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1、,Lets spell,Unit 3 Weather,头铺镇金岗小学 裴媛媛,Listen ,read and judge:,Rules:(游戏规则),Say “Yeah . Yeah . Yeah”, if you think it is true. Say “No . No . No”, if you think it is false.,Im from a farm(农场).,It is far(遥远的).,I have a daughter(女儿).,She likes art(美术).,far,art,farm,What is the same of them? (仔细观察,它们之间

2、有什么相同的地方?),Whats the sound of letter “ar”?,(字母ar发什么音呢?),farm,far,art,a: a:,ar,a: a: a:,ar,a: a:,a: a:,ar,a: a: a:,ar,a: a:,拼音游戏:,I can play with letters. (小组內一玩一玩,读一读。),拼音游戏:,I can play with letters. (小组內一玩一玩,读一读。),The big challenge,大挑战,Do you want to get the gift? (你想得到这份礼物吗?),The first challenge,G

3、uess: Whats the sound of me? (猜猜我发什么音?),(第一关),car,card,a car on a card.,ar,m,arm,arm,in,Girls _. Dogs _.,arm,arm,in,arm,arm,in,(臂挽臂),Mark has a card. A card with a car. Mark has dogs. Dogs arm in arm.,Lets chant:,The second challenge,Listen: What do I say? (听听我说哪个词?),(第二关),(你能选择正确的答案吗?),Can you choo

4、se the right word?,Listen and choose. (听录音选出你所听到的单词,并圈出。),The ( A.tall B. hall) girl wants to pick up the (A.dall B.ball), but the (A.wall B.mall) is too high.,(大家一起拼一拼),ball,tall,wall,你发现规律了吗?,-al,【:】,ball,tall,ball,tall,ball,tall,ball,al,c,l,m,k,b,n,al,c,d,m,l,b,n,al,c,d,m,k,B,t,al,c,d,t,k,b,n,al,

5、c,d,t,l,b,n,Come on! Lets go on! (加油,胜利就在前面咯!),(第三关),The third challenge,Consolidation (巩固练习),Show time !,I spell, you say.,tall,card,car,ball,farm,card,wall,arm,tall,Show time !,I say, you spell.,老师说一个单词,学生迅速拼出,最先拼出的小组,起立表示胜利 同时可请同学上黑板拼写。,Come on! Boys and girls (加油,马上就要成功了!),The 4th challenge,Do e

6、xercises (做练习),(第四关),Read the words loudly ! 大声读一读!,Read , listen and number (听音并标号),1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,Task 2:,Look , listen and write,(听音,写单词),Task 3:,Lets read !,The 5th challenge,Expand the practice (拓展练习绕口令和chant 看谁读得又快又准。) (小提示:如果先读词再读句子会读得更棒喔!),(第五关),Draw a ball on a card .,Draw a small small ball .,Now draw a car on the card .,Draw a car near a wall .,0,You are so great! (闯关成功),Summary1. What do we learn today?2. Who wins the game? .,ar,al,fall all small call talk walk,art far star bar


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