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1、To appreciate the romance of Paris, one of the best ways is boarded in the sky falls on the occasion of the Eiffel Tower, the setting sun shine sunset, waiting for the stars turn of the Paris night, the quiet beauty of Paris. 要体会巴黎的浪漫风情,最好的方法之一,就是在天幕低垂之际登上艾菲尔铁塔,落日辉映晚霞,等待星辰交替的巴黎夜景,是巴黎的沈静之美。,Paris is

2、the city of the island in the Seine River and its two sides gradually developed. Seine in Paris the formation, development, water, industrial, domestic, and even scenery plays a special role. 巴黎就是在塞纳河城岛及其两岸逐步发展起来的。塞纳河对巴黎的形成、发展、水运、工业、生活,乃至景色都起着特殊的作用。,otre Dame was founded in 1163, and it took four hu

3、ndred years before completion, is Gothic church representatives, delicately carved, quite the gods can be, especially on the main entrance of three large arches in relief, a total of more than a thousand people very detailed. Notre Dame interior decoration, rigorous silence, but the design of the mo

4、st attractive stained glass windows, which have a long rectangle with round, but one of the radio for the most, it has a diameter of nine meters, commonly known as the Rose windows 巴黎圣母院始建1163年,前后历时四百年才完工,是哥德式教堂的代表,精雕细凿,颇有鬼斧神工之能,尤其是正门三个大拱门上的浮雕,共有千余人物,非常细致。巴黎圣母院内部装璜,严谨肃穆,但以彩色玻璃窗的设计最吸引人,其中有长有圆有长方,但以其中

5、一个圆形为最,它的直径有九公尺,俗称玫瑰玻璃窗,rc de Triomphe in Paris, not only been one, but the most spectacular, the most famous, is located in the Charles de Gaulle tall central Caiman. Arch arches can ascend stone stairs or elevator up, a total of 273 stone steps, go up after the first leg has a small history museum

6、, which displays a description Arc de Triomphe architectural history of the picture. In addition, there are two French language with English commentary movie room, special screening of some of the changes reflect the history of Paris piece of information. Beyond it, on to the platform at the top of

7、the Arc de Triomphe, from here you can Aerial view of Paris landmarks. Beneath the Arc de Triomphe, is November 11, 1920 the construction of the tomb of the unknown soldier 巴黎的凯旋门并非仅只一座,但最为壮观、最为著名的,是位于“夏尔戴高乐广场”中央的那座凯门。凯旋门的拱门上可以乘电梯或登石梯上去,石梯共273级,上去后第一站有一个小型的历史博物馆,里面陈列着介绍凯旋门建筑史的图片。另外,还有两间配有英法语言解说的电影放映

8、室,专门放映一些反映巴黎历史变迁的资料片。再往上走,就到了凯旋门的顶部平台,从这里可以鸟瞰巴黎名胜.在凯旋门的正下方,是1920年11月11日建造的无名战士墓,枫丹白露法文意为美泉,因宫内有一美丽的八角型小泉而得名。十六世纪法王法兰西斯一世的狩猎别庄,为义大利文艺复兴的建筑,经过路易王朝几位国王不断扩建,规模相当于一个城镇,有相当长的时间都作为法国国王的居城。城内有从文艺复兴时期至拿破仑帝政时代的装饰品和家具用品,颇具风味。,Fontainebleau in French means Schnbrunn because the palace has a beautiful octagonal

9、Koizumi named. King Francis I sixteenth century hunting Biejhuang for Italian Renaissance architecture, several kings after Louis dynasty continued expansion of scale of a town, a very long time as the French kings home city. The city has from the Renaissance to the Napoleonic era imperial regime de

10、corations and furniture items, quite flavor.,Concorde octagonal central proudly stands tall three thousand three hundred years old Egyptian obelisk, the square is surrounded by eight statues, it symbolizes Frances eight cities. There is also a garden, fountains and parade units, has become the peopl

11、e of Paris to rest, places to visit. 协和广场呈八角形,中央骄傲地矗立着那座有三千三百年历史的埃及方尖碑,广场的四周有八座雕像,它象征着法国的八大城市。这里还有花圃、喷泉和阅兵台,如今成了巴黎市民休息、游览的地方。,The Louvre is one of Frances largest palace building, located in the center of Paris right bank of the Seine, south of Paris Opera Square. Originally a medieval castle, the Louvre Museum and Art Gallery is divided into six parts: the Greek and Roman galleries; Oriental Art; Egyptian Museum; European Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the modern


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