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1、Unit 7,Section A (3a - 3c),Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.,Watch a video,A boy and an apple tree,After watching the video, who do you think the boy is and the tree is?,The tree is our mother or father!,They love us best and no matter what happens, they always stay by our sid

2、e.,“Mom Knows Best”,A mother always knows what is best for a child, even though the child may disagree with the mother.,妈妈最了解(我),Listen and enjoy the beauty of the poem,What do you think the title means?,补全句子:When the writer was a tiny baby _, his mom sang to him and _. 2. 回答问题: What did his mother

3、do when he ran through the field? _ 3. 回答问题:What is the result of the writers not listening to his mom? _ 4. 补全句子:Now the writer regret _ and _.,Skimming,速读诗歌的第一节和最后一节,在导学案上完成以下任务:,任务一:Please tell whether the following statements are true or false (T for true / F for false) 1. The writer wasnt allow

4、ed to eat ice- cream because his mom didnt have any money for it. ( ) 2. His mom was afraid that watching scary movies may give him awful dreams. ( ) 任务二:通过上下文理解词义。 “Please be back by ten”中, “by”的意思可理解为:_.,阅读诗歌的第二节和第三节,在导学案上完成以下任务:,Scanning,Practice reading aloud,1.Read after the tape in a low voice

5、, pay attention to the pause (停顿) and the intonation(语调). 2. Read the poem by yourselves in your favorite ways. 3. Read it to the class.,When we have different opinions with your parents, how should we deal with it?,keep silent,quarrel or talk back,have a discussion,We shouldnt quarrel with our pare

6、nts or talk back! Instead, we should talk to our parents about the problem and make them understand us.,Speaking,Think about a time you did something even though your mom or dad told you not to do it. Share your story with your partner.,3c,Question 1. How old were you at that time? Question 2. What

7、did you want to do? Question 3. Did your mom/dad allow you to do that? Question 4. Did you talk back? Question 5. What did you do at last? Question 6. How do you feel about it now? Question 7. What will you do in the future?,writing,When I was in primary school, I used to buy some snacks(零食). One mo

8、rning, when I got up and sat at the table, I thought the breadfast was awful, so I asked mom for some money to buy snacks. But she didnt give me any money. Instead, she asked me to have some breakfast. I talked back angrily and went to school without breakfast. And later I felt so hungry that I had

9、a stomachache. Just then my mom brought a piece of bread and a glass of hot milk to school. I regretted talking back and tears(眼泪) came into my eyes. I will listen to my parents and understand them better. I will also take good care of them when they get old.,感动你我,3. No matter how busy you are, share some time with parents! 无论你有多忙,记得陪陪你的父母!,1. All I am, or can be, I owe to my angel mother. Abraham Lincoln, American president 我之所有,我之所能,都归功于我天使般的母亲。 美国总统林肯,2.Where there is mother, there is the happiest place。 (UK) 有妈妈在的地方,就是最快乐的地方(英国),Read the poem after


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