



1、关于乌龟的英语作文范文 两年前,老爸从外面带来了一只可爱的小乌龟。这只小乌龟和其它的乌龟,可是与众不同的呢!你看它小小的尾巴,墨绿色的外壳,四只有力而又结实的大腿与爪子,与其它乌龟大不相同的是,它的头竟然是红色的。它一直把头抬得高高的,熟视无睹地看着眼前的一切,真是太惹人喜爱了! Two years ago, Dad brought a cute little turtle from outside. This little turtle and other turtles, but different! Look at its small tail, dark green shell, fo

2、ur strong and strong thighs and claws, unlike other turtles, its head is red. It keeps its head high and looks at everything in front of you in a blind way. It#39;s so lovely! 有一次,它把我的虾偷偷给吃了,我大大地给了它一脚,瞬间,它四脚朝天动弹不得,但它真是“江山易改,本性难移。”这只大馋猫,它最爱的东西是虾肉,居然跟我一样。那天,我在吃饭的时候,又不小心掉了一块大大的虾肉,足足有我的两个手指那样大小,说时迟那时快,它

3、像猛虎下山,猎物在前面,它疯狂地向前冲,它快速地伸出它那长长的脖子,敏捷地“钩”起猎物旁若无人地走了,看得我目瞪口呆,看来,我养了一个“贪吃”的胖子。 Once, he stole my shrimp and ate it. I gave him a big foot. Instantly, he could not move his four feet toward the sky, but it was really changeable, hard to change his nature. This cat, whose favorite thing is shrimp, is jus

4、t like me. That day, while I was eating, I aidentally dropped a large piece of shrimp, the size of my two fingers. It came down the mountain like a tiger, and its prey was in front of it. It rushed forward crazily. It stretched out its long neck quickly, and quickly hooked up its prey and walked awa

5、y like nobody else. I was stunned. It seemed that I had a greedy fat man. 它可不止是个“贪吃”的胖子,它还是一个“灵活”的胖子。我发现它有一个爱好,无趣的时候,它就趴在水里的石头上,而且每一次都趴在跟上次一模一样的石头上,它就静静地趴在石头上面,一趴就是两三个小时,它在想些什么呢?有什么问题要思考如此之久呢?真让人百思不得其解啊!看看那块石头不是平坦的,而是凹凸不平的,中间明显凸出来,而且呈现弯弯的起伏形状,这得身手敏捷才能办得到,所以它称得上是一个“灵活”的胖子。 It is not only a greedy fat

6、 man, it is also a flexible fat man. I find that it has a hobby, when it is boring, it lies on the stone in the water, and every time it lies on the same stone as the last time, it lies on the stone quietly, for two or three hours. What is it thinking about? What questions need to be considered for

7、so long? It#39;s really puzzling. Look at that stone. It#39;s not flat, it#39;s bumpy, it#39;s protruding in the middle, and it#39;s curved and undulating. It can only be done with agility, so it#39;s called a flexible fat man. 这只小乌龟对我来说不止是宠物,它更是我亲密的好朋友。不仅是它给我们家带来了无穷的乐趣,更因为在地球上,人和动物本来就是和谐共处的朋友。动物如果一

8、个个毁灭了,人类的末日也就不远了。在这个共有的家园里,每一个动物的存在都是不可或缺的,所以,我们要善待动物。 This little turtle is not only a pet to me, but also a close friend of mine. Not only does it bring endless pleasure to our family, but also because on earth, people and animals are friends living in harmony. If animals are destroyed one by one, the end of man


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