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1、主语专项训练,主语:主语表明这句话说的是谁和什么,主语主要由名词、代词或相当于名词的单词,短语或从句充当。,一. 名词作主语,David arrived last night. 大卫昨晚到达。,Pride goes before a fall. 骄必败。,二. 代词作主语,Who is speaking, please? (在电话中)请问您谁?,Thats OK. 这没问题。,三. 数词作主语,Two will be enough. 两个就够了。,Two-thirds of the workers are women. 三分之二的工人是女工。,四.动名词作主语,Skating is good

2、exercise. 溜冰是很好的运动。,Looking up all the new words in the dictionary took him a lot of time. 到字典里查所有的新词花了他很长时间。,Its terrible not being allowed to smoke at all. (为平衡句子结构,用it 做形式主语) 完全不许吸烟太糟糕了。,练习,1. _(贫穷)is no disgrace. 2. _ (在年轻时就已见识世界) is a good thing 3. _ (学校附近有个公交车站)is a great advantage. 4. Its no

3、use _ (覆水难收),Being poor,Having seen the world in ones youth,There being a bus stop near the school,crying over spilt milk,五. 不定式作主语,To translate this ideal into reality needs hard work. 把理想转变成现实需要辛勤的劳动。,It takes two to make a quarrel. 两个人才吵得起来。(为平衡句子结构,用it 做形式主语),练习,5. _ is human. (没有不犯错误的人。) 6 _ (样

4、样皆通) is to know nothing. 7. Its better _ (令人嫉妒胜似令人怜悯),To err,To know everything,to be envied than to be pitied,Note:不定式作主语时,在很多情况下都可 用动名词替代。例如:,To hesitate means failure.=Hesitating means failure.,To know oneself is difficult.= Knowing oneself is difficult.,但是,如果作主语的不定式是固定说法,则通常不用动名词替代。例如:,To forgiv

5、e is to be forgiven.,或具体情况不能用动名词替代。例如:,To finish this job in one day is impossible.,六. 名词化的形容词作主语,The blind and the lame are well cared for in our country. 在我们国家,盲人和肢残人受到很好的照顾。,The unemployed usually lead a hard life. 失业的人生活一般很困难。,练习,8. _ ( 穷人) get poorer; _(富人) get richer. 9._(黑人)were usually discr

6、iminated in the past.,The poor,the rich,The blacks,七. 短语作主语,How to do well is an important question. 如何把这件事做好是一个重要问题。,Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy. 早睡早起身体好。,练习,10. _ _ _ _ (如何_使我们活得更长久) is a big problem. 11. _ _ (从不犯错误) is impossible.,How to make our life longer is a big proble

7、m.,Never to make any mistake .,八. 从句作主语,What has happened proves that our policy is right. 发生的一切证明我们的政策是对的。,Whether well go depends on the weather. 我们是否去要看天气。,That she will succeed is certain. 她会成功是可以肯定的。(陈述句作主语,that 不可省略),练习,12. _ (她竟忘恩负义) cut him to the heart. 13. _(他需要的) is more experience. 14. _

8、(犯人是如何逃跑的) is still doubtful. 15. _(值得做的事) should be done well.,That she should be ungrateful,What he needs,How the prisoner escaped,Whatever is worth doing,九it作形式主语和 it引导强调句的比较,It 作形式主语代替主语从句,(特别是谓语较短时),主语从句的连接词没有变化。例如:,It remains to be seen if we are wrong in the matter.我们是否在这件事上犯了错误还有待于观察。,It is

9、still doubtful whether she would play the part. 她是否要扮演这个角色值得怀疑。,It 引导的强调句则是对句子某一部分的强调,必须用连接词 that, 其结构是:It is (was) that.,It was in Paris where they met for the first time. (误) It was in Paris that they met for the first time. (正,强调状语,也只能用that),It was last summer when he graduated from the college.

10、(误) It was last summer that he graduated from the college. (正),1. _ is for him to decide. A. When leaving B. When shall we leave C. When we leave D. When we have left 2. After a whole day of hard work, all _ was a nice meal and a good rest. A. what he wanted B. which he wanted C. the thing he wanted

11、 D. that he wanted 3. To a highly imaginative writer, _ is a pad of paper and a pen. A. all are requiredB. all required is C. all is requiredD. all that is required.,4. _ is none of your business. I shall take what measures B. What measures shall I take C. It is what measures I shall take D. What me

12、asures I shall take 5. _ is power is a famous saying known to all. A. What knowledge B. How knowledge C. Where knowledge D. That knowledge 6. _ matters little. A. He will come or not B. If or not he comes C. Whether he comes or notD. He comes or not,7._ is his principle. A. Never offend anyone B. To never offend anyone C.Never to offend anyone D. That never offends anyone 8. There is no _with him A. getting alongB. to get along C. get along D. to getting along. 9. _ made him worri


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