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1、广东省汕头市龙湖实验中学七年级英语上册unit 8 when is your birthday教案 人教新目标版题材内容以生日为话题谈论日期教学目标语言知识目标功 能谈论日期语 法一年12个月份的拼读;序数词第1至第31的拼读;日期的表达与使用;when引导的特殊疑问句;s所有格形式;询问对方年龄。词 汇months of the year, ordinal number 1st-31st,birthday party, speech contest, school trip, date, birth, art, music, festival, chinese, year, year(s)

2、old语 音一年12个月份重音的不同位置;序数词后缀th的读音。语言技能目标听能听懂别人的关于生日和年龄的问答,能分辨12个月份以及序数词1st-31st 。说能回答并询问别人的生日和年龄的问答,能说出12个月份以及序数词1st-31st 。读能读懂和日期有关的对话或段落。写能写出有关自己年龄、生日、爱好等的自我介绍。演示与表 达能在同学之间进行真实的有关自己、同学和家人以及学校活动和日期有关的日程安排的话题。学习策略自学策略培养自己对月份和序数词构词法规律的观察能力和归纳能力,学会利用资料书籍和网络查找有用信息的能力。合作学习策略充分利用和发挥与同伴合作与加入小组合作的优势,互相帮助,共同进

3、步。文化意识了解在英语语言中不能随便询问别人,特别是女士和年长者年龄的习俗。情感态度学会积极大胆地与他人合作。任务学会制作小日历,制作日程安排,学会查找资料。一、难点学习填表格和写贺卡。二、易错点1.月份首字母要大写。2.具体日期用介词on。3.序数词前要加the。period one教学内容section a 1a-grammar focus教学目标1. 教学一年12个月份的拼读; 2. 教学序数词第1至第31的拼读;3. 学会日期的表达方法;4. 学会用when引导的特殊疑问句询问生日;5. 了解人名加s构成的所有格形式。重点词句january, february, march, apri

4、l,may, june, july, august, september, october, november, december;first, second, third , fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth, twenty-first, twenty-second, twenty-third, tw

5、enty-fourth, twenty- fifth, twenty-sixth, twenty-seventh, twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth, thirtieth, thirty-first;when is ones birthday?教学步骤在黑板上张贴一张较大的标有中英文的挂历,呈现要学习的内容:日期。)step 1 listen and repeat(activity 1a)教学12个月份。首先听磁带朗读,让学生一边听,一边发现月份的书写及读音规律,即:每个首字母大写,1-6月和8月重音在第一个音节上,其它的都在第二个音节上。然后在以儿童常用的吟唱(chan

6、t) 方法让学生上口,帮助学生记忆,具体如下:一月一月,january, january; 二月二月,february, february; 三月三月,march, march; 四月四月,april, april; 五月五月,may, may; 六月六月,june, june; 七月七月,july, july; 八月八月,august, august;九月九月,september, september; 十月十月,october, october ; 十一月十一月,november, november; 十二月十二月,december, december。 最后,老师可以现场通过自己说汉语,

7、学生说英语或者自己说英语,学生说汉语的方式。考察学生对单词12个月份的拼读掌握情况,实现师生互动。step 2 listen and number the conversations(1-3) (1b)听磁带对话录音,记录所听对话先后顺序,把序号写在对话前方框里。同时,把三个日期及对应的汉语意思(october tenth 10月10 日, january fifteenth-1月15日,june fourth-6月4日)板书在黑板上,引导学生注意日期的英语表达方式。step 3 pairwork(1c) 再听录音,两人一组合作问答以上对话。step 4 listen and repeat(2


9、尾加上th;1,2,3, 特殊记,结尾字母t,d,d;8减t,9去e, f来把ve替;ty将y改为i, 切记-th前还有e;第几十几也好记,只变个位就可以。step 5 listen and circle the numbers you hear in 2a. (2b) 听录音,在2a中圈出所听到的序数词。step 6 listen and match the names, months and days. (2c) 老师先指导学生看懂图画以及图表要求,然后播放录音,让学生把相关的人名与生日日期连线。step 7 pairwork(2d)先呈现人物名词的所有格。方案1 完成2c后,老师可以分别

