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1、,aid,injury,injure,bleed,choke,bloody,blood,burn,poison,poisonous,treatment,ambulance,mild,fever,electric,temporary,swell,damage,symptom,ceremony,bravery,pressure,in,up,do,difference,tell,from,again,the,of,aid,fall,asleep,away,out,present,absent,.翻译下列必背短语 1.对某人实施急救 _ 2.保护 _ 3.在适当的位置;适合 _ 4.找到,得到 _ 5

2、.赠予某人某物 _ 6.榨出,挤出 _ 7.着火 _ 8.坚持 _ 9.生病 _ 10.使受到危害/损害 _ 11.触电;电休克 _,give/offer/do first aid to sb. protect from in place put one,s hand(s)on present sb.with sth. squeeze out catch fire stick to fall ill cause/do damage to electric shock ,One day,Tom saw a girl get injured in a,traffic accident.,He ju

3、mped out of his taxi and gave first,aid to the girl.,What he did was quite right,,the girls life.,He fell ill because he was too tired.,He said that we should learn about first,aid so that we could prevent ourselves,from being in danger.,which saved,.写出下列单词的变化形式 1.损伤,伤害(n.)_;损伤,伤害(v.) _;受伤的(adj.)_ 2

4、.治疗;处理,对待(n.) _ ;处理,对待(v.) _ 3.电的;电动的(adj.)_;电(n.) _ 4.给;赠送;呈现(vt.)_;赠送;呈现 (n.) _ 5.压力;压,按,压迫(n.)_;压,按,压迫(v.)_,press,injury,injure,injured,treatment,treat,electric,electricity,present,presentation,pressure,6.勇敢(n.)_;勇敢的(adj.)_ 7.血(n.)_;流血(v.)_ 8.毒药(n.)_;有毒的(adj._,bravery,brave,blood,bleed,poison,poi

5、sonous,活学活用 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.They were awarded medals for their _(brave) in the war. 2.The passengers escaped from the accident with only minor_ .(injure) 3.He _ himself to a long holiday before he received a special _ for his nose.(treat) 4.I was only _ interested in the story I read in the newspape

6、r.(mild) 5.The storm caused great _to the crops.(damage),6. _this button to start the engine,(so) the _ of the water turns this wheel.(press) 7.The government _ its report next week.(present),答案:1.bravery2.injuries3.treated;treatment 4.mildly5.damage6.Press;pressure7.is presenting,.语篇领悟 根据课文First Ai

7、d For Burns完成下列短文 First aid is the kind of help 1 to someone 2 falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can 3 (find).Of course, the illness or injury is not serious. Now let,s talk aboutFIRST AID for burns. You have three layers of skin that protect yourself 4 diseases, poisons and the harmful rays

8、 5 the sun. Your skin also gives you your 6 of touch. First aid is a very important step in the 7 (treat).People can get burned by many things, 8 hot liquids, steam, fire, radiation, the sun, electricity, etc. There,答案:1.given 2.who 3.be found 4.against/from 5.from 6.sense 7.treatment 8.such as/like 9.which 10.way,are three types of burns. Burns are called first degree, second degree or third degree


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