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1、A national attraction,A brief introduction of The west lake,The location,The formation of the west lake,The legend of The West lake,The four seasons scenery of the west lake,苏堤春晓 Spring Dawn at Su Causeway,曲院风荷 Breeze-ruffled Lotus at Quyuan Garden,平湖秋月Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake,断桥残雪 Lingering S

2、now on the Broken Bridge,The First attraction,Lei Feng Pogoda,It was said that there was a white snake,which was called Bai Suzhen. She was willing to repay Xu Xian for saving her life before 500 years ago. Then she come to the world and married him,living together happily. But the Monk Fa Hai,who w

3、as from the temple Jin Shan,kept making Bai Suzhen die. What he did made them part and the couple had no chance to meet.,The bad monk Fahai,Bai Suzhens son Xu Shilin,This is the leifeng pagoda ,which was used to suppress the white snake lady.,The Second attraction,Broken Bridge,Site,Broken Bridge,Xi

4、ling Bridge,Long Bridge,The Most Famous Bridgein,The White Snake Lady met her future husdand,Origin,很早以前,西湖白沙堤,从孤山蜿蜿蜒蜒到这里,只有一座无名小木桥,与湖岸紧紧相连。游人要到孤山去游玩,都要经过这座小木桥,日晒雨淋,桥板经常要烂断,游人十分不便。 桥旁有一间简陋的茅舍,住着一对姓段的夫妇。两人心地善良,手脚勤快,男的在湖里捕鱼为生,女的在门口摆个酒摊,卖家酿土酒。因酒味不佳,顾客很少上门,生意清淡。 一天,日落西山,夫妇俩刚要关门,来了一个衣衫褴褛的白发老人,说是远道而来,身无分文

5、,要求留宿一夜。段家夫妇见他年老可怜,热情地留他住下,还烧了一条刚从西湖里捕来的鲤鱼,打上一碗家酿土酒,款待老人。老人也不客气,一连饮了三大碗,便倒在床上,呼呼入睡。,第二天早晨白发老人临别时,说道:“谢谢你们好心款待,我这里有酒药三颗,可帮助你们酿得好酒。”说罢,取出三颗红红的酒药,告别而去。 段家夫妇将老人的三颗酒药放在酿酒缸里,酿出来的酒,颜色猩红,甜醇无比,香气袭人。从此,天天顾客盈门,段家猩红酒名扬杭城,生意一天比一天兴隆。段家夫妇拆了茅舍,盖起了酒楼。他们为了感谢白发老人,积蓄了一笔钱,准备好好答谢他。,岁月流逝,一晃三年。这年冬天,西湖大雪,白发老人冒雪来到段家酒楼。夫妇俩一见恩


7、这桥称为段家桥。后来,因为“段”、“断”同音,便被称为断桥。这才知道,白发老人不是凡人。想起老人临别说的话,使用那笔银钱在原来的小木桥处,造起了一座高高的青石拱桥,还在桥头建了一座亭子。从此,游西湖的人,再不怕路滑桥断啦。乡亲父老怀念段家夫妇行善造桥的好事,便把这桥称为段家桥。后来,因为“段”、“断”同音,便被称为断桥。,The Third attraction,Three Pools Mirroing the Moon,三潭映月,壹,贰,叁,肆,2、Why called the Three Pools Mirroring the moon?,3、The story of the legend

8、 of the Three Pools Mirroring the moon?,4、The application of the Three Pools Mirroring the moon.,1、where the Three Pools Mirroring the moon?,Ruan Gongdun,the mid Lake Pavilion,Yingzhou Island,Area of 60000 square meters the water area of 60% Xintang Nie county magistrade,five holes same distance,thr

9、ee pagodas,covered with white sheet of paper,因每塔有5个小圆孔,若在每个小孔中点上灯烛,洞口蒙一层薄纸,一个塔加上湖中的倒影就有10个,三个一起就是30个,再加上天空一轮皓月和倒映在湖面的一轮圆月,可看到32个月亮,若是加上心中之月,总共是33个月亮。,The first is the seventys at the end of foreign exchange certificate 1 yuan,then the back view of a dollar bill in the fifth set of RMB also used the

10、three stone pagodas are almost the same pattern,Thank you,The Forth attraction,spring in xiling,西泠桥,summer in xiling,autumn in xiling,winter in xiling,Located in the WestXialingmountaintomountain,is astonearch bridgewithring,also known asScheringbridge. Station in ZhejiangHangzhouWest LakeLing Bridg

11、e,bothnearandfarfrom thelake,Lakein Gushanattention;not onlyin the west,andto thenorth,near theSu CausewayandBai Causeway,in sight,not onlya good location,but alsohistoricaffair,ismissing.,A synonym, a generation of talented woman, was buried in West Lake is a good place.,Through Su Xiaoxiao tomb, t

12、hrough Xiling bridge , is a stone arch bridge and ordinary, but because the contact Gushan, lying on the West Lake ocean, but it is very beautiful, plus Su Xiaoxiao the beautiful love story, is to become an excellent cultural landscape.,thank you,Next,The West Lake,Map,What can you do in the West Lake?,The first thing is walk around to appreciate natural beauty and historical flavor.There are many willows,green waters,bridges,causeways and so on.Just imagine!,second ,you can enjoy the delicious longjing tea a


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