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1、精选文档English Literature考试题型:1. 填空 2. 选择 (1和2共50分)3. 作品分析 3道题/30分4. 论述题 2道题/20分(老师说:填空选择主要以文学史,文学大家及他们的主要作品,文学主张等形式呈现;而作品分析以简答题形式出现)1: Introduction 2: Old and Medieval English Literature: Beowulf(the earliest English Epic), Sir Gawain, Chaucer (1): General prologue (结合参考资料Lecture 2)3: Chaucer (2) - Th

2、e Wife of Baths Tale. (注意讲故事的人与故事之间的relationship)4: Renaissance: Sonnets -Shakespeare, Spenser (Sonnet 18,29, 75, 34,54) 5: Shakespeare: Drama (Merchant of Venice) 6: Shakespeare: Drama (Hamlet) 7: 17th CenturyRevolution and Restoration: Metaphysical poets (John Donne and Marvels To his coy mistress

3、) .(For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway came from one a poem of John Donne:A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning.)8: 17th Century: John Donnes Forbidding Mourning John Miltons Paradise Lost , On His Blindness John Bunyans The Pilgrims Progress(Just knowing that this work is written by this auth

4、or is OK) 名利场9: 18th Century(现实主义的兴起):Daniel Defoe(Robinson Crusoe) Jonathan Swift(Gullivers Travels) Thomas Gray(Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard) (The title of the book “Far From the Madding Crowd” by Thomas Hardy came from “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”) 10: Romanticism: Wordsworth

5、(Lines- Tintern Abbey) Wordsworth(I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud) 注意本作品反映出的自然观11: Romanticism(早期浪漫主义):Byron(Don Juan) Shelley(Ode to the West Wind) John Keats(Ode on a Grecian Urn, Ode to a Nightingale) Walter Scott: Historical story and novel : 十字军英雄记12: Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice (基于金钱上的爱情与婚姻)

6、13: Victorian novelists (Critical realism):Charles Dickens(Early stage) Works:Oliver Twist, Hard Times, The Tale of Two Cities, Great Expectations George Eliot(Middle stage) Works:The Mill on the Floss Thomas Hardy(Late stage,or early stage of the twentieth century)Works :Far from the Madding Crowd

7、(1874),Tess of the DUrbervilles (1891),Jude the Obscure (1895) Victorian novelists(Critical realism):William Makepeace Thackeray(Vanity Fair) Charlotte Bronte(Jane Eyre)14: Victorian Poets: Alfred, Lord Tennyson(Ulysses; Break,break,Break) Robert Browning & Elizabeth Browning(My Last Duchess). 15: I

8、ntroduction to 20th century literature: Yeats, Hardy, Conrads Heart of darkness, James Joyces The Dead, Woolfs Mrs. Ale Dalloway 上课内容: 1:简介 2:中古世纪英国文学:贝尔武夫(最早的英国史诗),高文(加文)骑士/爵士,乔叟(英国诗人)坎特伯雷故事集(1)General prologue (对于叙述者的介绍) 3:乔叟坎特伯雷故事集(2)巴斯的老婆 4:文艺复兴时期:十四行诗莎士比亚,斯宾塞 (意大利式风格Petrarch 皮特拉克、英式风格 Shakespea

9、re 莎士比亚) 5:莎士比亚戏剧威尼斯商人 6:莎士比亚戏剧哈姆雷特 7:十七世纪革命与复辟:玄学派诗人(约翰.邓恩和马维尔致羞赧的情人: 见背景知识补充)(海明威的丧钟为谁而鸣来源于约翰.邓恩的一首诗) 8:十七世纪:约翰.多恩莫悲伤 约翰.弥尔顿失乐园、哀失明 约翰.班扬天路历程(只了解天路历程是约翰.班扬写的就好) 9:十八世纪:丹尼尔.笛福鲁滨逊漂流记 乔纳森.斯威夫特格列佛游记 托马斯.格雷墓园哀歌(托马斯.哈代的远离尘嚣这一书名出自 托马斯.格雷的墓园哀歌)10:浪漫主义:华兹华斯丁登寺旁 我似浮云天自游 11:浪漫主义:拜伦唐璜 雪莱西风颂 约翰.济慈希望古瓮颂、夜莺颂12:简

