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1、GREAT BRITAIN,Walk in the Footsteps ofGreat Britons!,Chapter One Panoramic View,Warming up,Full name (Official Name) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (U.K) Geographical name the British Isles, Great Britain and England,The National Flag(米字旗),The Union Flag also known as the “

2、Union Jack ”,The origin of the flag,1603年,当时英格兰和苏格兰 拥有了同一位国王,在英格兰的名 叫詹姆士一世,在苏格兰的名叫 詹姆士六世。 1606年4月12日制定的国旗, 是由英格兰的圣乔治十字旗 St Georges Cross和苏格兰的 圣安德鲁旗St. Andrews交叉合并而成, 但和现在的有点不一样,没有红色的 斜杠(所谓的圣帕特里克十字 Saint Patrick )。 1801年,当时爱尔兰加入大不列 颠,成为联合王国,爱尔兰圣帕特里 克的白底红色交叉型旗再度与米字旗 合并,从而形成了今天的米字旗。,The National Emblem

3、,中心图案为一枚盾徽coat of arms,盾面上左上角和右下角为红底上三只金狮,象征英格兰;右上角为金底上半站立的金狮,象征苏格兰;左下角为蓝底上金黄色竖琴harp,象征北爱尔兰。 盾徽两侧各由一只头戴王冠、分别代表英格兰和苏格兰的狮子和独角兽unicorn守护。 盾徽周围用法文写着一句格言 “Honi soit qui mal y pense”,意为 “恶有恶报”;下端悬挂着嘉德勋章 The Most Noble Order of the Garter 饰带上用法文写着“Dieu et mon droit”, 意为“天有上帝,我有权利”。 盾徽上端为镶有珠宝的金银色头盔 帝国王冠和头戴王

4、冠的狮子。 底部的绿地中有玫瑰(英格兰), 蓟ji(thistle苏格兰),韭菜(chives威尔士)以及 三叶草(clover爱尔兰)。,The National Anthem,God Save the Queen(King) God save our gracious Queen, Long live our noble Queen, God save the Queen: Send her victorious, Happy and glorious, Long to reign over us: God save the Queen. Thy choicest gifts in sto

5、re On her be pleased to pour Long may she reign May she defend our laws And give us ever cause To sing with heart and voice God save the Queen,The National Flower,Rose,The National Bird,Cock Robin /Erithacus rubecula,A BRIEF INTRODUCTION,Geography Climate level to rolling plains平原 in east and southe

6、ast,Land use,forest 10.4% Pasture牧场 45.9% agriculture 24.8% other 18.9%,Much of the land is used for human habitation. This is not only because Britain is densely populated, but also partly because of their desire for privacy and their love of the countryside. The English and the Welsh dont like liv

7、ing in blocks of flats in city centers, and the proportion of people who do so is lower than in other European countries. As a result, cities in England and Wales have been built outwards rather than upwards.,The Highland Zone in the north and west The Lowland Zone in the south and southeast The div

8、iding line runs from the mouth of the River Exe埃克斯河 in the southwest to near the mouth of River Tees蒂斯河 in the northeast,The Highland Zone,a) The Highlands of Scotland Ben Nevis本尼维斯山 , the highest mountain in Britain, stands in North Scotland,b) The Central Lowlands (Middle Valley) of Scotland c) Th

9、e Southern Uplands d) The Pennines 奔宁山脉 The Backbone of England,e) The Lake District of Cumbria The home of Lake Poets 湖畔诗人, Three English poets, Robert Southey, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, William Wordsworth. f) The Welsh Massif 高地,Great Britain is the largest one of all the British Isles. The second

10、largest island known as Ireland. Great Britain is divided into 3 countries, or political regions.,General situation,England (south) Scotland (north) Wales (southwest) Northern Island,England,The largest there can be cool (even cold) days in July and some quite warm days in January.,Lack of extremes:

11、 On the few occasions when it gets really hot or freezing cold, the country seems to be totally unprepared for it. A bit of snow and a few days of frost, and the trains stop working and the roads are blocked,Temperatures: Summers are normally not too hot with the highest temperatures rarely rising a

12、bove 32C except perhaps in the southeast. Winters are generally mild, influenced by the warm air that comes from the Atlantic Ocean. Frosts are common but the temperature rarely falls below -10C. The difference between the average summer and winter temperature in most parts of Britain (including bot

13、h day and night time temperatures) is only about 12C.,Rainfall: Different parts of the British Isles receive different amounts of rainfall. More rainfalls in the west and north, particular in Scotland, the Lake District and Wales. In some parts of Scotland it can rain or snow on as many as 300 days

14、in a year. In East Anglia by contrast, rainfall is much lower, and dry summers can receive very little rainfall indeed.,Inland Water,The largest river-the Severn River塞汶河 (empties into the Bristol Strait布里斯托尔海峡) The second largest river & most important river-the Thames River泰晤士河(London is situated

15、on it) Clyde River克莱德河-in Scotland Lake District-most important lakes,People,A population of 59.6million (2001) Urban areas-90% Rural areas-10% English people (P11),Language,Official language-English Indo-European language family The development of English 1.old English (5th-12th century) 2. middle English (12th-15th century) after the Norman Conquest in 1066 3. modern English (15th century-now),religion,The British law protests religious freedom Majority believe Christianity基督教 The first Christian chur


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