



1、人教版初中英语八年级上册Unit 7兴宁市大坪中学 李慈红Will people have robots一、教材分析(一)教材的地位和作用Section B 2B是一个阅读板块。“Do you think you will have your own robot?”是谈论未来的世界的话题,阅读语篇谈论的是未来机器人的发展的话题,其中涉及到机器人过去和现在的状况,并主要介绍了两派科学家对未来机器人的发展的不同的预测。2B旨在让学生通过略读判断各段段落大意,以获得对文章的整体理解。(二)教学目标的确立1、语言知识目标a.词汇:human、 dangerous、 disagree、 even、 sh

2、ape、 fall down、 inside、 possible、 impossible look for、 believe b.语法:理解“Will people have ”的一般将来时基本形式和表意功能。2、学习策略目标:a.学习利用文章中的主题句快速理解文章大意;b.根据图片、上下文猜测、理解语篇中词语和句子;3、文化意识目标:了解当今世界环境污染问题;了解未来机器人的发展趋势。二、教学环节的设计八年级学生有一定的英语基础知识,求知欲很强,所以,本节课讲解的时间很少,主要是训练学生利用任务型及合作式,以教师为辅,学生为主的教学原则,训练学生在学习中获取信息,处理信息和运用信息的能力。三

3、、教学过程Step I. Warming-up and lead in1. Show a picture of robot to the students and ask them if they know something about robots. Students describe their idea about a robot. Say what it looks like and what it can do. Then ask some students to tell the class about their robots (the purpose is to arouse

4、 the students interesting)2. Predicting: Ask students if they want to have their own robots and then ask them to turn to page 53, read out the title and predict the content according to the title. “Do you think you will have your own robot?”Step II Reading 1.Fast readingAsk Ss fast read the article

5、and then tell the main idea for each paragraphParagraph1. What are robots look like in movies?Paragraph2. What can robots do today?Paragraph3. Will robots think like humans in future?Paragraph4. What will robots be like in the future?(The purpose is to train students fast reading skills)2. Careful r

6、eading1. Listen to the text and pay attention to the pronunciation, they can underline the topic sentences of each paragraph and the detail information that they interest. 2. Ask them fill in the chart What can robots do now?What will robots be able to do in the future?3. Have students read the text

7、 aloud then compete the sentences below(1). Robots can build _ in factories.(2).They can do _ jobs many times and never get bored.(3).Some can _ and _.(4).Some can help _ people under _.Step III. After-reading1. Teaching and analyze some important and difficult language points2. Give Ss a short time

8、 to practice the reading skills3. Sum-up: What do you learn from the text?Step.Homework1. Recite the new words and expressions in the article. 2. Write a short paragraph.For example: I want to have a robot in the future. It will look like a _. It will be able to_, and it will also be able to help me _. .I think I will like it very much.3. Ask Ss to finish 2d-2e.四、教学反思本节课是一节阅读课,标题是“Do you think you will have your own robot?”对于这节课我最大的不足就是设置问题的难易程度没有把握好,基本上没有坡度,中等及偏上的学生都能很容易地回答,因此,一方面,不能很好地发展他们的个性思维,


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