10、奥斯丁傲慢与偏见 13:维多利亚时代(小说家)(批判现实主义)狄更斯Dickens(早期代表人物) 作品:雾都孤儿、艰难时世、双城记、远大前程 乔治.艾略特(中期代表人物) 作品:弗洛斯河上的磨坊 托马斯.哈代Thomas Hardy 德伯家的苔丝远离尘嚣无名的裘德维多利亚时代(小说家)(批判现实主义):萨克雷(名利场) 夏洛蒂.勃朗特(简爱) 14:维多利亚时代(诗歌):丁尼生尤利西斯,溅吧,溅吧,溅吧 罗伯特.勃朗宁 & 伊丽莎白.勃朗我的前公爵夫人 15:二十世纪文学介绍:叶芝(曾获诺贝尔文学奖),哈代,康拉德黑暗之心,詹姆斯.乔伊斯尤 利西斯 Ulysses,伍尔夫达洛维夫人Old a

11、nd Medieval English Literature,Renaissance,17th Century,18th Century,Romanticism,Victorian Age, 20th century literature。 Chaucer: Canterbury Tales (结合参考资料 PPT 2)1. Why is the collection called Canterbury Tales? What is the framework of this collection? 为什么这一部故事集叫做坎特伯雷故事集?它的框架结构是什么?篇章是通过什么结合的? 答:坎特伯雷

12、故事集是英国作家乔叟的小说。作品描写一群香客聚集在伦敦一家小旅店里,准备去坎 特伯雷城朝圣。店主人建议香客们在往返途中各讲两个故事,看谁讲的最好。故事集包括了23 个故事, 广泛地反映了资本主义萌芽时期的英国社会生活,揭露了教会的腐败、教士的贪婪和伪善,谴责了扼杀人 性的禁欲主义,肯定了世俗的爱情生活。篇章通过“朝圣”结合。 Reference answer: On the way to Canterbury for pilgrimage, a group of people of different social classes gathered together and told stor

13、ies in turn. In this way, this collection got its name. The framework is pilgrimage. 2. In what season did the pilgrimage take place? Why do you think the author put the event in this time of the year? 朝圣是在什么季节进行的?为什么作者要把朝圣安排在一年的春季? 答:朝圣是在春季进行的。因为春季是一年的开端,代表着新生的季节,充满朝气与活力。 Reference answer: Pilgrima

14、ge took place in spring. Because as the beginning of a year, spring represents new birth and is full of passion and energy. 3. What kind of person is the squire (the knights son)? What does he symbolize? 骑士的儿子是一个怎样的人?他代表了什么? 答:骑士的儿子是一个二十岁左右的年轻人,他衣着光鲜、仪容整洁、举止优雅。他是一个精力充沛而且 拥有成为一名真正的骑士梦想。同时,他也渴望着宫廷式的爱情

15、。 Reference answer: The squire is near 20 years old. The young man is well-dressed, good looking and well mannered. He is also an energetic and passionate youth who holds the dream of becoming a knight and enjoying court love. 4. From the description given in the General Prologue, What do you know a

16、bout the nun? 根据人物介绍中的描述,你认为修女是一个怎样的人? 答:修女受过良好的教育,能够流利的使用法语。她对于餐礼仪十分严格小心、十分优雅。 她表现出仁慈与爱心,多愁善感,甚至有点矫揉造作。她外表美丽、衣着整洁而时尚。 Reference answer: The nun is well educated and speaks good French. She also knows how to behave properly and elegantly at table. She shows pity and love towards tiny things in daily

17、 life, which reflects her mercy and sensitivity and mincement. Beautiful in appearance, she is careful about the tidiness and fashion of clothe.5. Retell the Wife of Baths Tale. It is said that there is a fascinating accord between the story tellers and the tales they tell in Canterbury Tales, how c

