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1、欢迎投资范文 文末2018年1-9月雅思/托福机经合集了解一下 雅思作文真题直击 | 栏目推送说明 每场雅思考试之后,第一时间分享本场考试雅思A类大作文的范文权威解析。欢迎每周锁定。 专栏作者:唐伟胜 新航道特约雅思学术顾问 广东外语外贸大学教授、博士 中国知名英语教育专家 9分达人雅思写作真题还原及解析3作者 2018年11月1日 雅思大作文题目 “ Public transport should be funded by the government so that it can be free for the people who use it. To what extent do yo

2、u agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. ” 解析&审题 xx年1月12日的雅思考题要求考生就“为了降低交通阻塞,政府提供公共交通是最好的办法”这个说法进行论证。也许有的考生写过这个题目,但本次考试与xx年1月12日的题目还是有不小的区别。虽然两者都在谈公共交通问题,但xx年的题目是明确要求与“交通阻塞”问题联系起来,考生应该回答“公共交通到底是不是解决

3、交通阻塞的最有效办法”,而本题则没有这样的联系,因此考生可以在更广阔的范围论述“公共交通”的利与弊。 公共交通当然可以让乘客节约钱(这是最基础的物质方面),另外可能让很多人不再开自己的车,这就有可能改善交通状况和环境,同时减少道路维修方面的工作,这些都是好的地方,但坏处也是很容易想到的,比如:政府把钱投给了交通,就没钱投给教育、医疗等领域了(这是政府投资类话题可以经常使用的观点),此外,交通不一定能有效改善交通和环境问题,因为交通了,很多原本不打算出行的人也都出行了,其结果是造成更坏的交通问题。 以下是唐老师的高分范文,大家可认真阅读,看老师是如何把以上思路落实到具体文字表达的。 老师笔记 0

4、1 Public transit is a criticalpart of a modern countrys mass transportation work. Should it be free? It is easy to say that the government must do its best to support public transport, but it is difficult to make public transport pletely free. 公共交通是现代国家大众运输网络的重要组成部分。它应该是的吗?政府必须尽力支持公共交通,这个说法没有问题,但要使公

5、共交通完全自由是困难的。 解析 (1) 先提出话题(public transport),然后自问自答,提出自己的观点(政府应该全力支持公共交通,但全则很难)。 (2) critical 关键的;重要的 (3) mass 大众(的) 02 There are mainly three reasons why some people say that public transport should be made free. Firstly, free transport will benefit the regularmuters, especially those whose financia

6、l condition does not allow them to spend a lot on transport. Secondly, it will encourage people out of their cars and will therefore help reduce the serious traffic jams and air pollution in the ever expanding cities. Finally, free public transport would actually save the government money spent in m

7、aintainingthe roads because more people would use it instead of driving. 人们认为公共交通应该,主要有三个原因。首先,的交通将有利于每天上下班的乘客,尤其是那些经济条件不允许他们在运输花费大量的人。其次,它会鼓励人们离开他们的汽车,因此将有助于减少日益扩大的城市中的严重的交通拥堵和空气污染。最后,公共交通实际上可以节 _花在维护道路上的钱,因为更多的人会使用公共交通,而不是自己开车。 解析 (1) 本段主要论述公共交通的三条理由:给人们节约钱;解决拥堵和污染问题;节约道路维护费用。 (2) muter 每天乘车上下班的人

8、(3) the ever expanding cities 不断扩大的城市 (4) maintain 维护 03 However, the idea of free public transport does not work as healthilyas we might have expected. In the first place, it will put a heavy burden on the governments budget so that the government will have to cut down on its investment in such sec

9、tors as education, medical care, technological development, to mention just the three. Meanwhile, exactly how much the free public transport can help with the traffic and environment is alsodoubtful. When public transport goes free, many people who otherwise would stay at home may choose to go out b

10、y taking the free transport. This will greatly undo the benefits brought by the reduced number of private cars on road and may even paralyze the public transport system, especially during the rush hours. Bei _g, for instance, found itself in great traffic trouble when the city announced to provide f

11、ree metro service for its citizens during the Asian Games in 1990. Then in xx when Bei _g was hosting the Olympic Games, the city never made the similar attempt. 然而,公共交通的想法并不像我们预期的那样健康运作。首先,它将给政府的预算带来沉重的负担,因此政府将不得不削减在教育、医疗、技术开发等部门的投资。同时,公共交通对交通和环境有多大帮助也是值得怀疑的。当公共交通的时候,许多本来会留在家里的人可能选择乘坐的交通工具出行。这将大大削弱

12、路上私家车数量减少带来的好处,甚至可能使公共交通系统瘫痪,尤其是在交通高峰期。例如,北京在1990年亚运会期间宣布向市民提供地铁服务时,就陷入了严重的交通问题。在xx北京举办奥运会的时候,这个城市从未做出过类似的尝试。 解析 (1) 本段主要论述公共交通的两大坏处:首先给政府带来预算压力;其次,它不仅不能解决交通阻塞和环境问题,反而可能加剧这些问题。为了说明第二个观点,本范文使用了举例法:对比北京1990年亚运会和xx年奥运会的相关政策。 (2) healthily 健康地 (3) budget 预算 (4) cut down on 削减 (5) sector 领域 (6) doubtful

13、值得怀疑的 (7) undo 抵消 (8) paralyze 使瘫痪 04 In sum, free public transport is a good idea, but it is not always good in practice. For the sake oftraffic and environment, the government, rather than providing funds for free public transport, should construct more roads and introduce stricter rules of car ow

