



1、Chapter Three,Characteristics of Medical Terms,Pronunciation of Medical terms,medical terms difficult to pronounce partly attributed to the large number of loan words,Pronunciation of Medical terms,chancre 下疳,梅毒性溃疡 goiter甲状腺肿 grand / petit mal癫痫大小发作 lavage灌洗 massage按摩,Pronunciation of Medical terms,

2、Please refer to 李定钧医学英语词汇学p70-73 The stress of a long medical word is most commonly on the THIRD to the last syllable. e.g. cholecystectomy 7kClisis5tektEmi, 7kEuli-,Pronunciation of Medical terms,Usually determined by suffixes e.g. -algia hepatalgia, adenalgia, laryngalgia -phobia Hydrophobia, clau

3、strophobia -meter Thermometer, sphygmomanometer -itis Gastritis, arthritis, appendicitis,endocervicitis,Pronunciation of Medical terms,try to read the following medical terms: Tonsillectomy 7tCnsE5lektEmi Vertigo,Pronunciation of Medical terms,try to read the following medical terms: Sciatica saI5At

4、IkE Syncope 5siNkEpi,Pronunciation of Medical terms,try to read the following medical terms: Tachypnea 7tAkip5ni:E Dysentery 5dIsEntrI; (?) 5dIsEnterI Mucopolysaccharidosis mjU:kEJ9pClI9sAkEraIdEJsIs Nyctalopia 7niktE5lEupiE,Pronunciation of Medical terms,Read the following sentence: These subtypes

5、differ because of changes in certain proteins on the surface of the influenza A virus (hemagglutinin HA and neuraminidase NA proteins).,Pronunciation of Medical terms,influenza hemagglutinin 5hi:mE5lu:tinin, hemE- neuraminidase 7njurE5minEdeis protein 5prEuti:n,Pronunciation of Some Individual lette

6、rs,c: k before a, o, u, cardiac 5kB:diAk carcinoma 7kB:si5nEumE leucocyte 5lju:kE7sait,Pronunciation of Some Individual letters,c: s before e, i, y paracentesis 7pArEsEn5ti:sis placenta plE5sentE acid pregnancy emergency;,Pronunciation of Some Individual letters,g :g before a, o, u gastral AstrEl ac

7、romegaly 9AkrEJmeElI (肢端肥大症),antagonism An5tAEnizEm (对抗作用) regulator anticoagulant 5AntikEu5AjulEnt (抗凝(血)剂),Pronunciation of Some Individual letters,g : dV before e, i, y agent emergency age analgesia 7AnAl5dVi:zjE,Pronunciation of Some Individual letters,Initial x : z xacorin 5zAkErin 茶碱胆碱 xalogen

8、 zA5lCdVEn 眠尔通,xanthelasma 7zAnWE5lAzmE 黄斑瘤 xanthocyanopsia 7zAnWEu7saiE5nCpsiE 红绿色盲, 黄蓝视症,Pronunciation of Some Individual letters,in other places: ks anthrax 5AnWrAks 炭疽,axilla Ak5silE (掖窝) examination.,Pronunciation of Some Consonant combinations,Ch, ph and rh are three consonant combinations. Th

9、ey appear in a word as a unit and their pronunciations seem to have nothing to do with individual constant.,Pronunciation of Some Consonant combinations,ch : tF choke chest,Pronunciation of Some Consonant combinations,ch : k stomach chromosome 5krEumEsEum,cholecystectomy 7kClisis5tektEmi, 7kEuli- (胆

10、囊切除术) chronic cholecystitis 7kClisis5taitis (胆囊炎),Pronunciation of Some Consonant combinations,ch or both catechin 5kAtitFin, -kin 儿茶酚.,Pronunciation of Some Consonant combinations,ph usually f pheromone 5ferEmEun 信息素 pheron 5ferCn 酶蛋白,phoresis fEu5ri:sis (=cataphoresis) 7kAtEfE5ri:sis 电泳现象, phase,P

11、ronunciation of Some Consonant combinations,rh r rhabdomyolysis 9rAbdEJmaIEJlIsIs 横纹肌溶解 rhabdovirus rAbdEJ9vaIErEs,9rAbdEJv- 棒状病毒,rhinal 5rainl rhinalgia rai5nAldViE rhinitis rai5naitis ,Pronunciation of Some Double Consonants,At the beginning of a word, the first consonant of double constants, incl

12、uding cn, gn, mn, pn, ps, and pt, is silent. However, the two consonants are pronounced if the pair appear in the middle of a word.,Pronunciation of Some Double Consonants,Initial cn : n cnidoblast naIdEJblB:st (刺细胞) kn gastrocnemius 7AstrCk5ni:miEs 腓肠肌,Pronunciation of Some Double Consonants,gn : n

