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1、,The introduction of chinese literature,1、Poem 2、Prose 3、Novel 4、Theater,Poem,The Book of Songs Chinas first poetry Collection, a total of 305. According to different music, divided into the wind and Ya and Song class. The poem Ode is the ruler of the ritual songs were ancestors, Ji world mountains,

2、 also have a festival of Saturnalia. Elegance sub-Daya and Xiaoya, are used for the banquet ceremony, the content is mainly a celebration of the former hero and the present political satire. Wind is the essence of The Book of Songs which includes 15 local folk songs.,Chinese poetry before the invent

3、ion of writing, it is gradually formed and developed in the peoples labor, song and dance.,Songs of the South The 4th century BC, the Chu poet Qu Yuan, and deeply influenced by him Song Yu created a new verse. Qu Yuans Lament Songs of the South outstanding masterpiece. Yuefu A new form of poetry app

4、eared in the Han Dynasty. At first, folk songs, and later scriptures intentional imitation, become the main form of poetry in the era of Wei.,Metrical poetry Poetry to the Tang Dynasty and ushered in a highly sophisticated golden age. Four Heroes to create a period of Tang poet, the Cource eight for

5、m of the verses by their initial stereotypes. 四杰分别是王勃、杨炯、卢照邻、骆宾王。 Tang period poetry the pinnacle of prosperity, metrical poetry in this period is completely set to become the main form of the later poetry. 诗仙:李白(字太白,号青莲居士) 诗圣:杜甫(字子美,号少陵野老) 山水田园诗人:孟浩然、王维 边塞诗人:高适、岑参、王昌龄、李颀、王之焕,登高(杜甫) 风急天高猿啸哀,渚清沙白鸟飞回。

6、 无边落木萧萧下,不尽长江滚滚来。 万里悲秋常作客,百年多病独登台。 艰难苦恨繁霜鬓,潦倒新停浊酒杯。 中唐诗人代表:白居易、元稹、张籍、王建、韩愈、孟郊、李贺 晚唐诗人代表:杜牧、李商隐 Word Alias Short Sentence, began in the Liang Dynasty, formed in the Tang Dynasty, Five Dynasties popular, but the heyday in the Song Dynasty. the intricate changes of rhythm, the length of irregular synta

7、x as well as to express the strong deep and sincere feelings, become a very popular literary genre. 唐代花间派:温庭筠 五代十国时期代表:李煜 婉约派:晏殊、李清照 豪放派:苏轼 、辛弃疾,Song Yuan Dynasty the original since the so-called Fan Song, Hu Yue, first in the folklore, known as the Market Xiao Ling or Village Administrative Minor .

8、 With the conquest of the Sung Central Plains, it has in most of the (now north and south of Beijing) and Linan (now Hangzhou) as the center of the vast area spread to the The rise of the Yuan Dynasty of the development of our national poetry, cultural prosperity has far-reaching impact and outstand

9、ing contributions. 代表:关汉卿、马致远、郑光祖、白朴 双调寿阳曲 潇湘夜雨(马致远) 渔灯暗,客梦回,一声声滴人心碎。孤舟五更家万里,是离人几行情泪。,Prose,Pre - Qin prose Thinkers prose and historical prose. Philosopher Prose discourse-based, such as The Analects of Confucius Mencius Zhuangzi; Historical essays are based on historical themes based prose, where

10、the account of historical events, historical figures, articles and books are historical essays, such as Zuo . 论语 子曰:“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。” 孟子 老吾老,以及人之老;幼吾幼,以及人之幼。,Tang and Song prose Tang Dynasty, Han Yu, vigorously opposed the flashy Parallelism text, advocate for the classical set off a literary mov

11、ement. The Tang, the literary movement once the decline of the Song Dynasty, and Ouyang Xiu once again set off a literary movement. Prose written in the classical movement driven by the increasingly complicated, the emergence of a literary prose, producing a lot of good landscape travel, fables, bio

12、graphies, essays and other works, the famous Tang and Song.,Ming and Qing prose First, mainly by the archaism of Seven and Seven, and later the advocate works are from the chest outflow of the Tang and Song School, against your ancient cheap today, the simulation of the ancients of Gongan and ideas

13、alone express spirituality Jinglingfaction. Prose the Tongcheng as the Qing Dynasty, focusing on the manifestation of moral principles. The Tongcheng representative writer of the Yao Nai Chinas ancient prose style to be summary, divided into 13 categories, including argument, prefaces, postscripts,

14、memorials, books, gifts order, decree, like transfer, Monumental, miscellaneous said, Zhen Ming, and blessing, Fu, sorrow lay. The Tongcheng antagonism exists, is the complex social advocate parallel prose writer.,Modern Prose Along with the criticism of literature and classical feudalism, the birth

15、 of the first number of modern literature, argumentative essays is one of them, it is the source of modern prose. The prose of the development of different styles, different styles, looks prosperous. Form, narrative, scene, sentiment, Yan Zhi, comments; style on Lu Xun Jun cold Qiaoba calm dilute Zh

16、ou Zuoren, Zhu Ziqing, Bing Xin, fresh and elegant, bold sway Guo, Yu Dafu tao, Xu Hill straightforward and simple straight Hsu Chih-mo nuanced brilliant and so on.,Novel,Novel budding of ancient China in the Qin Dynasty, the development of two Northern and Southern, was called Sketchbooks, interest

17、ed person novel and the two kinds of Ghost Stories. The Tang Dynasty was the maturity of the novel, novel at that time known as the legendary popular words of the Song and Jin Dynasties novel. Yuan Dynasty and the novels of the Ming and Qing Dynasties to the peak, a long vernacular fiction.,四大名著: 三国

18、演义(罗贯中) 水浒传(施耐庵) 西游记(吴承恩) 红楼梦(曹雪芹、高鹗) 其他代表作: 金瓶梅 儒林外史(吴敬梓) 三言二拍(三言:喻世明言警世通言醒世恒言 ,为冯梦龙编著:二拍:初刻拍案惊奇二刻拍案惊奇,为凌蒙初 编著) 聊斋志异(蒲松林) The modern novel The creation of the modern novel has three main waves: the first is the Chivalrous novel, the second is to condemn the novel, and the third is the Mandarin Duck and Butterfly fiction.,Theater,The concept of the literary drama refers to the creation of scripts for theater performances and the screenplay.


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