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1、Unit1中国铁路发展定稿,Unit 1 Railway Development,Unit1中国铁路发展定稿,Teaching Objectives,Reading Through,Unit 1 Railway Development,Exercises,Unit1中国铁路发展定稿,Students will be able to:,get an overall knowledge of railway development in China master some key words and expressions in the text understand some important

2、 sentences.,Teaching Objectives,Unit1中国铁路发展定稿,Reading Through,Unit1中国铁路发展定稿,Before reading the passage, see how much you know about railway development by answering the following questions.,1. Can you name some of the earliest railways in China?,2. What do you know about the role rail transport play

3、s in todays China?,Unit1中国铁路发展定稿,Words the line was finally completed and opened to the public in 2006. Today, every province-level entity of China, with the exception of Macau, is connected to the railway network.,Para.4,China Railway Development,Chinese,Unit1中国铁路发展定稿,Not only has the Chinese railw

4、ay network expanded in size since 1949, but it has also seen great technological advances. From 1990 to 2001, on average some 1,092 km of new railways, 837 km of multiple track, and 962 km of electrified railways were opened to traffic annually, 2.4-fold, 1.7-fold and 1.8-fold increases respectively

5、 over the previous 10 years. At the end of 2004, railways in operation reached 74,200 km, including 24,100 km of multiple track and 18,900 km of electrified railways. By the end of 2012, the total length of Chinas operating railways has reached 110,000 km and is expected to grow to 120,000km by the

6、end of 2015 according to the Development Plan of Chinas National Railways during the 12th Five-Year Plan.,Para.5&6,China Railway Development,Chinese,Unit1中国铁路发展定稿,Moreover, China now boasts the Number One High-speed Railway Network in the world .On a global basis, Chinas rail transport volume is one

7、 of the worlds largest, having six percent of the worlds operating railways, and carrying 25 percent of the worlds total railway workload. China also leads in terms of the growth rate of transport volume and use of transport equipment.,Para. 6,China Railway Development,Chinese,Unit1中国铁路发展定稿,mode n.a

8、 particular way of doing sth.,交流方式 行为模式 a mode of communication a mode of behaviour,e.g. environment-friendly modes of transport 环保型的运输模式,Exercises,Unit1中国铁路发展定稿,transportation (transport) n.a system for carrying people for goods from one place to another using vehicles,公共交通运输系统 public transportatio

9、n,e.g. The city is providing free transportation to the stadium from downtown. 本市现在提供从市中心到体育场的免费交通。,Exercises,Unit1中国铁路发展定稿,traverse v.(formal) to cross an area of land or water,e.g. We traverse the desert by truck. 我们乘卡车横穿沙漠。,Exercises,我走过狭窄的人行天桥。 I traversed the narrow pedestrian bridge.,Unit1中国铁路

10、发展定稿,wagon n.a railway truck for carrying goods,e.g. Dont overload a wagon. 不要使货车装载过重。,一辆长长的货车沿着山坡蜿蜒而行。 A long wagon train is snaking its way along the slope.,Exercises,Unit1中国铁路发展定稿,allocate v.to give sth. officially to sb./sth. for a particular purpose a. allocable 可分配的; n. allocation 分配,e.g. They

11、 intend to allocate more places to mature students this year. 今年他们打算给成人学生提供更多的名额.,已划拨了一大笔款项给图书馆购买新书. A large sum of money has been allocated for buying new books for the library.,Exercises,Unit1中国铁路发展定稿,capacity n.the ability to understand or to do sth. 能力vt. capacitate 使能够,e.g. Limited resources ar

12、e restricting our capacity for developing new products. 有限的资源正制约着我们开发新产品的能力.,她特别能吃苦耐劳. She has an enormous capacity for hard work.,Exercises,Unit1中国铁路发展定稿,indigenously adv. belonging to a particular place rather than coming to it from somewhere else,e.g. Giant panda is indigenously living in China.

13、大熊猫原产于中国。,a. indigenous 本土的,当地的,indigenously-developed,自主研发的,Unit1中国铁路发展定稿,terrain n. an area of land about its natural features,e.g. He had made a detailed study of the terrain. 他对地形做了缜密的研究。,多山地形,Exercises,mountainous terrain,Unit1中国铁路发展定稿,establishment n. the act of starting or creating sth.,e.g.

14、the establishment of diplomatic relations between the countries 国家间外交关系的建立,发言人宣布了新学院的成立。 The speaker announced the establishment of a new college.,Exercises,Unit1中国铁路发展定稿,entity n. (formal) sth. that exists separately from other things and has its own identity,e.g. These countries can no longer be v

15、iewed as a single entity. 这些国家不能再被看成是一个单独的实体。,作为一个独立的法律实体,公司必须纳税。 As a separate legal entity, corporations must pay taxes.,Exercises,Unit1中国铁路发展定稿,electrified adj. to make sth. work by using electricity,这条铁路在20世纪50年代就实现了电气化。 The railway line was electrified in the 1950s.,Unit1中国铁路发展定稿,-fold suffix.

