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1、American Pop Music,由_提供下载,1、概念 2、起源 3、代表人物 4、反映的美国社会文化,Pop music Popular music在文学中等同,但用于音乐时有所区别。,Popular music 从曲风上而言题材不限,包括包括R&B(节奏布鲁斯), Rock(摇滚), Hip-Hop(嘻哈), Pop music 等等。所以pop music只是popular music 中的一种。 Pop music “通俗流行歌曲”,相对短,主要针对年青人市场,结合各种发烧乐器制作出全新效果,与摇滚乐比较类似。,因此,Pop music是属于popular music 其中的一个

2、音乐流派,该词1926年第一次被记录是用于一首乐曲上。到20世纪50年代已被形容一个独特的风格,它借助摇滚乐的基本要素,吸纳流行音乐特点,利用诸多技术革新如多轨录音和数字采样制作等。到50年代末已被应用于各种主流且最广泛流行的流行音乐,尤其是 摇滚乐。,pop music 的子类:,Dance-pop(流行舞曲) Electropop(电子乐) Baroquepop (巴洛克式) Operatic pop(歌剧流行曲) Teen pop(青少年流行曲)等等。,American popular music,But “popular music” may be more reflect the A

3、merican cultural and social characteristics. Mentioned above, rock is worldwide, and the others were genuine American. . In the discussion of American society and culture, these authentic American cultural products clearly should not be neglected. Here we will learn about the three American popular

4、music: jazz, country music and rock music.,Jazz (爵士乐),Jazz is highly dynamic rhythm, individual syllables and full of tricks and improvisation. After a whole century, it is still colorful and flourishing. To give an exact definition of jazz, Jazz is the new musical language hybriding from traditiona

5、l African music and European classical music in the U.S soil . Lack of Africa and United States by a factor of two, jazz would be impossible.,Jazz appeared in the 1920s and Jazz fans believe that it is the only native American art form. “The blues”布鲁斯 is the most influential in Jazz. The blues has m

6、ultiple meanings, in addition to the type of music, it can also be used as an adjective is on the scene, people often think of depression and sadness, which is the basic characteristics of blues music. Its culture is that it can help people from feeling personal troubles and depression freed. This f

7、eature combined with the basic, simple form of jazz, so jazz is very easy to improvise.,CountryMusic(乡村音乐),Country Music appeared in the 1920s, from the southern agricultural areas of the United States folk music. Melody is simple, steady rhythm, with a narrative. Singers can enjoy express the joy a

8、nd sadness hearts with Hawaiian guitar, plus banjo and harmonica accompaniment of musical instruments.,Country Music in the 1990s has been fully integrated into the mainstream of popular music. It is the result of commercial speculation and people are willing to bow to reality. Country Music is no l

9、onger a U.S. patent, it can be heard in every corner of the world, but lack some of the original flavor, more contemporary.,Rock Music(摇滚乐),The early 1950s, American popular music phenomenon of a tripod. The black - rhythm and blues-based Middle-class whites-Tin Pan Alley songs Rural - country music

10、 However, by the mid-1950s, has changed. Rapid growth of early rock.,In 1964, British Beatles band (which was also translated as Beatles band) hold a visiting performances for the first time in the United States, causing fever response. Their main contents of the concert included the love, anti-war,

11、 anti-violence and so on. It was in line with the anti-Vietnam War, anti-racist wave precisely. In this wave of rock music played an important role,For Americans growing up in the 1960s, little contact with the rock does not occur. Rock songs influenced modern American artistic taste.,The most glori

12、ous chapter in the history of rock and roll is July 13, 1985 in London, Wembley Stadium and JFK Stadium in Philadelphia at the same time the live broadcast of the concert, broadcast to the world.The audience is over 150 million people. More than 80 branch-class rock band attended to raise money for

13、severe famine in Africa . This unprecedented benefit performance for the rock to find not only a new and extremely spectacular manifestations, but also give it a global significance .,Representative of pop music,Elvis - Presley (The Hillbilly Cat) (19351977) Michael Jackson (19582009) Madonna Ciccon

14、e (1958-) lady GaGa (1986-),Michael Jackson,In the history of music ,no one can do like Michael Jackson who shocks the whole world, making young people crazy. With the accompaniment of music, his unique singing , classical dance and the magic of the original activation of human passion, he bursted i

15、nto singing, dancing, to make audience dicarnival scene.,He went to the Arab world tour, with his voice breaking Western music, especially the United States, with the Arab countries long-term gap. He was writing songs and performing for the first African American star, and generosity of Africa.,In 1

16、993, 1996, he visited Moscow as the first American star. His trip to China promoted the fledgling Chinese pop music to flourish. He was concerned about the environment, eager to help the poor and disabled, to charities $ 300 million.,No wonder the United States Chicago Tribune called him the most fa

17、mous Americans “. The world was shocked in June ,2009, with the unexpected death of Michael Jackson, the King of Pop in the 1980s.,June 25, 2009, Jacksons death to become the Wests top news. June 26, the U.S. Congress cut off the agenda, stand up for his silence. Former South African President Nelso

18、n Mandela said Jacksons death is the worlds loss.“ Because of Jacksons public visitors ,topic of a number of sites in Europe and America sometimes paralyzed. This illustrates Jacksons pop musics influence on the world the United States .,It is increasingly important for culture as a country and the nations soft power . Pop promotes the globalization . While American pop music has become Americas one of the most largest and the most profitable production. Different from other commodities, it is a cultural products, in add


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