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1、 考试中心8套模拟题答案:Unit 1完型填空:DBBCA;DCAAC;BDBCA;CADBB阅读理解Part A: TEXT1: CCDBA; TEXT2: CACBD TEXT3: ABDCC; TEXT4: BDACB阅读理解Part B: F,A,C,G,D 阅读理解 Part C: (46)其他领域的研究也有助于对此理解:心理学和论理学试图解释目标是如何形成的,历史学记录人们追求目标的变化,社会学则从社会环境角度来解释人们的行为。(直译)(47)第一个领域,价格理论或微观经济学,解释在竞争的市场中供需之间的相互作用是怎样形成了大量的个别价格、工资率、利润空间和租金变化。(直译)(48

2、)因为,按照凯恩斯的理论,不充分的总体需求会增加失业,建议的解决方法是企业更多的投资或政府增加开支,继而增加预算赤字。(直译) (49)古希腊的亚里斯多德和柏拉图都在著作中谈到财富、财产和贸易问题,两人都对商业持有偏见,认为靠生意谋生是不足取的。(直译)(50)在中世纪,罗马天主教会的经济学思想表达在其宗教法则中,法则谴责从借贷中获利,并认为商业地位劣于农业。(直译)写作:参考范文A:Dear Sir or Madam:After disembarkation, I (a passenger of flight BP 2004) went to the luggage area to clai

3、m my suitcase, and to my great surprise, my suitcase was lost. I felt much frustrated because it contains not just my personal belongings but also some very important business documents.It is a large brown suitcase of 80/50/30cm, in which I kept my clothes, a laptop and some very important business

4、contracts, etc.I wish you would look into this occurrence immediately and make sure you can find my suitcase. Otherwise, I may consider putting in a claim of $500,000.Yours,Li Ming参考范文B: It is widely accepted that only through steady efforts one may obtain great achievements. As depicted in the pict

5、ure, a strong and handsome horse stands up on its hind legs, with its fore hoofs stroking the air and its eyes looking straight ahead into the distance. Obviously it is ready to jump out on a long journey. And there is one sentence below this picture, which reads, my 1,000 mile journey starts from t

6、he first step. The implications of this picture are clear: one may have a great ambition, but to make it come true, one must start from the very basic things. It is the concrete details of a plan and the persistent day-to-day efforts that can ensure ones final realization of ambition. For instance,

7、to build up a large vocabulary, one has to memorize words regularly. Likewise, to modernize our country, everyone of us may have to do his duty every day, to make his own contribution. Without the real efforts on a daily basis, any ambition will only be a total impossibility.To sum up, people must m

8、ake efforts to fulfil their dreams. It is only when people keep this in mind that they may expect a promising and bright future.Unit 2完型填空:CBABD;DBDBA;CDCBA;DCCDB阅读理解Part A:Text1:DDACB; Text2:ADBBA; Text3:CDABC; Text4:ADACB阅读理解Part B: E,C,G,A,F阅读理解 Part C: (第47题,50题 略)46如果对美国教育体系的讨论未能涉及许多学院及大学对教育的非学

9、术性的、社会的及“课程外的部分,即对个性发展的重视,那么这种讨论就不全面。48参与校园内的各种组织活动和校外社区活动的经历非常宝贵,这能使留学生回国后在其专业领域发挥领导作用。49这里说这个问题是因为美国人历来认为,成功的公民是与其全方位的生活密切联系的,全方位的生活将各种社会、体育和文化活动都融入个人的经历。写作:参考范文A:Sept. 11th, 2004Dear Mr. Wang,I am very sorry to apprise you that I am unable to attend the English class next Friday for I will be pla

10、ying in the football match between our university and Baji University. There is no possibility for our team to find a replacement for me because Im the team leader.But Im considering making up for my missed class by borrowing Wang Da-tous class notes and going through them next Saturday. I will neve

11、r let myself lag behind other classmates in the English study since it is one of the most important courses in college.Your student,Li Ming参考范文B: Who bears the blame While people are shocked by the steady rise of divorce rate, many of them are seriously contemplating the causes of this tendency. Unf

12、ortunately, some of them are attributing it to the successful careers of the women. In their eyes, a successful woman devoted to her career will certainly neglect her duties to her husband, her children and thus results in the break-up of the family. This accusation is unfair and absolutely unaccept

13、able. Shifting the blame to womens career, this accusation ignores the more fundamental factors that often underlie the disruption of a marriage, like sex problems, financial difficulties, some personal misfortunes or so-called affairs outside the marriage. Actually, this accusation is deeply rooted

