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1、Task 12 独立题 戏精上身 语音语调Task1 多选一、三选一、建议类、优缺点Task2 A or B, agree or disagree, good or notIm a university student who has endless tasks to deal with. For example, i need to take classes, write papers, prepare for the TOEFL test and so on. Usually, i feel so tired and busy, so i need to find a way to let

2、 off my steam. Like last weekend, i .,and i felt so relaxed. I could totally get away from the daily grind. Whats more, while doing sth, i can meet a bunch of people who share the common interests and hobbies. I mean, its easier for us to get along with each other. It can help me to expend my social

3、 network.大城市、出国Living in a big city can provide people with a lot of benefits. Im a university student who studies in shanghai, i enjoy my life here in this big and modern city, because i can receive better education, experience new things, get more job opportunities and so on. All these can lead to

4、 a better life, right?Besides, the basic infrastructure in big city is perfect, because there are some museums, hospitals, schools,libraries and so on.榜样力量Yi Fan is a famous actor in my country, and i admire him a lot because he sets a good example to me. Once, i watched an interview about him on TV

5、. In the interview, he told us that at the beginning of his career, he was little-known. However, he kept trying harder and harder and never give up. Now, he is a household star and everyone knows his name. His story motivates and inspires me all the time.大学教育、商业Im studying in a top university, whic

6、h provides me a platform to gain and enrich knowledge for my major. My major is business administration. In university, i have learned some related academic subjects, such as economics, management, e-commerce and so on. At the same time, i can do some internships in some business companies. All thes

7、e can lay a solid foundation for my future career. Whats more, in university, i can make friends with some talented people who can give me a lot of inspiration.三选一结尾套话To tell you the truth, when talking about the other two things, i have absolutely no interest in them. Therefore, i dont want to wast

8、e my time on them.节约钱Im only a student who doesnt have regular income, so i need to save money in daily life. Otherwise, i cant make my ends meet. However,.may cost me a lot of money. Its a financial burden for me. Whats more, i would rather save the money to do other meaningful things, such as payi

9、ng for my tuition, traveling or doing some charity.环保、志愿者Protecting the environment is very important, because the world we live in is our only home. Last summer, i joined an environmental protection club named Beautiful Home. Once, we collected the recyclable rubbish in the downtown, such as plasti

10、cs, cans, bottles and so on. Then we sent them to the recycle center. I think this kind of activity cant only clean the city, but also strengthen citizens awareness of environment protection. Make full use of the natural resourcescan not only help the.to.,but also give myself a sense of accomplishme

11、nt. I feel myself important.成功励志、经验Last semester, i joined a speech contest in university. To be frank, i didnt have any talent in public speaking, so i felt so nervous. I really wanted to challenge myself. Therefore, i spent a lot of time preparing for it, like searching for information, writing my

12、 speech, improving my body language and so on. No kidding, i even practiced in the washroom! In the end, i got the first prize in this competition. HURRAY! Since then, i became more and more confident! Amazing experience,right?运动Im a big fan of doing sports, because its beneficial for my physical an

13、d mental health. Im very interested in swimming, because during the process, i could stretch out my arms and legs and build muscle all over the body. Whats more, its also a good way to relax and feel good. Besides, swimming is one of the most effective ways to burn calories so that i can keep a good

14、 body shape.家人朋友通信Im studying in Shanghai which is far away from my hometown. When i feel down or when i meet some troubles in my life, i will call my parents, because they are my rock. Like last night, i was so upset about the upcoming TOEFL test, coz its to important to me. Then i called my mom an

15、d she encouraged me that “honey, its ok. Take it easy. I have faith in you. You are the best.” After the conversation, i felt much better.健康饮食Having healthy diet plays a very important role in our lives, because a healthy body is the foundation of everything. However, a lot of people pay less attent

16、ion to their diet, and they eat some junk food, such as French fries, hamburger, fried chicken, and so on. I think people should eat more home-made food, and eat more fruits and vegetables. After all, health is the most important thing in our life.旅游I often travel in my spare time, because i think i

17、ts good chance for me to see the rest of the world. Last summer vacation, i traveled to Boston, a modern and metropolitan city in US. I went there with a bunch of my friends. We did a lot of interesting things, such as shopping, visiting museums, tasting sea food and so on. So amazing. BTW(buy the w

18、ay), the public transportation there is very convenient, so you can take bus or subway to arrive at any destination you want. Its a great experience for me, because my friends and i had a great fun there.学习、时间管理、教授、电脑Im a university student who has endless tasks to deal with, such as.last week, the

19、management professor asked us finish an essay in 2 days. Yeah, you heard me, two days. It almost drove me crazy. I made a to-do list in order to get high efficiency in study. According to the list, i did a lot of things, such as searching for information online, reading e-books, and writing the outl

20、ine. In the end, i finished the essay on time with high quality.艺术Learning art is very important, because it can develop creative thinking, broaden the mind and feed the soul. When i was in high school, my favorite subject is painting class. Our painting teacher often took us to the art galleries or

21、 museums to watch some art exhibitions. I learned a lot of background knowledge and skills about painting pictures, such as how to structure the pic and how to match the color. Whats more, i also appreciated some masterpieces from some great artists, such as Van Gogh, Picasso and so on.节约时间Time is v

22、ery precious for students, because you need to deal with a lot of things. Especially now, i need to prepare for this TOEFL teat and deal with my final exam. I really feel exhausted and stressed out. Therefore, i dont have time to.i would rather save the time to do some other meaningful things, such

23、as doing sports,studying or even sleeping.工作艰辛You know what, being a .is not an easy thing, because everyday you need to spend a lot of time doing., such as,.,and . take my friend Fancy as an example, she is a. she works very hard everyday in order to. i really admire her from the bottle of my heart

