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1、Unit 10,Section B (1a-1d),Learning aims:,1.Key words: manners, chopsticks, impolite, empty, stick 2. To learn the table manners around the world. 3. To train students listening and speaking skills.,An empty bowl,chopstichs,Stick the chopstick into the food,Use the chopsticks to hit an empty bowl,Poi

2、nt at anyone with your chopsticks,There are many table manners around the world. Different countries have different customs.,First, lets talk about table manners in China.,Free Talk,Chinese Table Manners,We are not supposed to eat with hands.,We should eat with our_.,chopsticks,Its rude to _the chop

3、sticks _ the food. Were not supposed to talk aloud at the table.,stick,into,Table Manners,The youngest person is not supposed to start eating first.,1a How much do you know about table manners around the world? Take the following quiz. Circle T for true or F for false after each sentence.,Listening,

4、First , lets describe the three pictures in 1b.,There is a bowl of rice on the table. Someone sticks a pair of chopsticks into the food.,There are three people in the picture. The young man eats first. The old man seems unhappy.,There are two children in the picture. They are talking. The girl is po

5、inting at the boy with her chopsticks.,1b Listen and number the pictures in the order Yang Ming talk about them.,1,2,3,_ 1. Youre not supposed to _ 2. Its impolite to _ 3. You shouldnt ,1c Listen again. Match these sentence parts.,stick your chopsticks into your food. b. point at anyone with your ch

6、opsticks. start eating first if there are older people at the table.,c,a,b,Show Time,Talk about some table manners in your country.,参考句型: We are/arent supposed/expected to We should / shouldnt Its polite/ rude to We are/arent allowed to We can/ could/ cant/ couldnt,Lets have a quiz about the table m

7、anners around the world.,In Brazil, you should wipe your mouth with your napkin every time you take a drink.,In the United States, youre not supposed to eat with your hands.,In Peru,Youre supposed to talk at the table.,F,Summary,1. Key words: empty impolite stick 2. Learn about some table manners in different countries using “be (not) supposed to do sth” 3. Do some l


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