14、 in the traditional prejudice against women, which insists that a woman should stay in the kitchen, at home, taking care of her husband and children. And thus the woman spending too much time on her career will certainly bear the blame for the break-up of the marriage. Clearly, to blame a career wom

15、an for the break-up of the marriage is groundless. The important point is that only when people probe the problems in the marriage in an objective way can they find the solutions to the problems.Unit 3完型填空:BCCAB;DDDBC;ADACC;ADABB阅读理解Part A: Text1:CADAB; Text2:DCBAB; Text3:ACDBA; Text4:CDABB阅读理解Part

16、B: B, G, E, A, C阅读理解 Part C:(48,49略) (46)在古典物理学中,某一物体的质量是与一种不可毁灭的物质相关连,这是一种构成一切物质的“东西”。 (47)某一粒子的质量就等于一定量的能,这一事实意味着该粒子不再被看着为一个静态的物体。 (50)在相对论观点的粒子物理学(诞生)之前,人们一直认为物质的构成成份要么是不可毁灭和改变的基本单位,要么是可以分解成其构成部分的合成物。写作: 参考范文A: A Yard SaleMany wonderful things will be on sale this weekend at 110 on Sunset Street.

17、 You will definitely find your presence rewarded with a lot of real treasures as listed below:1. an IBM PC, which I bought only a year ago and is certainly in perfect condition, 2. a 19 TCL color TV made in 2001, 3. a 26 Giant bicycle,4. variety of books, many of which are about the computer science

18、 since I have been a major of computer science, and some of which are novels, including a whole collection of Jin Yongs,5. and a lot of other stuff of daily use, like clothes hangers, electric cookers, etc. For further information, contact me at or . A graduate of computer science参考范文 B: Books in pr

19、inted form have several clear advantages. First, books are always convenient to read. One may pick up a book from his desk or bookshelf and read it anytime he likes. And when he feels tired, he may just put it aside and get up. Second, one may make notes on the book pages to help himself understand

20、or remember. However, it is really a burden to carry books aroundwhen people have to move or travel. Reading books in the electronic version (on computer) has one advantage, that is, people may find that a disk contains the contents of several books and it is most convenient to carry it around. But

21、spending a long time in front of the screen can be very harmful to peoples eyes and may lead to some other side effects.As for me, I prefer to read books in printed form for I am more accustomed to reading books of paper. Besides, for a book, I may read it anywhere I like, on the sofa or in my bed.

22、And I may even choose to read my favorite book, say, a love story, on the grass in the sun. A computer will certainly never do.Unit 4完型填空: ACACD; BDBCD; ACDAB; DCBAD阅读理解Part A:Text1: ADACB; Text2: BDBAA; Text3: BDACB; Text4: BACBD 阅读理解Part B:B,F,E,D,A阅读理解 Part C:1.新知识始终意味着新装置和传输信息的新方法,这些方法所需要的时间和能源越

23、来越少。2.不过,似乎存在着无数种这些自然法则所允许的不同状态和结构,就像象棋这样的游戏一样,规则和棋子虽然不多,却能玩出无数种不同的游戏来。3.的确,新发现将越来越困难;细小的变动将成为诱人的目标;更深刻的理解需要运用更丰富的想象力才能实现:要更好地掌握极其复杂的结构体系需要功能更为强大的计算机。4.当然,我们也许没有意识到这口矿井已经枯竭;天空中不再有旗帜出现,向我们昭示下一个重大进步的取得将需要人类做出一次巨大的飞跃,而不是渐进的缓步。5.当这些科学家的活动变得非常昂贵,并且与国家的技术或军事失去直接的关联之后,那么,社会所面临的其他重大问题将决定他们是否继续得到支持。写作: 参考范文A

24、Dear Ms. Wang,I appreciate so much your taking care of my office duties while I was away for illness. I heard that you had helped to complete those business reports which I left behind and keep all my desk files in good order.Your helping hand removed my anxiety about those unfinished reports back i

25、n the office and is making my hospitalization easy. The doctor said this morning that I am recovering fast, which I know owes a lot to your kindness.To express our thanks for your concern, my husband and I invite you to be our guest at our home next weekend.Yours,Lin Mei Mei参考范文B Recent years have w

26、itnessed a steady rise of unemployment rate in China. On the one hand, factories are either introducing more automated equipments or simply closing down. On the other hand, more and more workers are being laid off. The present situation of unemployment can be attributed to several factors. For one t

27、hing, intense competition from private and foreign enterprises are reducing many state-owned factories to bankruptcy, which renders a large proportion of workers jobless. For another, the arrival of information age and the rapid high-tech development are reshaping the factories, which means that few

