



1、精选货物销售合同 合同编号: Contract No.: 签约时间: Signing time: 买方: Buyer:地址:Address: Tel number: Fax number: 卖方: 地址: Address: 电话: 传真:Telephone number: Fax number: 根据联合国国际货物销售合同公约 ,经买方卖双方协商,签订本合同:The two parties sign the contract herein in accordance with Vienna convention on sale of goodsAfter negotiation.一) 品名,规

2、格,款号,单价及交货期,数量,金额:1. 货期晚的话,每天打折10%。2. 货物数量允许在5%的幅度内浮动。I)Name of the product, Specification, Style Reference, Unit Price, Delivery Date, Quantity and Amount.品名规格款号少女码单价少女码数量加大码单价加大码数量金额交货时间 Name ofThe productSpecificationStyleReferenceGirlSingle priceFOBGirlquantityLargeSingle priceFOBLargequantityAm

3、ountDeliverydate 1. In the event of delay of delivery, the price shall be discounted 10% per day after the delivery date. 2. 5% more or less in quantity allowed.二) 产品质量标准:II) Quality Standard 1. 具体按买方确认的样衣进行生产,尺寸及工艺须符合买方制单要求;2. 允许货物和样品存在一定的差异,货物的质量和数量是否合格,以买方指定的QC检验是否合格作为标准;3. 所有的辅料,含主、洗唛、吊牌等。包装材料、纸

4、箱、塑料袋应符合买方要求,并经买方确认,多余客供辅料出货后需归回买方,不得私自处理。4. 所有面料,里布,辅料含拉链,扣子,扣攀,带子,松紧等,必须经买方确认并符合测试要求;1. The real product will be produced according to the sample confirmed by Buyer, and the dimension and manufacturing process have to fulfill the requirement of the manufacturing sheet of Buyer. 2. Slight differenc

5、es between the product and sample are allowed, the QC Inspection Method agreed by Buyer is deemed to be the standard judgment of quality and quantity of the product.3. All the trimmings, including main label, care label, and hang tag and so on. Auxiliary material, cartoon boxes, sticking tapes shoul

6、d be in accordance with Buyers requirement and have to be confirmed by Buyer. Surplus trimmings from customers should give back to buyers, do not transact privately. 4. All fabrics, lining fabrics, trimmings include zipper, button, belt, tab,elastic band and other things should be confirmed by Buyer

7、 and meet the standards of test.三)包装方式及要求:按买方要求包装(可以写明具体的包装方式及要求)III)Packing Form and Requirement: Execute the packing according to Buyers requirement (you can give the requirement of packing in written form in detail).四)验收标准及方式:以大货船样及生产制作单为准,经买方指定的QC验收合格,出具验收合格报告后,买方接收货物,验收时发现不能更改的问题时,争取客人同意。打折或担保出

8、运,卖方必须同意签字,否则买方有权拒绝收货。IV)The Standard and Acceptance: The shipping sample clothing and manufacturing sheet will be the reference .When the QC designated by Buyer checked and accepted the sample and issue the accepting report, Buyer will accept. If it has some problems which couldnt change when check

9、ing the sample, we will shoot for customers to accept it. Discount or guarantee to ship out, Seller must agree signature; otherwise Buyer is entitled to reject.五)货物交付及收货人1. 货物运送至买方指定地点,并装运上船之后,即视为卖方已经履行完交付义务;2. 买方应在 年 月 日之前将货物进仓单交付给卖方,若因买方迟延交付,则卖方可相应顺延交货日期;3. 若买方不提供货物进仓单,导致卖方无法交付货物,卖方可以留置保管货物,并可以向买方

10、要求支付货款及货物保管费,保管费用为每天 ,买方支付货款及保管费后,卖方应提存货物或将货物交付给买方指定收货人。V)Delivery and Consignee1. The obligation of delivery of Seller is deemed to be performance completely, once the product has been transported to the place agreed by Buyer and loaded onto the appointed ship.2. Buyer shall provide the delivery no

11、t to Seller before the date of 【 】,any delay caused by Buyer, the delivery date shall be postponed accordingly.3. If Buyer does not provide the delivery not, which causes Seller cannot finish delivery of the product, Seller reserves the right of lien and store the product, and requires Buyer to cond

12、uct payment of the product and storage, the fee of storage is 【 】per day; after Buyer has pay the fore-said fees, Seller shall escrow the product or deliver to Consignee agreed by Buyer. 六)运输方式及运费承担1. 国际运输方式为海运;2. 运输至出口港的国内运输费用由卖方承担,运输至买方指定目的港的国际运输费用由买方承担。VI)Transportation and Freight1. The agreed t

