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1、2011年中考 英语复习课件,九年级 Unit 1 Unit 5,Shiqi Middle School Li Guojun,She learns English by listening to tapes.,They learn English by reading the textbook.,They learn English by working with friends.,listening to tapes,reading the textbook,working with friends,How do they study for an English test?,She lea

2、rns English by asking the teacher for help.,He learns English by making vocabulary lists.,She learns English by making flashcards.,asking the teacher for help,making vocabulary lists,making flashcards,?,How do you study Chinese?,I study Chinese by watching TV,How do you study Chinese?,I study Chines

3、e by reading books.,How do you study Chinese?,I study Chinese by singingsongs.,How do you study Chinese?,I study Chinese by talking with friends,He used to be ugly, but now he is really handsome.,He was ugly when he was a student, but he is really handsome now.,VS,He used to be naughty, but now he i

4、s really cool.,He was naughty when he was a child, but he is really cool now.,VS,She used to like reading, but now she likes singing.,She liked reading when she was a student, but she likes singing now.,VS,He used to be short, but now he is tall.,He was short when he was a child, but he is tall now.

5、,He _ in the free time, but now he is interested in _.,used to play basketball,playing football,What did you use to be afraid of?,Are you still afraid of them?,dog,cat,mouse,snake,cockroach,Do you agree? Or disagree?,Students should not be allowed to take mobile phones to school.,Students should be

6、allowed to do homework with friends.,3. Students should not be allowed to go out at night.,4. Students should not be allowed to take part-time job.,A:Where would you like to go on vacation? B: Id like to France to go on vacation. A: Why would you like to go there? B:I like places where the people ar

7、e very friendly.,Write adjectives to describe the vacations : beautiful relaxing tiring dangerous educational peaceful fascinating interesting fun boring thrilling exciting quiet wonderful touristy,A: What would you do if you had a million dollars?,buy snacks,B: If I had a, I would .,give it to zoo,

8、put it in a bank,travel around the world,give it to medical research,give it to charity,Can this T-shirt be Johns?,It cant be Johns.,Its much too small for him.,John,It must be Toms.,belong to Tom.,Whose T-shirt is this ?,Tom,Whose book is this ?,Bob,Grandpa Li,It cant be xxs. Because,It must be xxs

9、. Because,belong to xxx.,belong to xxx.,Key Words,specific memorize grammar frustrating mistake challenge realize secret impress unless,regard influence friendship development soldier airplane terrify daily cause patient,具体的 记住 语法 令人沮丧的 错误 挑战 意识到 秘密 留下深刻印象 的 除非,把视为 影响 友谊 发展 士兵 飞机 使恐惧 日常的 导致 有耐心的,exa

10、ctly attention waste license concentrate design opportunity experience newsletter achieve importance,succeed million medical research energetic confident permission bother nearby cover,恰恰 注意 浪费 许可证 集中 设计 机会 经历 时事简讯 实现 重要性,成功 百万 医学的 研究 充满活力的 自信的 允许 打扰 附近的 覆盖,downstairs correct refuse helpful author a

11、ppointment crucial anxious creature interview,neighbor garbage mystery escape lift dishonest pretend attempt,在楼下 正确的 拒绝 有用的 作者 约会 关键的 焦虑的 生物 面试,采访,邻居 垃圾 神秘的事物 逃跑 举起 不诚实的 假装 试图,Key Phrases,犯错 以后,随后 嘲笑 做笔记 查找(字典) 编造 处理 (时间)过去 突然中止 朗读,make mistakes later on laugh at take notes look up make up deal with

12、 go by break off read aloud,流行歌曲 做调查 操练 参加一个俱乐部 以开始 这个学期 写下 彼此 解决问题 更糟的东西 面对挑战,pop songs do a survey get practice join a club to begin with this term write down each other solve problems something worse face the challenge,开着灯 和聊天 在过去几年里 变化很大 一个6岁的女孩 代替,而不是 熬夜 全神贯注 目前 养老院 挡道的,with the light on chat w

13、ith in the last few years change a lot a six-year-old girl instead of stay up concentrate on at present old peoples home in the way,担心,关心 驾驶证 考试不及格 通过考试 小组学习 答复 实现梦想 足够/大量的 与相处 使失望 提出,想出,care about drivers license fail the test pass the test study in groups reply to achieve the dream plenty of get a

14、long with letdown come up with,出版,发表 戴领带 其他每个人 演讲 未经允许 在午饭时间 余下的 意外地 摔到楼下 单独前往 属于,come out wear a tie everyone else give a speech without permission at lunch time the rest of by accident fall downstairs go alone belong to,形成,组成 用完 期末考试 在天空上 赶公共汽车 报警 上(车,飞机),make up use up final exam in the sky catch