28、er workers will do all the work and thus the unemployment. To solve this problem, the government should try to create more job opportunities for the workers. In the meantime, the workers themselves will have to go back to schools to receive reeducation or training so as to adjust themselves to the n

29、ew requirements of the job market.Unit 5完型填空: DACDC;BDBAD;CDABC;ADBCA阅读理解Part A:Text1: CAADC; Text2: CBCAC; Text3: DADBD; Text4: BBAAB阅读理解Part B: C,F,A,E,B阅读理解 Part C: 1.当欧洲惨遭希特勒战争机器蹂躏的时候,瑞士人则忙着自己的事,在历史记忆里最为残酷的战争中尽其所能地过着正常的生活。(身处人类史上最恐怖的战争之中,却) 2.国际犹太人组织在瑞士城市以外开展活动,许多瑞士人和公司为同盟国工作,为他们提供情报和物资。 3.几十年来,

30、犹太人组织一直在试图迫使瑞士的银行向世人公开其档案,但成效有限。 4.30多年前,瑞士政府确实采取了一些措施,指示该国的银行退还所有无人认领的账产存款,这些账户属于曾经“因种族、宗教或政治的原因而受到迫害的外国人”。 5.但是,对于调查者来说,这些小数目与他们认为的纳粹存人瑞士银行的巨额数目相去甚远。犹太人组织继续要求开展确切的详细调查。写作:参考范文A:Dear Sir,It is with a great pleasure that I recommend to you Mr. Xue Ruixuan, an outstanding accountant, for working in y

31、our firm. Mr. Xue graduated from China Financial University in 1991, majoring in accountancy. After graduation, he came to our firm to be an accountant. In 1996 he obtained the Certificate of a Certified Accountant, and in 2001 he was promoted to be one of the chief accountants of our firm because o

32、f his excellent work.In association with me, Mr. Xue impressed me that he was a friendly and pleasant gentleman, devoted to his firm and profession. Its surely a huge loss for our firm that he has to leave us for some personal reasons.I recommend Mr. Xue without reservation and believe you will find

33、 him a real treasure very soon.Yours sincerely,Li Ming参考范文B: People are more and more conscious of their rights as consumers. As the chart by the provincial consumers association shows, they are more concerned about the quality of products they buy. Nearly 60 percent of the claims they made in 2002

34、aim at it, in comparison with the claims to the other aspects like prices, measurements, sales contracts, safety and advertisements. And as expected, of all the categories of goods and sectors, daily commodities, service sector and household electronic and electrical appliances suffer higher rates o

35、f complaints from customers, the rates of which were 28.91%, 27.35% and 22.25% respectively in 2002. Complaints against other sectors are relatively fewer. People show more attention to the quality of products and services because the false and fake products and products of inferior quality, plus in

36、efficient and in many cases bad services are extremely common. The situation is not just harming the consumers rights and interests, it is damaging peoples trust and confidence in our manufacturers and service providers as well. It is high time for both our government and business sectors to take ac

37、tion to improve their work. Otherwise, our national reform and economic development will suffer enormously.Unit 6完型填空: DBACB;ADDAB;BCCBD;CADAB阅读理解Part A:Text1: DBCBA; Text2: AACDD; Text3: BDCAB; Text4: BCCBD 阅读理解Part B:F,A,D,B,C阅读理解 Part C: 1.这不仅意味着收集有关恐怖威胁的可靠情报,而且还意味着把情报集中起来,以便发现关联和特点(规律),及时发出警报。2.

38、把由中央情报局、联邦调查局、国土安全局、五角大楼和其他机构所收集的信息的分析移交给这个新成立的中心将有助于抑制竞争,减少忽略新的恐怖袭击的可能性。 3.布什先生委派特纳特先生负责中心的工作,这也许伤了联邦调查局的感情,但这样做是对的。” 4.联邦调查局的负责人罗伯特穆勒全力设法恢复该局的活力,把注意力从一般性的犯罪调查转向防止恐怖活动的工作上来。 5.这种分散的信息收集的可行性有待于重新审视,但在操作过程中,在准许进行国外情报收集的规定和更为严格的限制政府监视美国人的规定之间,必须加以明确的区分。写作:参考范文A:(97words)English-Speaking Contest To imp

39、rove students ability to speak English and enrich after-class activities, the students Union of Department of English is organizing a school-wide English-speaking contest to be held on Saturday next week ( 8th July ) at the Students Recreational Center. Those who are interested in taking part in it

40、may sign up with the monitor of their classes before Thursday this week. Six overseas teachers will be invited to be the judges. The first six winners will be given awards. Everybody is welcome to be present at the contest. The Students UnionDepartment of English参考范文B: Something is terribly wrong wi

