 32-yerar-old man had many low points on his way to success. For example,In 2001, he lost his singing job. “Many people were cold to m

7、e at that time,” He told Teens. “I felt heartbroken(伤心的)and didnt want to keep on.” Luckily, he learned a lesson from his mom. She told him to “bend himself”, It helped Luo learn to be humble(谦虚的)and start from zero.He worked hard to get his job back. He told Teens his best friend, Jolin Tsai, cheer

8、ed him up every day when he felt low. “Even when I was hurt, I kept smiling to make my friends happy!” said Luo.,1)以读引读,课内读引向课外读,教材引向生活(hot topic)。通过阅读课外文章,在篇章中学和巩固语法。 2)阅读21st Century Teens,荡涤心胸,开启心智。(阅读材料体现“悦读、可读、耐读” ) 3)读和做-缓说破-阅读中感悟、分享、提升和发展! 教学理念:放手就是爱!,Read a passage about a star and find out

9、adj and adv.,1、形容词的用法及归类,hard,Step3:Games Take me home Can you find new houses for us ?,big,tall,clever,wide,careful,hot,famous,tired,slowly,popular,large,early,happy,dry,wet,fat,thin,many,bad,much,little,far,Its crowed ! Its uncomfortable!,old,ill,Rom 2 red redder reddest,Rom 1 brave braver bravest

10、,tall hard large wide clever,big hot thin fat wet,Rom 3 Heavy heavier heaviest,Rom 4 beautiful more beautiful most beautiful,happy dry early,careful slowly famous tired popular,Rom 5 good better best,many much little far bad badly old ill,巧记:特殊形式比较级 好坏多少老远都要有病,Step 4.Conclusion 形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的构成和用法,

11、1. 规则变化,2、不规则变化,better,best,worse,worst,less,more,most,farther/further,older/elder,least,farthest/furthest,oldest/ eldest,3、形容词,副词比较等级的用法,Step 5:comparative and superlative to describe pictures and videos, Liu Xiang is _., Jordan is _ Liu Xiang.,tall,taller than, And Yao Ming is _ of all.,the talles

12、t,2.26m,1.98m,1.89m, Li Yong is funny., Mr. Bean is funnier than Li Yong., Pan Changjiang is the funniest of all.,Li Yong,Pan Changjiang,Mr. Bean, _.,_., The first dress is nice., But the second dress is _ the first one.,And the third dress is _.,nicer than,the nicest of all,250,000 RMB.,50,000 RMB.

13、,The blue car is the most expensive of all.,The green car is more expensive than the red one.,The red car is expensive.,400,000 RMB,_,_, The first iphone is ?, The second computer is lighter than the first one., The third computer is the lightest of all.,_., _ _.,12 kg,3 kg,2 kg,What do you often co

14、mpare in your daily life? 2.How can you compare the things around us?,1.Compare modern machines 2.Compare school things 3.Compare my favorite stars 4.Compare fashion clothes or hairstyles,Group competition:,它的外形(形状、颜色、价格):big. colourful.cheap.expensive 2.它的结构、功能:convenient powerful soft 3.它将来的发展及你的评价:fashional helpful useful wonderful,Sormbraining:,Step7:Homework 形容词、副词中考链接 2.Writing:Compare the things around us,2. Revising and then editing,First Draft,Observe Pictures,First Draft,Re


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