10、这样复述:leilas birthday is september 5th, or her birthday is september 5th ; nicks birthday is july 4th, or his birthday is july 4th ;janes birthday is august 22nd, or her birthday is august 22nd; roberts birthday is january 17th, or his birthday is january 17th 。方案2 分别请两位学生和老师合作。如:t: excuse me, when i

11、s your birthday, li lei? s1: my birthday is november 21st.t(to the others): is li leis birthday november 21st ?ss: yes, li leis / his birthday is november 21st. t(to another): excuse me, when is your birthday, wang hong? s2: my birthday is june 15th.t(to the others): is wang hongs birthday july 15th

12、?ss: no, wang hongs / her birthday is not july 15th. wang hongs / her birthday is june 15th. 通过语境,反复出现,不断强化,加深印象。 呈现完后,总结人物名词的所有格形式就是在人物名词后加s.接着,两人一组,相互询问对方及其父母的生日,巩固运用日期。step 8 grammar focus复习两个句型。when is your birthday? my birthday is november 11th.when is liu pings birthday? her birthday is septem

13、ber 5th.板书设计:unit 8 when is your birthday?section awords: january, february, march, april,may, june, july, august, september, october, november, december;first, second, third , fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, twelfth, twentieth, twenty-first, twenty-second, twenty-third, drills:

14、when is my birthday?-my birthday is november 11th.when is liu pings birthday? - her birthday is september 5th.period two教学内容section a 3a-4 &. section b教学目标1.学会运用how old are you?询问对方年龄;2.学会读懂身份证上的有关姓名、生日、年龄等信息;3.学会读懂日程安排;4.能写出有关自己年龄、生日、爱好等的自我介绍。重点词句birthday party, speech contest, school trip, date, b

15、irth, art, music, festival, chinese, year, year(s) old;when is your birthday? its how old are you? im 教学步骤step 1pairwork (3a) 先阅读三张身份证卡片,然后两人一组问答上面的信息。复习句型when is your birthday? its 学会使用how old are you? imstep 2 pairwork(3b) 运用自己的真实生日和年龄信息,按team顺序做一个chain drill的比赛,看哪一组做得最好,并表演一遍,以示鼓励。step 3the birth

16、day game (4)仍然按3b中的team分小组,继续做生日的游戏。继续问答小组成员的生日和年龄,然后按由小到大的顺序排成一队。step 4 match the pictures and the events. write the correct letter next to the word. 先教学新单词speech contest, school trip, party, 复习词组basketball game。然后指导学生看这一部分的四副图片,在相应的单词词组前写上图片字母代号。step 5listen and check() the events above that you h

17、ear. (2a) 听录音,在第一部分出现过的事件后面打。step 6listen again and fill in joes calendar. (2b) 再听录音,在joe的日历表中正确的日期下面记录活动内容。step 7pairwork (2c) 两人一组,根据2b中的填写内容,做关于日期的问答。step 8pairwork (3a) 两人一组,一位同学看51页图表中的日程安排信息,另一位同学看85页图表中的日程安排信息,每人只能看到一部分信息。两人合作,通过问答知道日程表全部的信息。step 9pairwork (3b) 拿出学校的该学期校历表,让一位学生扮演校长,在开学之初接受学生

18、关于学校活动日期的咨询,内容根据学校的实际情况可以增加。step 10groupwork (4)让每一位同学都拿出一张纸,在上面先写出包含自己年龄、生日、爱好等等的个人信息,不要写上姓名。然后由老师收齐,打乱顺序。再让一位同学都抽出一张纸,朗读,其他同学猜测。板书设计:unit 8 when is your birthday?section bwords:birthday party, speech contest, school trip, date, birth, art, music, festival, chinese, year, year(s) old;drills:when is your birthday? its how old are you? im period three教学内容self check教学目标1.复习检测本单元的重点词汇;2. 学会利用资料书籍或网络查找名人的出生信息。重点词句birthday, date, month, january, february, march, april,may, june, july, august, september, october, november, december, s


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