24、. Without .s work, we cant.兼职I think doing part time job is a good way for us to accumulate some practical working experience. Last year, i had an internship in a local company. It was a great experience for me, coz i learned some useful knowledge and skills, such as time management, teamwork, organ

25、ization, customer service and so on. All these can lay a solid foundation for my future career. Also, i can make some money by doing part-time job.动物保护I think its very important to protect the endangered species, because if a species goes extinct, its lost forever. Last summer vacation, i went to a

26、wild zoo in Sicilian. I saw a lot of lovely panda there. Panda is a kind of endangered species, and the government should do something to protect it, such as building protected lands, planting more trees, improving breeding techniques and so on. In this way, it can provide a favorable environment fo

27、r pandas to live. I really hope that my grand children or grand grand children can still see the real, cute pandas.效率Getting high efficiency is very important, because it enables to you get more things done in a short time. Im a university student who has a lot of schoolwork to do, so i need to make

28、 sure getting high efficiency in study. I usually. to help myself keep my mind on study. In this way, i can be totally focused and concentrated.丰富人生Doing . can help me enrich my knowledge and experience. Thats the point of life, right? I mean, life is short! We should make full use of every opportun

29、ity to experience new things. I really want to experience different things in my life. For eg.公共场合不礼貌,噪音Its very important for people to enhance the public awareness. For example, we shouldnt make any loud noise in public area, because everyone deserves the right to have a quiet environment. Last Fr

30、iday afternoon, i was studying in the school library, coz the final exam was coming. You know what, a guy who sat next to me was talking loudly on the phone. He made a lot of noise, and i couldnt focus on my study. I just got distracted. Its so annoying! I think this kind of behavior is impolite and

31、 rude.课堂讨论“more hands make for lighter work.” “ two heads are better than one.”Group discussion is very beneficial for students because two heads are better than one. When participate in group discussion, students can work together to solve some difficult problems. Whats more, participation can add

32、interest and engage students. Once, our business professor asked us to do a project, then my partners and i discussed it together. We could learn from each others different perspectives, solve the problems together efficiently. In the end, we did a great job in the project.独立生活When i was a little ki

33、d, my parents taught me some life skills to cultivate my independence. For example, like, um, when i got 6? they taught me how to do some basic housework,such as doing laundry, washing dishes, vacuuming the floor and so on. Now, i am studying in a city which is far away from my hometown, but i can t

34、otally take care of myself and live independently. Its not a difficult thing for me to adapt to the university life. Now, i am planing to learn how to cook, coz eating home-make food is healthier and economical. Task 3校园综合题阅读 一个主题(学校政策、学生建议信)The university plans to .because.and.The letter proposes t

35、hat.because.and.听力 一个态度、两个原因The woman/man in the conversation agrees/disagrees with this proposal/plan. Firstly.secondly. Task 4学术综合题阅读找定义句 known as, this is referred to as, this is called, people call this, people refer to this as, concerned with 如果没找到,放弃+补救.is a definition mentioned in the reading

36、, which means.The professor in the lecture uses an example/two examples/his own life experience/his friends life experience to explain it.As you can see, this is the example which can demonstrate what is.In the lecture, the professor is talking about.(an experiment to prove that.)听力 两个例子The first .i

37、s. for example.as a resultThe second .is.for example.as a resultTask 5校园综合题听力 一个问题、两个方案常见问题1、 时间冲突 schedule conflict between A and B问题 paper, review class, optional class, required class, presentation, exam, audition, award ceremony, movie, play, concert, field trip, part-time job, tutor, club activ

38、ity, museum, party,rehearsal方案 talk to the professor and explain; ask the professor for deadline extension; ask the professor to reschedule the time; write a paper to fulfill the requirement; cancel the plan; put off/delay/postpone the plan; ask someone else to replace; reduce the frequency of doing

39、 sth; do sth first,and then2、 论文困难问题 时间紧(he has a busy schedule, his paper will due by., he has to submit/hand in by., he has to finish two papers at the same time)电脑坏了break down, run out of battery弄脏了spill some soup,wet忘记带forget to bring方案 postpone/delay the deadline, try best to finish; ask the re

40、pair shop to fix; go to the computer lab/computer center; print a clean copy; drive home to get; explain to the professor3、 出行困难问题 车坏car(van) broken down 借不着rent agency, not available 租车贵expensive方案 borrow a car/postpone the plan/take public transportation答题模板30s 客观In the conversation, the man/woman

41、 has a problem that.There are two solutions to solve the problem. The first one is.,the second one is.30s 主观I think the .solution is better. Because .,however, the .solution is not good because.1、 很忙 she is very busy at this moment, but doing sth will take up a lot of time. Therefore, this kind of t

42、ight schedule must make her feel, you know, so tired and busy. In the end, probably, she will mess all things up.2、 很贵 i think.is too expensive for her. I mean, she is only a student who doesnt have regular income, maybe she doesnt have financial ability to afford it. Its a huge burden. She shouldnt

43、 take it.3、 某个地方拥挤吵闹 .is full of people and noise, so its not an ideal condition for her to study. She cant be totally focused in this kind of noisy and crowded environment. As a result, she cant get high quality in.4、 让某人失望 it will let sb feel disappointed, but sb is very important to her, so she s

44、houldnt let sb down, and probably, it will ruin the relationship between them or leave a bad impression on sb5、 路途遥远 .is very far away from where she lived, so everyday she need to waste a lot of time on the commute. However, as a student, time is very precious, i mean, she can use the time to do some other meaningful things, such as studying, doing sports or even sleeping.6、 缺课 as a student, study is always the most important thing,


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