18、an you see this in Wife of Baths Tale? 复述巴斯老婆所讲的故事。在坎特伯雷故事集中,故事的叙述者与故事有着神奇的关系,在巴斯老婆的故 事中你是如何看待这一点的? 答:具体故事见背景知识补充第四条。 巴斯的老婆是一个思想开放的女人,她有过5 个丈夫。纵使人们对她的行为持以鄙夷的态度,但她丝毫不 改变自己的生活作风,而是延续及时享乐的作风。她是一个知识渊博而又长于雄辩的女人,在论述自己观 点是引经据典,经常引用圣经。而在她所描述的故事中,亚瑟王的骑士所娶的女人是一个外表丑陋但是头 脑睿智、反应灵敏的女人。当她在新婚之夜发现丈夫嫌弃她相貌丑陋时,她以心灵和智慧之

19、美,通过雄辩 说服了她的丈夫,最终两人白头偕老。在巴斯老婆故事中的女主角也是一个知识渊博、长于雄辩的女人, 她们的共同特点就是头脑睿智、反应灵敏。 Sonnets: 1. What is a sonnet? What do you know about the Petrarchan sonnet and Shakespearean sonnet? (结合参考资料Lecture 4)什么是十四行诗?你对彼特拉克十四行诗和莎士比亚十四行诗了解多少? 答:十四行诗是押运抒情的诗歌,总行数为14 行。其大致分为两个流派:意大利式风格、英式风格,分 别以彼特拉克和莎士比亚为重要代表。这两个流派的主要不同

20、点在于分节和押韵方式的不同。意大利十四 行诗分为两段,先八后六。前八句韵牌是 a-b-b-a, a-b-b-a。后六句有两种,c-d-e-c-d-e,或者 c-d-c-c-d-c。而英国类分为3 段四句加最后两句,韵牌是 a-b-a-b, c-d-c-d, e-f-e-f, g-g, 或者 a-b-a-b, b-c-b-c, c-d-c-d, e-e。 详细解说见背景知识补充。 2. Compare Shakespeares sonnet 18 and Spensers sonnet 75, what do they have in common? What is the difference

21、 in rhyme in these two poets sonnets? Try to read the iambic pentameter lines with the stress put in proper places. 详细解说见背景知识补充。 1. 十四行诗 意大利十四行诗 意大利十四行诗分为两段,先八后六。前八句韵牌是 a-b-b-a, a-b-b-a。后六句有两种,c-d-e-c-d-e, 或者 c-d-c-c-d-c。第九句不止改韵牌,很多时候题目或感觉也不一样。 意大利十四行诗的规则由 Guittone dArezzo (1235 年 - 1294 年)所建,他自己写了将

22、近300 首。最著 名的早期十四行诗人是 Francesco Petrarca (1304 年 - 1374 年)。别的意大利诗人也写了一些十四行诗, 如 Dante Alighieri (1265 年 - 1321 年) 和 Guido Cavalcanti (1250 年 - 1300 年)。 英国十四行诗 莎士比亚十四行诗 意大利十四行诗传入英国之后,结构改变。英国类分为3 段四句加最后两句。最后的两句通常与前面 的大不相同,比意大利类第九句改变更厉害。一般英国十四行诗的韵牌是 a-b-a-b, c-d-c-d, e-f-e-f, g-g, 或 者 a-b-a-b, b-c-b-c, c

23、-d-c-d, e-e。 5.莎士比亚的十四行诗 75 So are you to my thoughts as food to life, 你之于我思,犹食之于命, Or as sweet-seasond showers are to the ground; 或有如大地亟盼之甘霖; And for the peace of you I hold such strife 我忐忑不安,为求你安宁, As twixt a miser and his wealth is found. 财迷与财富怎生搞定! Now proud as an enjoyer, and anon 自视享有者适才还骄傲, D

24、oubting the filching age will steal his treasure; 旋恐年华悄逝如失财宝; Now counting best to be with you alone, 刚认为与你独处乃最好, Then betterd that the world may see my pleasure: 忽又觉招摇过市或更妙。 Sometime all full with feasting on your sight, 从前曾瞩视你,秀色饱餐, And by and by clean starved for a look; 渐渐又饿极了,瞄上一眼; Possessing o