15、 a bus call the police get on,Sentence Structures,1. I study for a test by working with friends. 我通过和朋友一起学习来准备考试。 2. He finds watching movies frustrating because the people speak too quickly. 他发现看电影令人沮丧,因为人们说话太快。 3. I make mistakes in grammar. 我在语法上犯错误。 4. Why dont you join an English club to practi

16、ce speaking English? 为什么不参加一个英语俱乐部来练习说英语呢? 5. I realized that it doesnt matter if you dont understand every word. 我意识到如果你不知道每个单词也没关系。,6. I was so afraid to speak in class. 我很害怕在课堂上发言。 7. By regarding problems as challenges. 把问题当作挑战。 8. We must learn how to change these “problems” into “challenges”.

17、我们必须学会如何把“问题”变成“挑战”。 9. It is our duty to try our best to deal with each challenge in our education with the help of our teachers. 在老师的帮助下尽力处理在教育中的每一个挑战是我们的责任。,10. I used to be afraid of the dark. 我过去怕黑。 11. Im terrified of the dark. 我怕黑。 12. I hardly ever have time for concerts. 我几乎没有时间听音乐会。 13. Ma

18、rtin Murray is a fifteen-year-old boy. 马丁.默里是一个15岁大的男孩。 14. To his surprise, this phone call changed his life. 令他感到惊奇的是,这个电话改变了他的生活。 15. He was watching me and would always take pride in everything. 他在关注着我,并且总是为我做的好事感到骄傲。,16. I have tried to make my mother pay more attention to me. 我已经尽力让妈妈更多地关注我。 1

19、7. His mother didnt give up trying to help him. 他妈妈没有放弃帮助他。 18. We have lots of rules at my house. So do we. 在我家有很多的规矩。 我们也是。 19. The problem is that all my classmates think the uniforms are ugly. 问题是我所有的同学都认为校服难看。 20. We learn a lot from each other. 我们彼此学到很多东西。 21. We would concentrate more on our

20、clothes than our studies. 我们会关注衣服多过学习。,22. Last summer I had an opportunity to volunteer at the local hospital. 去年夏天,我有了一个在当地医院做志愿者的机会。 23. Some students should be allowed to have Friday afternoon. 一些学生应该被允许在星期五下午放假去做志愿者帮助其他人。 24. But sometimes these hobbies can get in the way of schoolwork. 但有时这些爱好

21、可能会成为学业的阻碍。 25. We think he needs to spend time on his homework. 我们认为他需要花时间在功课上。,26. What if everyone else brings a present? 如果其他每个人都带礼物了怎么办? 27. Social situations dont bother you in the slightest. 社会状况根本困扰不了你。 28. You would also rather stay at home and read a good book than go to a party. 你宁可待在家里读一

22、本书而不去参加聚会。 29. I feel nervous talking in front of many people. 在那么多人面前讲话我感觉紧张。 30. If you were more friendly to people, you would have more friends. 如果你对人更加友好一些,你就会有更多的朋友。,31. She doesnt want to let her friends down. 她不想让她的朋友失望。 32. What would you do if you cut yourself by accident? 如果你意外把自己割伤了你会做什么

23、? 33. Id hurry to call the hospital first. 我会赶紧打电话给医院。 34. A friend offers you cigarettes at a party. 一个朋友在聚会上向你提供香烟。 35. It must belong to Carla. 它一定属于卡拉。,36. Shes worried because of her test. 她因为考试而担心。 37. But my friends and I think it must be teenagers having fun. 但是我的朋友和我认为那一定是孩子们在玩闹。 38. The di

24、rector of the local zoo says that three monkeys escaped from the zoo. 当地动物园的主管说三只猴子从动物园逃跑了。 39. Be careful of the dog that does not bark. 小心不叫的狗。 40. You cant wake a person who is pretending to be asleep. 你无法唤醒一个假装睡着的人。,41. He who would to great things should not attempt them alone. 想做大事的人不应该单独尝试。 4

25、2. He feels anxious before he gets on the plane. 他上飞机前感觉紧张。 43. Carmen likes musicians who play different kinds of music. 卡门喜欢演奏不同音乐的音乐家。 44. What does it remind you of? 它使你想起了什么? 45. Be sure to see this exhibition at the Lido Gallery. 一定要在利多美术馆看这个展览。,46. I prefer classical music to pop music. 我更喜欢古

