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1、,Welcome to my class !,王欢,Sing a song,Unit 6 Im watching TV (Section B 1a-1e),【学习内容】 第五课时内容:Section B 2a 2c 【学习任务】 1、能快速阅读课文,理解文章大意。 2、能仔细阅读课文,把握文章细节。 3、记背文章短语、句。型 4、学习运用文章中表进行时的语言。,Step One:【复习导入】,Look at the clocks and ask your partner about the time in different places.,A:What time is it in Beiji

2、ng?,B:Its eight oclock in the morning.,A: So the time difference between Beijing and Tokyo is one hour.,In different time zones,time is different at the same time.,What are they doing? They are having a boat race in the river.,When is it?,It is the Dragon Boat Festival.,What kind of food are they?,A

3、re they delicious?,study_ young_ delicious_ American_ the United State_ Dragon Boat Festival_ 竞赛_ 东道主_ 儿童_ 怀念_ 任何的_ 希望_ 仍然_ 另外的_,学习,幼小的,美味的,美国的,美国,端午节,race,host,child,miss,any,wish,still,other,【导学流程】 Step Two:【预习检测,英汉互译】,2b,Step Three: 【Reading】,任务一:快速浏览文章,回答下列问题。,1.Why are Zhu Huis family watching

4、boat races and making zongzi? Because today is the Dragon Boat Festival. 2. Does Zhu Hui like his host family? Yes, he does. 3. What does he think about his home in China?,He misses his family and wishes to have his moms delicious zongzi.,任务二:听录音后,大声朗读文章,完成导学案上表格。,【合作学习】,1、对学。 1)讨论、交流以上内容的答案并勾错题。,1)

5、、交流自主学习成果 2)、解决疑难。,2、群学。,【要求】:人人参与,积极讨论。,提示:难句翻译可查询书80 页的解释。,【成果展示】,【要求】: 声音洪亮,展示集体的智慧。,个人或小组展示以上学习内容, 师生互评,教师点拨。,9:00 a.m.,are watching the boat races on TV,are making Zongzi,New York,9:00 p.m.,is reading a story to her young children,is watching a soccer game on TV,is talking on the phone to his c

6、ousin in Shenzhen,任务二:听录音后,大声朗读文章,完成导学案上表格。,B food in the US a race with a family on the phone a story,A living reading making talking studying watching,任务三:再一次认真默读课文,根据文章内容连线并写句子。,2c,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,1.Zhu Hui is living with an American family in New York.,2.The mother is reading a story to her ch

7、ildren.,3.Zhu Huis mother and his aunt are making zongzi.,4.Zhu Hui is talking on the phone with his cousin in Shenzhen.,5.Zhu Hui is now studying in the US.,6.Zhu Huis father and his uncle are watching the boat races on TV.,任务一:大声朗读课文,边读边在原文中圈出下列词组 1.在美国 2.端午节 3.做粽子 4.观看龙舟赛 5.节日之前的晚上 7.给孩子们读故事 6.像其

8、他的夜晚一样 8.希望吃 9.金屋银屋不如自家的狗,Step Four : 【 自主学习课文语言】,1. .so its like any other night for Zhu Hui and his host family. 2. .but theres still“ no place like home”.,任务二:小小翻译官,1.所以对朱辉和他的房东家人来说,今晚和平时的晚上是一样的。,2. 但是“千好万好还是不如自己的家好”,金窝银窝不如自己的狗窝: East or west , home is best.,要求:4人一组,分工合作复述(尽量脱稿),Step Five : 【 复述文章】,1.端午节 2.观看龙舟赛 3.节日之前的晚上 4.寄宿家庭 5.给孩子们读故事 6.像其他的夜晚一样 7.希望吃,useful expressions,Step six: Summary(一课一得),Dragon Boat Festival,host family,watch the boat races,read a story to children,the night before the festival,like any other nigh


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