25、r pursuing no delight, 占有与追求皆意趣索然, Save what is had, or must from you be took. 除非你已赐或该施恩典。 Thus do I pine and surfeit day by day, 如此,我沉湎,且日渐憔悴, Or gluttoning on all, or all away. 或暴食狂饮,或百无一味。 18 Shall I compare thee to a summers day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the

26、darling buds of May, And summers lease hath all too short a date: Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimmd; And every fair from fair sometime declines, chance or natures changing course untrimmd But thy eternal summer shall not fade Nor lose possession of tha

27、t fair thou owest; Nor shall Death brag thou wanderst in his shade, When in eternal lines to time thou growest: So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this and this gives life to thee. 我可能把你和夏天相比拟?你比夏天更可爱更温和: 狂风会把五月的花苞吹落地, 夏天也嫌太短促,匆匆而过: 有时太阳照得太热, 常常又遮暗他的金色的脸; 美的事物总不免要凋落, 偶然的,或是随自然

28、变化而流转。 但是你的永恒之夏不会褪色; 你不会失去你的俊美的仪容; 死神不能夸说你在他的阴影里面走着, 如果你在这不朽的诗句里获得了永生; 只要人们能呼吸,眼睛能看东西, 此诗就会不朽,使你永久生存下去。 Hamlet: (结合参考资料 Lecture 5)1. What is the main idea of Hamlets famous soliloque To Be or not to be? 哈姆雷特的独白To Be or not to be所反映的主题是什么? 答:原文及其翻译见背景知识补充 2 。这一段独白描述了哈姆雷特对于生存和死亡的思考。它从一 定程度上表现出了哈姆雷特的厌世

29、心理,同时刻画出哈姆雷特对于未知的死亡的恐惧。 Reference Answer:The soliloque describes the Hamlets thinking towards living and death. To some extent, it also reveals the world weariness in Hamlets heart as well as fear towards death. 2. In Hamlet (Scene II, Act V), what excuse did Hamlet give for the wrongs he did to Lae

30、rtes? 在第二场第五幕中,哈姆雷特是怎么样解释自己对雷欧提斯的无礼的? 答:哈姆雷特解释说是疯狂使得自己曾对雷欧提斯无礼,而并不是他自己的本愿。 Reference Answer:Hamlet explains that it is the madness instead of his motive or intention to do Laertes wrong. 3. Whats the cause of Hamlets suicide? 哈姆雷特自杀的原因是什么? 答:他认为死亡是一切事物的终结。 Reference Answer:He thinks death can put an

31、 end to all. 4.What stops Hamlets suicide? 什么因素阻止了哈姆雷特自杀? 答:对未知死亡的恐惧。 Reference Answer: The fear towards death.Merchant of Venice: (结合参考资料 Lecture 6)1. What do you think of Shylock, the money lender? Do you think the punishment for him is fair? 你是怎样看待夏洛克的?你认为他所受到的惩罚是公平的么? 答:夏洛克虽然贪婪吝啬,为人刻薄残忍,但他的性格也是由

32、于不公平的社会现象(对于犹太人的歧 视)所造成了。对他的惩罚确实太过严厉、不够公平,因为最终的惩罚不仅让他失去了所有的财产而 无法维持生计,同时也让他失去了宗教的信仰而失去了生存的尊严。 Reference Answer :Although Shylock is mean and greedy, tough and cruel, his characteristics are formed in the unfair society, esp. the discrimination against Jews. The punishment for him is severe and fatal

33、. It deprives all his wealth so that he can hardly make a living and his religious belief so that he loses the dignity of living. 2. In Scene I of Act IV in The Merchant of Venice, Portia made a wonderful speech, trying to persuade Shylock to be merciful. According to Portia, why should one be merci

