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1、白雪公主电影赏析,1,创作背景,2,The White Snow and Seven Dwarfs,3,创作背景,02,4,作者资料简介,雅科布格林(1785-1863),德国著名语言学家,儿童与家庭童话集的编纂者,和哥哥威廉格林曾同浪漫主义者交往,思想却倾向于资产阶级自由派。他们注意民间文学,搜集民间童话,亲自记录,加以整理。其中有许多幻想丰富的神奇故事表达出人民的愿望和是非感:贪婪的富有者得不到好下场;被压迫、被歧视的劳动者和儿童经过重重灾难,最后得到胜利;农民和手工业者在受人轻视或凌辱时显示出惊人的智慧,而暴君、地主自以为有权有势,实际上却愚蠢无知,在人前丢丑;忠诚老实、被“聪明人”嘲笑

2、的“傻瓜”总是得到同情和赞扬。但这些童话的蓝本大都是封建社会的产物,更加以编纂者的唯心主义世界观的局限,其中不少是带有浓厚的宗教情绪,宣扬封建道德,鼓励安分守己的处世态度的。,5,精彩词句学起来:,Loose lips sink ships. 口风不严战舰沉(形容大嘴误事)。 He said empty your pockets! 叫你把口袋里的东西交出来。 Whats so funny? 有什么好笑的。 Take you the whole day to come up with that? 这么长时间就想出了这个?,6,作品简介,名著白雪公主讲述的是在一个王宫里出生了小女孩,名叫白雪公主,


4、Apparently somebody has to teach a lesson to these children! 不可能 看来我要给这群小孩好好上一课。 Your father meant for you to inherit his crown. 你父亲希望你继承王位。 We were outnumbered. 我们寡不敌众。 If you refuse, you shall suffer dire consequences. 如果你拒绝,那后果相当严重。,8,精彩对白欣赏:,Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away, a baby g

5、irl was born. Her skin was pure as snow. Her hair was dark as night. They called her Snow White. Probably because that was the most pretentious name they could come up with. As fate would have it, Snow Whites mother died in childbirth. Left on his own.her father spoiled the young girl. He could affo

6、rd to, of course. He was the king.,9,复述故事情节,10,复述故事情节,11,经典段落翻译,The Queen took an apple. She made a hole in the red side of the apple, and put some powder into the hole. Then she put on old clothes and went to the hut. She called, Is any one there? Snow-white opened the door, and came out to her. Th

7、e Queen said, I have some pretty apples. Eat one of my pretty apples. Snow-white took the apple and said, Is it good? The Queen said, See, I will eat this white side of the apple; you eat the red side. Then you will know that it is good.,12,经典段落翻译,王后拿来一个苹果,她在苹果红的一边挖了一个洞,把一些毒的粉末放在这个洞里。 然后,她穿上一身旧衣服,去了

8、小屋。她喊:“屋里有人吗?”白雪公主打开门,出来见她。王后说:“我有一些漂亮的苹果,吃一个尝尝吧?” 白雪公主拿着苹果说:“这好吃吗?”王后说:“瞧,我吃苹果白的一半,你吃红的一半,你会知道它味道不错。”白雪公主吃了苹果红的一半,当粉末进入她嘴里时,她倒下去死了。,13,课文练习,1. The glass which the Queen got from a wizard _. A.could make the Queen beautiful B.could tell who was the most beautiful of all C.was on the wall of the King

9、s room D.could make the Queen happy 2. When the Queen heard she wasnt the most beautiful of all, she _. A.became very angry at this B.didnt want to believe this C.decided7 to kill Snow-white D.All of the above.,14,3. The servant didnt kill Snow-white, because _. A.she was kind and beautiful B.he kne

10、w that the Queen will send another person to kill Snow-white C.the Queen told him to do so D.he wanted bears to eat her 4. Why didnt Snow-white go out of the forest? A.because she lost her way B.because the Queen would find and kill her if she did so C.she loved seven Little Men D.she could enjoy he

11、rself in the forest,15,5. How did the Queen know that Snow-white was still alive? A.She knew it from her glass. B.She knew it from one of her servants. C.She knew it from the seven Little Men. D.She knew it by herself. 6. What did the Queen do after knowing that Snow-white was alive? A.She decided t

12、o kill her in person. B.She decided to send a servant to kill her. C.She decided to send her some pretty apples. D.None of the above.,16,7. The Queen knew the death of Snow-white from _. A.a servant B.the seven Little Men C.her glass D.the Prince 8. From the story, we know that those Little Men put

13、_ white flowers on Snow-whites box in total. A.one B.seven C.more than seven D.countless,17,9. What happened to Snow-white after her death? A.She was put into a box and was buried by the seven Little Men . B.A Prince took her into his hall of beautiful white stones. C.She came back to life and married


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