



1、4岁幼儿英语短篇小故事【导语】故事教学是幼儿园教育中的一种重要手段,是幼儿园教育必不可少的组成部分,对培养幼儿良好的品德、提高幼儿的语言表达能力、丰富扩大幼儿的知识面具有积极的作用。【篇一:鹬蚌相争】One day, a clam proudly opened its shells to sun itself on the river bank. A snipe passed by the clam and stretched its bill to peck at the clams flesh.一天,一只河蚌得意洋洋地张开壳,在河滩上晒太阳。有一只鹬鸟,从河蚌身边走过,就伸出嚎去啄河蚌的肉

2、。The clam hurriedly closed its shells and tightly grasped the snipes bill between them. Despite all its efforts, the snipe could not extricate its bill.这时候,河蚌急忙把壳合上,紧紧地夹住了鹬鸟的咏。鹬鸟用尽力气,也拔不出它的嚎来。The clam could not get itself free to return to the river either.河蚌也脱不了身,不能回到河里去了。Then the clam and the snip

3、e began to quarrel.河蚌和鹬鸟就争吵了起来。The snipe said angrily:鹬鸟气呼呼地说:If it doesnt rain for one or two days, there will be no water. And you cant return to the river, then surely you will die anyway.“一天不下雨,两天不下雨,没有了水,你回不了河,总是要死的。”The clam also said angrily:鹬河蚌也气呼呼地说:If I dont let go of you for one or two da

4、ys, you wont be able to pull out your bill. Dont hope that you can live.“一天不放你,两天不放你,你的咏拔不出来,也别想活。”Neither the clam nor the snipe would give in, and they kept on grappling. At this moment, a fisherman came along the riverside with a fishing net. He was very glad to see the snipe and the clam at a de

5、adlock. Without the least effort, he caught them both, put them into his fish basket and carried them home.河蚌和鹬鸟谁也不让谁,争吵个不停。这时候,有个捕鱼的人,提着鱼网,沿着河边走来。看见鹬鸟和河蚌相持不下,他非常高兴,毫不费力地把它们两个一齐捉住,塞进鱼篓里,带回家去了。【篇二:惊弓之鸟】There was an archer named Geng Ying in the State of Wei. He went sightseeing with the King of Wei a

6、t Jingtai. At that time a bird was circling around in the sky, uttering sad and shrill cries now and then. The King of Wei looked up at it for a while and said to Geng Ying:魏国有位射手名叫更赢。他跟随魏王在京台游玩。这时有一只鸟在空中盘旋,还不时发出凄厉的叫声。魏王抬头看了一会儿,便对更赢说:Do you see that bird? Can you shoot it down?“你看见那只鸟了吗?你能把它射下来吗?”I

7、can shoot it down without using an arrow, Geng Ying said.更赢说:“这只鸟,我不用箭就能把它射下来。”After a while, the bird flew near. Geng Ying pulled his bow to the full, plucked the bowstring, and at the sound the bird fell to the ground before their feet.一会儿,那只鸟飞近了,更赢拉满弓,拨动了一下弓弦,鸟就应声落在他们跟前。The King of Wei said in su

8、rprise:魏王惊奇地说:You can shoot down a bird without an arrow. Your skill in archery is really wonderful.“你不用箭就能把飞鸟射下来,你射箭的技术真高明啊!”Geng Ying said:更赢说:Your Majesty, this is not due to my good skill, but because this is a bird of bad luck. You can hear how sadly and shrilly it wailed, and see how tiredly i

9、t flew. It was already wounded, and for a long time could not find its companion. Therefore it couldnt stand the least fright. As soon as I twanged my bow, it thought it had been shot and fell down of its own accord from the sky. What a pitiful bird frightened by the mere twang of a bowstring!“大王,这不

10、是我的技术高明,而是因为这是一只倒霉的鸟。你听它叫得那样凄厉,飞得那样疲乏。它已经负了伤,很长时间找不到伴侣,所以经不起一点点的惊吓。我的弓弦一响,它就以为是被射中了,自己从空中跌落下来,多么可怜的惊弓之鸟啊!”【篇三:南辕北辙】One day, Ji Liang went to see the King of Wei and reported:一天,季梁去见魏王,报告说:When I was coming here, I saw a man on the road driving a horse ca币age north in great haste.“这次,我来的时候,在路上看到一个人,驾

11、着马车往北走,走得很急。I asked him: Where are you going in such haste?“我问他:走得这么急,你要去哪儿?He replied: I am going to the State of Chu.“他回答说:我要到楚国去。I said: If you want to go to the State of Chu, you should go south. Why are you going north? You are going the wrong way!“我说:你去楚国,应该朝南走,怎么往北呢?你走错了!He said: My horse is

12、big and strong. It can run as fast as flying. It doesnt matter to run a little more.“他说:我的马很好,又高又大,跑起来跟飞一样快。多跑点儿没关系。I told him: Though your horse is good, you are going in the wrong direction.“我告诉他:你的马虽然好,可是去楚国的方向不对呀!He said: It doesnt matter. I have lots of money.“他说:没关系,我有很多钱。I told him again: Tho

13、ugh you have lots of money, this is not the road to the State of Chu.“我又告诉他:你钱虽然多,但是这不是去楚国的路呀!He said: It doesnt matter. My driver is good and strong.“他说:没关系,我的车夫好,他身强力壮。Finally I told him: Though your driver is good and strong, this is not the road to the State of Chu.“最后我告诉他:你的车夫虽然好,但是这不是去楚国的路呀!The King of Wei blurted


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