41、th this Chinese company. As illustrated in the table, of a total number of 160 staff, managers are 25, accounting for nearly 16 percent, while the 65 supervisors constituting almost 41 percent. The percentage of workers on the assembly lines only amounts to a little over 43 percent. On the other han

42、d, the table indicates that, of the total amount of payment, manager gets 1.5 million, plus 1.95 million to the supervisors, which totaled 3.45 million, accounting for 83 percent of the entire amount. The workers who are the mainstay of the company get only 0.7 million, about only 16 percent. That k

43、ind of inverted hierarchy will have negative effects on the company, the most obvious of which is that more managers and supervisors will mean more departments and positions. And that will surely cause less efficiency. Meanwhile, the ill-balanced payment system will definitely dampen the workers ent

44、husiasm and weaken their motivation for they feel they are being underpaid and exploited. It is highly imperative for the company to reform its structure and payment system. Otherwise it wont take long for the company to go into bankruptcy.Unit 7完型填空: BAABD;AACCD;CBCBA;ADDCA阅读理解Part A:Text1: BADBC;

45、Text2: ACBAD; Text3: CBBCA; Text4: BADDA阅读理解Part B: D,A,E,B,G阅读理解 Part C:1.传统上讲,在这些学校当中,法律学习被视作是培养律师的专门要求,而不是受教育者所必须具备的知识的一部分。2.另一方面,法律把这些概念与日常现实联系起来,其方式如同新闻记者在报道和评论新闻时在每日基础上构建的那些联系一样。3.通过对法律的学习和思考来提高判断的敏锐性,这是新闻记者在为自己的职业生涯做知识准备时所应当做到的一点。4.新闻记者必须比普通公民更深刻地理解法律,不过,这一观点又引发出下一个论点:他们应当理解新闻媒介业已确立的规矩和特殊的责任。

46、5.法律新闻的质量差异很大,许多新闻记者过分依赖于律师提供的解释。写作:参考范文A Re: Library Usage Dear Sir,You have expressed your frustration and Irritation with the city library over the past six months. There are usually long lines waiting for assistance and for use of the computer card catalogs. To avoid crowded conditions, we sugge

47、st you use the library during off-peak hours. You should have no trouble getting help and using the card catalogs during the following periods: 11:30 am to 2:30 pm; 5:30 pm. To 7:30 pm. The rest are our busiest times. We always appreciate hearing your comments on the library. Let us know how you thi

48、nk this is working out. Yours faithfully, Li Ming 参考范文B: It is widely known that employers or leaders in factories, companies, schools and government departments usually have a larger say in almost all matters. As described in the cartoon, the over-bearing boss is punishing his employee because he w

49、ants to resign his job. Compared with the arrogant and dominant boss, the little employee looks so helpless and pitiful. Though exaggerated, that kind of phenomenon is present everywhere. In some peoples eyes, their huge wealth or high positions give them an absolute power over all others decisions,

50、 choices and even ways of living. Anyone who defies their decisions or orders are simply punished. However, these powerful guys are denying other people their rights to make their own decisions and their behaviors are undermining the morals of a liberal and democratic society. It is my conviction th

51、at this is an equal and democratic society in which everyone is entitled to the rights to make his own choices. And everybody, powerful or powerless, rich or poor, should learn to respect each other and thus makes this world a better place to live in. Unit 8完型填空: AADDD;BCCBC;DBABC;ACABC阅读理解Part A:Te

52、xt1: BADA(D)周固分析有两个答案B; Text2: DDDC周固分析:本题没有一个答案是正确的A; Text3: CDAAC; Text4: CABDD 阅读理解Part B:D,G,A,E,B阅读理解 Part C: 1.比如,电视通常被视为仅仅是声像资料的单向传递,但对于心理学家而言,将其视作我们视觉和听觉向图像产生地的延伸也许是有帮助的。 2.这种公众性在举行电视会议时表现得最为明显。有了电视会议和可视电话,电视实现了电话所具有的灵活和即时的交流。 3.虚拟现实则更接近它的使用者。它给视觉和听觉加上了触觉,而且和以前任何一种技术一样贴近人的神经系统。 4.有了电视和计算机,我们将信息的处理从自己大脑的内部移到了我们眼睛前面的屏幕上,而不是眼睛背后的大脑里。 5.计算机以及计算机网络提供了互动这样一个重要的特点,一种在心理技术集体化的强大趋势下确保我们个体自主的能力。(互动这样一个重要的特点,一种在心理技术集体化的强大趋势下确保我们个体自主的能力,是通过计算机及其网络来实现的。) 写作:参考范文A:Dear Tom,Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party, but I deeply regret bein


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