14、nership and use. 总而言之,公共交通是个好主意,但在实践中并不总是好的。为了交通和环境,政府不应该为公共交通提供资金,而应该建设更多的道路,并引入更严格的汽车拥有和使用的规则。 解析 (1) 总结前面的主要观点,并提出建议。 (2) in practice 实践中 (3) for the sake of 为了 (4) construct 修建 (5) introduce 介绍,引进 (6) ownership 拥有权 向上滑动阅览 7分范文 Public transit is a critical part of a modern countrys mass transport

15、ation work. Should it be free? It is easy to say that the government must do its best to support public transport, but it is difficult to make public transport pletely free. There are mainly three reasons why some people say that public transport should be made free. Firstly, free transport will ben

16、efit the regular muters, especially those whose financial condition does not allow them to spend a lot on transport. Secondly, it will encourage people out of their cars and will therefore help reduce the serious traffic jams and air pollution in the ever expanding cities. Finally, free public trans

17、port would actually save the government money spent in maintaining the roads because more people would use it instead of driving. However, the idea of free public transport does not work as healthily as we might have expected. In the first place, it will put a heavy burden on the governments budget

18、so that the government will have to cut down on its investment in such sectors as education, medical care, technological development, to mention just the three. Meanwhile, exactly how much the free public transport can help with the traffic and environment is also doubtful. When public transport goe

19、s free, many people who otherwise would stay at home may choose to go out by taking the free transport. This will greatly undo the benefits brought by the reduced number of private cars on road and may even paralyze the public transport system, especially during the rush hours. Bei _g, for instance,

20、 found itself in great traffic trouble when the city announced to provide free metro service for its citizens during the Asian Games in 1990. Then in xx when Bei _g was hosting the Olympic Games, the city never made the similar attempt. In sum, free public transport is a good idea, but it is not alw

21、ays good in practice. For the sake of traffic and environment, the government, rather than providing funds for free public transport, should construct more roads and introduce stricter rules of car ownership and use. (350 words) 建议背诵的句子 1It is easy to say that the government must do its best to supp

22、ort public transport, but it is difficult to make public transport pletely free. 政府必须尽力支持公共交通,这个说法没有问题,但要使公共交通完全自由是困难的。 2Free transport will benefit the regular muters, especially those whose financial condition does not allow them to spend a lot on transport. 的交通将有利于每天上下班的乘客,尤其是那些经济条件不允许他们在运输花费大量的人

23、。 3. (free public transport)will put a heavy burden on the governmentsbudgetso that the government will have to cut down on its investment in such sectors as education, medical care, technological development, to mention just the three. (公共交通)将给政府的预算带来沉重的负担,因此政府将不得不削减在教育、医疗、技术开发等部门的投资。 4When public

24、transport goes free, many people who otherwise would stay at home may choose to go out by taking the free transport. This will greatlyundothe benefits brought by the reduced number of private cars on road and may even paralyze the public transport system, especially during the rush hours. 当公共交通的时候,许

25、多本来会留在家里的人可能选择乘坐的交通工具出行。这将大大削弱路上私家车数量减少带来的好处,甚至可能使公共交通系统瘫痪,尤其是在交通高峰期。 5For the sake of traffic and environment, the government, rather than providing funds for free public transport, should constructmore roads and introduce stricter rules of car ownership and use. 为了交通和环境,政府不应该为公共交通提供资金,而应该建设更多的道路,并

26、引入更严格的汽车拥有和使用的规则。 欲领取2018年1-9月雅思/托福机经合集 这里只说法国,不言华为。 法国人坚信“自由平等博爱”的价值观,在对外事务中有独立认识,坚守初心。它不像英语国家的英加澳新,时时处处做美国的“跟屁虫”。曾经坚持出口中国直升机制造技术、核电技术、高铁技术(当然也有密特朗时期对台出口护卫舰和幻影战机伤害我国利益),在电讯领域,它没有类似爱立信、诺基亚之类的公司可供对华利益交换,但依然坚守市场规则,不以政治和 _划线。 回到我们自己,对这样的法国应该心怀敬意,学习它的坦荡与大度,而不是嘲笑人家成了“斯坦国家”、“黑人国家”,对“黄背心”事件当冷静理性,一国之乱,非他国之幸

27、,“吃瓜心态”和“不怕事大”不是成熟大国国民应有的胸襟。 怎么知道别人喜不喜欢你选择的快餐品类?快餐品类丰富多彩,肯德基、麦当劳等为代表的西式快餐我们这里不谈,知名度响彻中外,在国内也不乏模仿者,做的比较好的要数华莱士,与麦肯卖的品类差不多,以低价占领顾客心智,门店规模近万家。 他们都有个共同点,都是以鸡肉类为主要原料,从中我们可发现,在市面上以鸡肉为原材料的餐馆特别多,据行业统计,以鸡为原料的餐馆市场占有率排第一位。事实证明那些知名连锁品牌选择品类的规律性,就是受众面特别广的原材料,而且还不会受到季节的影响,一年四季都有源源不断的货源。这为他们开疆拓土搞连锁经营提供了有力保障。不象小龙虾这些品类,虽然国民对之亲睐有加,但是它在一年之中的经营时间很短,也就最多半年,一到冬季就断货,这种现象对品牌多少都有些负面影响。 它的特点是品类单一、门店面积小、操作简单,利于大规模复制开店。以鸭为主要经营品类的餐饮企业也很多,鸭与鸡一样,国民都是比较喜欢的烹饪原料,也能大规模养殖,常年不断货。比较知名的有周黑鸭、煌上煌、绝


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