26、典音乐而不是流行音乐。 47. The concert suited me just fine. 那场音乐会正好适合我。 48. If food tastes good, its usually bad for you. 如果食物好吃,它通常对你是有害的。 49. I stay away from sugar. 我与糖保持距离。,虚拟语气:如果我们所说的不是事实,也不是要求、命令、劝告等,而只是一种假设、愿望、建议或是一种实现不了的空想就用虚拟语气。 注意: 条件句分两种, 真实条件句和虚拟条件句。只有在虚拟(非真实)条件 句中, 才用虚拟语气, 而在真实条件句中, 要用陈述语气。,If it

27、 is sunny tomorrow, well go to the zoo. 如果明天天气好, 我们将会去公园。 在这句话中, 明天天气好是完全有可能实现的, 并非虚拟、幻想, 因此是真实条件句。,(2). If I were you , I would go at once. (如果我是你的话, 我立刻就走。) 这句话是条件句 “如果我是你”, 但事实上, 我不可能成为你, 这只是假设的情况, 没有实现的可能。当条件实现的可能性很小, 甚至可以说没有时, 就需要用虚拟语气来表示, 动词发生了变化。,也就是说虚拟语气表示和现实的事实相反时,从句中动词用一般过去时, be 动词were ,不能

28、用was,主句用 “should/would/could/ might +动词原形” 。,1. 如果我有时间,我就和你去散步。 If I had time, I _ with you. 2. 如果我被邀请了,我将会去参加那个派对的。 If I _, I would go to the party. 3. 如果Tom 在这里的话,他将不同意你的。 If Tom _, he would not _ you. 4. 如果我们采纳了你的建议,我们就会及时走到车站的。 If we had taken your advice, we _.,Complete the sentences,would go f

29、or a walk,were invited,were here,agree with,would get to the station on time,1. I learn English _ writing letters _ my pen pal. A. in; to B. by; to C. in; with D. on; with 2. Maybe you can _ vocabulary lists. A. made B. make C. do D. did 3.If you have questions, you should ask the teacher _help. A.

30、from B. on C .for D. to 4.Why did you quarrel with your mum? She was always _ a little guy. A. regarding me as B. thinking me as C. treating me like D. thinking of me like 5. I dont have a colorful pen to write_. A. to B. / C. from D. with 6. We cant do well in examination _we study hard A .ifB. and

31、 C. since D. unless 7. They tell us some ways _English well. A. teachB .learning C .to learnD. teaching,B,B,C,A,D,D,C,8.Did the medicine have any _? Yes, a little on my stomach. A. effectB. affect C. influent D. influence 9. Lillian said memorizing the words of pop songs helped _. A. a lot of B. lot

32、 of C a little D. a little of 10. She thought that_ with Englishmen was more helpful than with friends. A. having conversations B. had conversations C. have conversations D. has conversations 11.Id like a piece of paper _. A. to write B. to be writing C. to write on D. to write with 12.She can watch

33、 the actors _ the words. A. to say B. said C. says D. say,A,C,A,c,D,13. Tom _up early. But now he gets up very late. A. is used to get B. used to get C. was used to get D. is used to getting 14. On summer nights, I often go to sleep _ the windows open. A. inB. withC. have D. let 15. The tall boy _ o

34、ur basketball team is my elder brother. A. with B. of C. on D. to 16. Our school has changed a lot. It looks _ than before. A. more many beautiful B. more much beautiful C. many more beautiful D. much more beautiful 17. The police has _all hope of finding the two divers alive. A. looked up B. put up

35、 C. given up D. made up 18. To my great _, the door was unlocked. A. pride B. surprise C. attention D. trouble 19. Though the old man lives _, he doesnt feel _ because he has a lovely dog with him. A. alone; lonely B. alone; alone C. lonely; lonely D. lonely; alone,B,B,C,D,C,B,A,20. We use tractors

36、_ the farm work. A. do B. to do C. to doingD. doing 21. Some villagers cant afford _ their children to school. A. sending B. taking C. to send D. take 22. Something _ wrong with my little brother. A. seemed to B. seemed to be C. seemed to do D. seemed being 23. My life _ a lot in the last few years.

37、 A. change B. changed C. has changed D. have changed 24. Your friend used to play the piano, _? A. used she B. doesnt she C. use not she D. didnt she 25. . - Mary likes swimming.-_. A. So do I. B. I do so. C. So I do. D. So does I.,B,C,B,C,D,A,26. Uncle Li stopped _ the bicycle when he heard someone knocking at the door. A. to m


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