13、 gnarl (节,瘤) gnathal 5nAWEl (颚的, 颌的),gnotobiology 7nEutEubai5ClEdVi 限菌生物学,无菌生物学 but n prognosis prC5nEusis ,Pronunciation of Some Double Consonants,mn : n mneme ni:mI 记忆力 mn amnesia Am5ni:zjE.,Pronunciation of Some Double Consonants,pn :n pneodynamics 7ni:Eu7dai5nAmiks 呼吸动力学,pneophorus 7ni:5CfErEs 人

14、工呼吸器 pneumonia pn apnea Ap5ni:E,Pronunciation of Some Double Consonants,ps :s psicaine 5saikein 赛卡因, psychalgia 7sai5kAldViE 精神性痛 pseudo,in the middle of a word :ps apselaphesia 7ApselE5fi:ziE 触觉缺失.,Pronunciation of Some Double Consonants,pt :t ptyalin 5taiElin 唾液淀粉酶 ptoma 5tEumE 尸体,ptomatopsy 7tEum

15、E5tCpsi 尸体剖检 pteridine 5terE7di:n 蝶啶 pt hemoptysis hi5mCptisis 咳血, 咯血.,Pronunciation of Medical terms,try to read the following medical terms: Pneumococcal meningitis Pneumothorax Psychotic Ptosis Ptyalography 涎管(X线)造影术 7taiE5lCrEfi Pyelonephritis 7paiElEuni5fraitis 肾盂肾炎,Plural Forms of Medical Term

16、s,invariably singular especially nouns denoting diseases even though some of them end with s such as hemophilia, arrhythmia adenitis,appendicitis arthritis bronchitis diabetes hepatitis measles mumps rickets shingles,Plural Forms of Medical Terms,-a(Latin) -ae ampulla ampullae (壶腹) conjunctiva conju

17、nctivae (结膜) maxilla maxillae (颚,颚板,上颌骨),pleura pleurae (胸膜,肋膜) scapula scapulae (肩胛骨) vertebra vertebrae (脊椎骨, 椎骨),Plural Forms of Medical Terms,-oma(Greek)-mata enema enemata (灌肠) fibroma fibromata (fibromas) (纤维瘤),lymphoma lymphomata (淋巴瘤) stoma stomata (气孔,人造口),Plural Forms of Medical Terms,-um(

18、Latin)-a flagellum flagella (鞭毛,鞭状体) labium labia (唇),medium media,Plural Forms of Medical Terms,-on(Greek)-a encephalon encephala (脑, 脑髓) ganglion ganglia (神经节,神经中枢),phenomenon phenomena(现象),Plural Forms of Medical Terms,-is(Greek)-es analysis analyses (分析, 分解) arthrosis arthroses (关节, 关节病) crisis

19、crises (危象, 转换期),dermatosis dermatoses (皮肤病) epiphysis epiphyses (骨骺) neurosis neuroses (神经病;神经官能症),Plural Forms of Medical Terms,-is(Greek)-es (2) paralysis paralyses (瘫痪, 麻痹) psychosis psychoses (精神病;变态心理) pubis pubes (尺骨),testis testes (睾丸 thesis theses (论题, 论文) urinalysis urinalyses (尿分析, 验尿),Pl

20、ural Forms of Medical Terms,-is(Greek)-ides arthritis arthritides (关节炎),glottis glottides (声门),Plural Forms of Medical Terms,-us(Latin)-i bacillus bacilli (杆状菌, 细菌) bronchus bronchi (支气管),coccus cocci (球菌) focus foci (病灶) fungus fungi (真菌),Plural Forms of Medical Terms,-us(Latin)-I (2) humerus humer

21、i (肱骨,上膊骨) locus loci (轨迹,位点) nodulus noduli (小节),radius radii (挠骨) renculus renculi (肾小叶) thrombus thrombi (血栓),Plural Forms of Medical Terms,-us(Latin)-era genus genera (类;属),Plural Forms of Medical Terms,-us(Latin)-ora corpus corpora (体),stercus stercora (粪),Plural Forms of Medical Terms,-ex(Lati

22、n)-ices / es apex apices / apexes (顶点,尖) cortex cortices / cortexes (皮质, 皮层),pollex pllices (拇指),Plural Forms of Medical Terms,-ix(Latin)-ices / es appendix appendices / appendixes (阑尾, 盲肠) cervix cervices / cervixes (颈部, 子宫颈),varix varices (静脉曲张),Plural Forms of Medical Terms,-ax(Greek)-aces / es t

23、horax thoraces / thoraxes (胸,胸部,胸腔),Plural Forms of Medical Terms,-inx(Greek)-iges meninx meninges (脑膜),Plural Forms of Medical Terms,-s(Latin)-sa vas vasa (管,血管,脉管),Synonymous Phenomenon of Medical Terms,different origins Old English, Latin, Greek, French and other languages One result: different elements, or even words are used to refer to the same concept, thing or idea. Overlapping in reference is very common in medical terminology.,Synonymous Phenomenon of Medical Terms,Synonymous Phenomenon


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