34、ful? 在威尼斯商人的第一场第四幕中,波西亚做了一个精彩的演讲,试图说服夏洛克让他变得仁慈。在波 西亚看来,为什么人们应该仁慈? 答:详细译文见背景知识补充2。波西亚主要从三方面说明了仁慈的重要性:仁慈是自愿的行为, 它使得施受者都得到益处仁慈的力量是高于权利的如果没有仁慈之心,那么所有人都不能得到救赎。4.上帝是仁慈的,应该效仿上帝。 Reference Answer:Portia explains the importance of mercy mainly in three aspects. First, mercy is the not restricted to some peop

35、le, and it is like a two-way road which brings benefits to both giver and receiver. Then, mercy is stronger than power.Next, in the course of justice, nobody can see salvation without a merciful heart.Finally, The God is merciful, so people should follow the example of him. The 17th and the 18th Cen

36、tury (结合参考资料 PPT7 )1. The metaphysical poets are well known for their use of metaphors, or conceits. In John Donnes A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning, what does the image of a pair of twin compasses mean? 玄学派诗歌以暗喻(奇喻)和联想(巧思)著称。在约翰邓恩的临别寄语:莫悲伤中,圆规的意象代表了什么? 答:在该诗歌中,圆规的两条腿代表了一对恋人。就算一方要暂时离开,另一方也不会放弃,而是在

37、 原地等候。恋人的灵魂就像圆规的两条腿一样,是一体的。缺少了对方,人生也就不能画出一个完美 的圆。 Reference Answer:In the poem, the poet compares a couple to the two legs of a pair of twin compasses. Even separated, neither will give up. The souls of a couple are one. Without the other, the circle of life can never be just. 2. In the Book I of Pa

38、radise Lost, what is the main idea of Satans speech? 在失乐园的第一章中。撒旦的说辞的主题是什么? 答:撒旦的主题是不会沉沦于失败,更不会屈服在上帝的权力之下。他会继续报复并致力于推翻上帝 的统治。 Reference Answer:Satan mainly states his idea that he will never yield to failure nor give in to God. On the contrary, he will take revenge and dedicate to overthrowing God.

39、3. Whats the theme of On His Blindness?哀失明的主题是什么?答:上帝不需要人们做什么,只要服从上帝管教即可。Reference Answer:God judges people on whether they labor for him to the best of their ability. People who only stand and wait also serve.4. The 19th Century What does Gullivers experience in Lilliput tell? 格列佛在小人国的经历想说明什么?答:格列佛

40、发现小人国的统治者们也像当时欧洲国家的统治者一样贪婪、无情、充满野 心,写出了对欧洲国家政治制度的讽刺。Reference Answer:Gulliver found that Lilliputs rulers were greedy, ruthless and full of ambition, just like the rulers of European countries then. Its a satire on the political system. of European countries at that time. 1. Wordsworths ideas on nat

41、ure in Tintern Abbey. What has he got from the memory of nature? What stages has he undergone in his relationship with nature? What are his exhortations to his sister? 华兹华斯对于丁登寺附近的自然景色又怎么样的感受?他在对大自然的回忆中得到了什么?他与大 自然的关系氛围哪几层?他对他妹妹的劝告是什么? 答:华兹华斯对于丁登寺旁大自然的景色充满热爱与怀念。 在对大自然的回忆中,他感受到平静的治愈感、曾经忘却的喜悦和高尚的心境。 在

42、华兹华斯看来,他与大自然的关系可以分为三层:少年时代,对大自然是一种懵懂的热爱,就像小 动物对于大自然的依恋;五年之前,对大自然充满了热情,雄心勃勃,踌躇满志;而五年之后的现在, 内心则是充满了平静而淡然的爱。 他劝诫他的妹妹在悲伤的时候不妨投入大自然的怀抱,因为大自然从来不会背叛爱它的人,而且拥有 着神奇的治愈能力。 Reference Answer:The nature in Tintern Abbey calls upon the memory and deep love in the mind of Wordsworth. In the memory of nature, he is

43、filled with tranquil restoration, unremembered memory and blessed mood. According to Wordsworth, the relationship between him and nature can be described as three stages. In boyhood, he loved nature in an ignorant way which resembles the way an animal loving nature. Five years ago, he was full of pa

