



1、Unit 10 On GATT-WTO,Vocabulary Terminology (Technical Expressions) Language Points,Vocabulary,difference n. being different or unlike; point in which things differ, amount or degree of unlikeness; disagreement in opinion, dispute, quarrel 区别,差别;差额 Cultural, political and economic differences make th

2、e task of entering an overseas market more risky. 文化、政治和经济上的差异使进入海外市场的工作更具有风险性。 We might ignore market segment differences. 我们也许忽略了市场区域差异。,、,2. subsidy:sbsidi n. money contributed by state or public body ect. to keep prices at desired level or to assist in meeting expenses.补贴,津贴;奖金 With commercial b

3、anks, that cost was low because of the implicit public subsidy provided by deposit guarantees. 对商业银行来说,成本低廉是因为存款担保人所提供的隐性公众补助金。,3. Draft n. written order for payment o money by a bank; drawing o money by means of such an order; the first rough written form of anything or a rough plan 汇票;草案,方案 To beg

4、in with we should supply you with sufficient stock on a draft at 60d/s under D/A. 起先,我们可以使用承兑见票证60天即付汇票的付款方式,供应贵方货物。 Payment is usually made by a draft at sight on an irrevocable L/C. 我方的付款方式通常是以不可撤销信用证见票即付款。,4. compromise 1) n. giving up of certain demands by each side in a dispute ,so that an agre

5、ement may be reached which satisfies both to some extent妥协,折衷 The contract was entered into subsequently to their compromise. 最后双方妥协才签订了合同。 Arbitration is based on compromise. 仲裁的基础是折衷。,2) vt. to settle an argument or differences of opinion by taking a middle course acceptable to all sides; to make

6、liable to danger, suspicion, or disrepute折衷;调停;损害 Commission interests may compromise their objectivity. 代办权益有损客观性。 If we compromise and say three years as the length of agreement , will that be acceptable? 如果我方让步,协定有效期为三年,贵方能接受吗?,5. estimate vi. calculate roughly the cost, size, value, ect. of sth.

7、; calculate the probable price of (a specified job)估计,估算 If we start to make new products demand will be estimated. 如果我们要开始生产新产品,就要对需求做出估计。 I asked three building firms to estimate for the repairs to the roof. 我要三个建筑公司估算房顶维修费。,6. interest n. a readiness to give attention; money paid for the use of m

8、oney; a share (in a company, business)兴趣;利息;股权 We have interest in a few items in your catalogue. 我们对贵公司商品目录中的几种货物有兴趣。 It is in your own interest to pack well. 包装完好也符合贵方自身的利益。 vt. to cause (someone) to have a feeling of interest to make (someone) want to buy, take, eat, do sth.吸引,使感兴趣,She has always

9、 interested herself in charity work. 她始终关注慈善工作。 Can I interest you in this book? 我能激发你对这本书的兴趣吗?,7. Current adj. belonging to the present time, of the present day; commonly accepted; in general use流动的;通行的;活期的 The account current shows a balance of $250 in your favor. 来往帐显示贵方顺差为250美元。 The prices of ra

10、w material should be in accordance with the market current price. 原材料价格应按市价。,8. volume n. size or quantity thought of as measurement of the space inside or filled by sth; amount of space occupied by a substance, liquid or gas体积;容量;数额 If the goods are made of light materials, the freight is calculate

11、d according to volume. 如果是轻质材料制成的商品,其运费按体积计算。 Finance companies handle large volumes of consumer loan. 金融公司办理大亮点消费贷款。,9. deal 1) n. business transaction or agreement , bargain经营,交易 We did a deal with the management on overtime. 我们与资方在加班问题上达成一项协议。 We make out a contract for every deal when were actin

12、g as principals. 我们充当委托人时每笔交易都要拟定合同。 2) vi. treat, manage打交道;处理 Hes had considerable experience dealing with small firms expanding into the export market. 在同正欲扩大出口业务的小型企业打交道方面,他颇有经验。,10. deliver vi. take (letters, parcels, goods) to houses, to the person (s) to whom they are addressed, to the buyers

13、交送,递送 Would you be able to deliver within five weeks of receipt of order? 贵公司能在接到订单5周内交货吗? Everyone who buys from you is entitled to the best treatment you can deliver. 每个从贵处购货的人都有权得到贵方的最有待遇。,Terminology (Technical Expressions),countervailing duty intellectual property right trade in services in pro

14、spect on a conservative estimate/ on one plausible estimate/ at a rough estimate,反补贴税 知识产权 服务贸易 期望中的,展望中的 据保守估计/ 合理估计/ 粗略估计,Language Points,Para.1 在过去的几天中,美国和欧共体之间有关农产品贸易的分歧几乎荡然无存。因此,关贸总协议乌拉圭回合谈判现已接近尾声。诚然,协议远不够完善,仅是对一系列棘手问题的妥协。争取自由贸易的事业还有许多仗要打。不过,不必担口根据保守的估计,乌拉圭回合协议将持久地每年为全球增加1000多亿美元的财富。而且.还会刺激各国的经

15、济增长(尤其是世界上最贫困的国家)。同时,它将贸易竞争扩展到那些迄今仍坚持保护主义政策并因此而落后的国家。无论依据何种标准来衡量,这都是一个价值巨大的成就。,2. Para. 3 如果说对于法国农场主来讲,只要能保住他们的补贴,乌拉圭回合谈判的失败仅是小事一桩的话,那是可以理解的。可耻的是,虽然法国经济的主体(包括该国有竞争力的农场主在内)会从谈判的成功中获得丰厚的利益,法国政府似乎仍赞同他们的意见。法国农业部长部琼皮埃尔索思森说,法国会阻止欧共体接受这一新的农产品贸易协议,从而破坏乌拉圭回合谈判。这一立场,从政治角度讲,是令人担忧的;从经济角度讲,是站不住脚的。其他欧共体国家的政府必须遏制住法国,然后开始为自由贸易取得进展而欢呼。,3. Para.7 有关油料作物的一场独立而漫长的争论确实仍构成一种威胁。与谷物和其他农产品不同,这些产品是首次打算纳人乌拉圭回合谈判而进人关贸总协定的管辖范围,而油料作物(用来制作食用油、人造黄油、动物饲料)则早一已在其管辖之下美国曾两次向关贸总协定申诉,欧洲违背了其承诺,而关贸总协定也两次裁决欧共体败诉


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