13、ransportation is seaway.2. The internal freight to the port of export is borne by Seller; the international freight to the port of destination appointed by buyer is borne by Buyer. 七)付款方式:VII)Accounting method:八)特别约定:1. 双方明确:虽然本合同项下货物之产品质量标准及验收标准均以买方认可为前提,但本合同性质仍为销售合同,而非加工合同。卖方只追求货物品质之保证。2. 卖方注意到本合同

14、项下的货物系买方用于在美销售,有关货物质量,数量及交货期方面的原因将直接影响买方在美方销售。因此卖方保证严格按时,按质,按量交货,否则由此引起买方对其客户违约所造成数额为准,同时卖方对买方的赔付不以买方对外先行赔付为必要条件;3. 买方所提供的图纸,款色,商标等专属于买方,卖方应严格信守先合同义务及后合同义务,即未经买卖方同意,卖方不得将此提供或转让给他人。否则应承担违约责任,如造成买方损失(包括买方客户的索赔 ),还应予以赔偿。4. 由买方提供款式、商标等商品。出货后多余商品不得到买方同意不能私自卖给他人,否则一经客户发现,造成买方损失,应予赔偿,并包含买方客户的索赔。5. 卖方必须在出货前

15、15天向买方提供指定颜色,数量,尺码的船头办,船头办同意后才能出运。VIII)Special agreement 1. The two parties need to be aware as follows: though the quality standard of product covered by this contract is on the premise of agreement of Buyer, this contract is sales contract but not a processing contract. The only pursuit of Seller

16、is quality assurance of the goods.2. Seller noticed that the goods covered by the contract will be sold in USA. The marketing in USA will be influenced directly by the quality, quantity and with delivery time. Therefore, herewith Seller promised seriously to make delivery on time, in full quantity a

17、nd with accepted quality, otherwise Seller will regard the economical loss due to the breaching of Buyer to his clients caused by above-mentioned reason as the reasonable loss which can be predicted by Seller, and will be willing to bear the loss totally. The amount of loss will be in accordance wit

18、h the claiming amount of buyers client, meanwhile, the that Buyer has already compensated to his client will not be the essential condition of Sellers compensating to Buyer.3. The drawing, style, color and trade mark belong to Buyer exclusively, and Seller should observe pre-contract obligation and

19、post-contract obligation strictly, i.e. Seller shall compensate accordingly.4. The goods which afford the style, brand by Buyer, surplus goods couldnt sell to others if Buyer doesnt agree it. Otherwise if the customer finds it, Seller must claim for compensation, include the claim for compensation f

20、rom Buyers customer.5. Seller must provide the buyer with shipping sample in designated color, quantity and dimension within 15 days before the products finished. It can only ship out after shipping sample agrees.九)违约责任:1. 本合同签订后卖方不得以任何借口迟出货或不出货,如有不可抗拒的原因造成迟出货或不能出货,卖方应发送书面通知,改运或打折或取消订单。若卖方违反交货相关义务,不

21、出货或少出货,则要承担相应违约责任,包括买方客户关于空柜的一切索赔。2. 若买方违约反付款义务,应向卖方支付每日万分之二点一的逾期付款利息。3. 因不可抗力而导致的货物改运、打折或取消订单,卖方不承担违约责任。IX)Liability of breach of contract 1. After this agreement conclude and sign, Seller couldnt late to ship the goods or not ship the goods. If there is any irresistible reason result late to ship

22、goods or not ship goods, Seller should advance written request, change the shipping way, discount or cancel the order form. If Seller breach mutuality obligation, like do not shipping goods or sipping goods fewer, Seller must bear responsibility accordingly, including all the claims for compensation

23、 about empty counter from Buyers customer.2. If Buyer violates the obligation of payment, he shall pay Seller a penalty of 0.021% for the delayed payment.3. Any situation in terms of, change of the shipping way, discount, or cancelation of the order form, caused by Force Majeure, Seller shall not be

24、 liable of any contractual responsibility. 十)争议解决方式:如遇纠纷,双方应协商解决。协商不成,可以向货物出口港口地法院起诉,若货物尚未出口,则可以向卖方所在地法院起诉。X)Dispute resolutions: when dispute occurs, the two parties should settle it by agreement. When the agreement cant be reached, the dispute will be handed over to the court, in whose city the exporting port is, according to CIVIL SUIT LAW OF PRC. If the goods hasnt been exported, hand it over to the court, in Sellers city.十一) 法律适用:双方同意联合国国际货物销售合同公约为双方解决纠纷之唯一适用法律。若公约无相应规定,则可适用中华人民共和国合同法及相关中


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