44、ssion and dream when facing nature. Now, five years later, his hearts was full of quiet and peaceful affection to nature. His exhortation to his sister is that she can turn to nature for help on facing sorrow and sadness. Because nature never betrays the heart that loves her and nature has magic pow

45、er of restoration.2. In I Wondered lonely as a Cloud, it tells that the memory of nature could be used to restore calm mind. 在我似浮云天自游中,诗人告诉我们对大自然的记忆有助于恢复心灵平静。 The portray of characters through their conversations and actions. The theme of Pride and Prejudice. (结合参考资料 Lecture 11)在傲慢与偏见中,作者是如何通过对人物语言和

46、动作的描写来刻画他们的性格的?该作品的 主题是什么? 答:关于第一个题目实在不好举例子,大家不妨锁定一个具体的人物,如 Mr. Bennet 或者 Mrs. Bennet,然后结合书上第一节进行具体分析。因为这两个人物的性格特点很突出,在情节上又没有 太大的变动,所以分析起来会比较简单。 奥斯汀在这部小说中通过班纳特五个女儿对待终身大事的不同处理,表现出乡镇中产阶级家庭出身的 少女对婚姻爱情问题的不同态度,从而反映了作者本人的婚姻观:为了财产、金钱和地位而结婚是错 误的;而结婚不考虑上述因素也是愚蠢的。因此,她既反对为金钱而结婚,也反对把婚姻当儿戏。她 强调理想婚姻的重要性,并把男女双方感情作

47、为缔结理想婚姻的基石。 Reference Answer:Jane Austen shows her view of marriage by laying out marriages based on different reasons. The theme can be concluded in this way: it is wrong to marry someone for wealth, estate or status; however it is also unwise to marry someone without a thought of the things above.

48、 She opposes to the marriage based on money of material as well as marriage based on nothing. She attaches much importance to marriage and regards love as the fundamental factor of marriage.The stages of development in Janes life. The symbolic meaning of the names of places in Jane Eyre. (结合参考资料 Lec

49、ture 13)简爱的生活经历大致分为哪几个阶段?在该作品中地点名称的象征是什么? Reference Answer: Gateshead Hall: The life in Gateshead Hall with Mrs. Reed and her children are nightmare of Janes childhood. Lowood School: The original meaning of low wood is bush, a dangerous place. It indicates the miserable and tough times that Jane ha

50、d experienced in school. Thornfield: This is the name of Mr. Rochesters place. On one hand, the name of the place suggests the gloomy past of Mr. Rochester; On the other hand, it shows the difficulties in the love relationship that Jane and Mr. Rochester will meet. Gateshead:childhood lowood school:

51、adolescence Thornfield:youth as a young woman Marshend:mature Ferdean:fulfillment of her life2. What is the dramatic monologue? What can you know about the character of the speaker in Robert Brownings My Last Duchess? 什么是戏剧独白?通过阅读罗伯特.勃朗宁的我的前伯爵夫人,你能发现这位叙述者怎样的性格特 征? 答:该叙述者是一位铁石心肠的公爵,贪婪而又冷酷。他轻描淡写地叙述了自己

52、谋害妻子的罪行,而 且不忘向他人炫耀自己的财富。同时也展现出他对更多财富的渴望之情。 Reference Answer:A dramatic monologue is a piece of performed writing that offers great insight into the feelings of the speaker. Not to be confused with a soliloquy in a play (which the character speaking speaks to themselves), dramatic monologues suggest

53、an auditor or auditors. The dramatic monologue is now understood to include short pieces of prose written for performance. Dramatic monologue(老师上课给的):imply listener, the purpose of pome is not to make a statement, but to reveal the character of the speaker.Soliloquy: speaking to himself, thinking aloud.The speaker in Robert Brownings My Last Duchess is a Duke having a stone of heart. He is cruel and greedy. He describes the crime that he killed his last duchess in an indifferent way. In addition, he is always boasting for his possessions and long for wealth and estate.Duk


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