16、multiplied by,e.g. By the late eighties, their number had grown fourfold. 到八十年代末的时候,他们的数量已是原来的四倍。,税前利润几乎涨到了原来的12倍。 Pretax profit surged almost twelvefold.,Exercises,Unit1中国铁路发展定稿,respectively adv. in the same order as the people or things already mentioned,e.g. Julie and Mark, aged 17 and 19 respect

17、ively. 朱莉和马克,年龄分别为17岁和19岁。,Two respectable teachers entered their offices respectively.,Exercises,两位值得尊敬的老师进入各自的办公室。,Unit1中国铁路发展定稿,in terms of used when you are referring to a particular aspect of sth.,e.g. What does it mean in terms of cost? 这在成本上意味着什么?,Exercises,It cant be measured in terms of mon

18、ey.,这是不能用金钱衡量的。,Unit1中国铁路发展定稿,1.铁路运输是中华人民共和国使用最普遍的长途运输方式。作为中国国务院的政府部门,铁道部负责几乎所有的铁路运营。到2010年底,中国铁路运营网横贯全国,总里程达到91,000公里,使之成为继美国和俄罗斯之后规模第三大铁路网。2009年,中国铁路拥有约603,082辆货车,49,355节车厢,18,922辆机车,每日运行38,000次列车,包括约3,500列旅客列车。除了澳门特别行政区之外,现行的网络服务所有的省份。,译 文,中国铁路发展,Unit1中国铁路发展定稿,2.2008年10月,中国国务院批准了实施到2020年的一个新的规模达到

19、2万亿元的铁路投资方案。这一新的计划扩大了以前宣布的2006至2010年第十一个五年计划期间投资额达1.25万亿元的铁路建造计划。由于投资的增加,中国的铁路网已经由2007年年底的78,000公里增加到2010年年底的91,000公里,而且预计到2012年年底会增加到110,000公里。据认为在政府日益重视铁路发展的背后,货物运输量的增长是一大动因,还有就是需要增加运力满足增长的需求。,译 文,中国铁路发展,Unit1中国铁路发展定稿,3.中国建造的首条铁路是1876年建的吴淞铁路。到了1911年,中国拥有9,000公里的铁轨,然而,那时的铁路都是有外国公司设计,建造,甚至拥有。第一条由中国人

20、自己设计建造的铁路是1905至1909年修建的京张线,由于多山的地形,这是十分艰巨的一项工程。此线的总工程师是被誉为中国铁路之父的詹天佑。,译 文,中国铁路发展,Unit1中国铁路发展定稿,4.中华人民共和国成立之后,新政府大力投资铁路网的建设。从50年代到70年代,尤其是位于中国西部的铁路线扩长了。修建于1952年至1962年的长达1900公里兰州至乌鲁木齐线就是其中的一例。在地势险峻的西南,修建了好几条穿越大山的铁路线,有50年代建的宝成线,有70年代建的成昆线。青藏线是难度最大的,这条线最终于2006年建成开行。现在,除了澳门之外,所有的省份都连接在了这一庞大的铁路网内。,译 文,中国铁

21、路发展,Unit1中国铁路发展定稿,5-6.不仅中国铁路网自49年以来得到了扩大,中国也在铁 路技术方面取得了巨大的进步。 从1990到2001年,平均每年有约1,092公里的新线,837公里的多轨铁路,以及962公里的电气化铁路开行,较之于前十年分别增长了2.4, 1.7和1.8倍。2004年底,运营的铁路里程达到74,200公里,包括24,100公里的多轨线和18,900公里的电气化线。.到2012年底,中国运营铁路总里程已经达到110,000公里,根据十二五期间国家铁路发展计划,预计到2015年底总里程将达120,000公里。,译 文,中国铁路发展,Unit1中国铁路发展定稿,6.中国现

22、在已骄傲地建成世界第一大高铁网络。从全球来看,中国的铁路运量位于世界上最前列,拥有世界6%的运营里程,占25%的世界运输总量。此外,中国在运量的增长和运输设备的使用上也遥遥领先。,译 文,中国铁路发展,Unit1中国铁路发展定稿,Exercises,Unit1中国铁路发展定稿,( )1. In China, almost all rail transport is handled by the government. ( )2. The first railroad in China did not exist until the establishment of New China. ( )

23、3. Zhan Tian You was a great railway engineer in China. ( )4. Chinas rail transport volume is one of the worlds largest, having six percent of the worlds operating railways, and carrying 25 percent of the worlds total railway workload. ( )5. China railway is developing very quickly to meet the deman

24、d of its economic development.,F,T,T,I. Decide wether the following statements true or false.,T,T,Unit1中国铁路发展定稿,II.Translate the following into Chinese.,1. Rail transport is the most commonly used mode of long-distance transportation in China.,铁路运输是中国最常用的长途运输方式。,2. The chief engineer of this railway

25、 was Zhan Tianyou, who is known as the Father of Chinas Railway.,这条铁路的总工程师是詹天佑,他被誉为“中国铁路之父”。,Unit1中国铁路发展定稿,II.Translate the following into Chinese.,3. Not only has the Chinese railway network expanded in size since 1949, but it has also seen great technological advances.,自1949年以来,中国铁路不仅规模扩大,而且也见证了巨大

26、的技术进步。,4. After the establishment of new China, the new government invested heavily in the railway network.,中华人民共和国成立之后,新政府大力投资铁路网建设。,Unit1中国铁路发展定稿,II.Translate the following into Chinese.,5. China also leads in terms of the growth rate of transport volume and use of transport equipment.,中国在运力增长及运输设

27、备使用方面遥遥领先。,Unit1中国铁路发展定稿,In China, almost all rail _are handled by the Ministry of Railways. .Growth in _is thought to be one of the drivers behind the increased focus on rail. After the establishment of new China, the government invested heavily in the railway_. In the 1950s and 1960s, several moun

28、tain railways were _.,transport,freight transport,network,constructed,III. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words and expressions.,Unit1中国铁路发展定稿,3. Not only has the Chinese railway network expanded in size since 1949, but it has also seen great _advances. From 1990 to 2001, on average some 1,092 km of new railways, 837 km of _, and 962 km of _railways were opened to traffic annually.,technological,mutip


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