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click on “Online Exercises”,There are four common types of context clues:Examples  例子Synonyms  同义词Antonyms   反义词General sense of the sentence or passage语句或语篇的大意,1. Nocturnal creatures, such as bats and owls, have highly developed senses that enable them to function in the dark.Nocturnal meansA. feathery   B. living   C. active at nightBats and owls may help you to guess that nocturnal creatures are those that are “active at night”,2. The adverse effects of this drug, including dizziness, nausea, and headaches, have caused it to be withdrawn from the market.Adverse  meansA. deadly     B. harmful    C. expensive  The unpleasant side effects mentioned are clues to the meaning of adverse, which is “harmful”,Instances of common euphemisms include “final resting place” (for grave), “intoxicated” (for drunk), and “restroom” (for toilet)Euphemisms means:A unpleasant reactions   B. answers   C. substitutes for offensive termsEuphemism 委婉说法,Synonyms同义词,Fresh garlic may not enhance the breath, but it certainly does improve spaghetti sauce.As soon as I made a flippant remark to my boss, I regretted sounding so disrespectful.Although the salesperson tried to assuage the angry customer, there was no way to soothe her.,Antonyms 反义词,An antonym- a word that means the opposite of another word is also a useful context clue.  Antonyms are often signaled by words and phrases such as  however, but, yet, on the other hand, and in contrast.,Many people have pointed out the harmful effects that a working mother may have on the family, yet there are many salutary effects as well.Salutary meansA. well-known  B. beneficial  C. hurtful Salutary effects are the opposite of “harmful effects”, so salutary means “beneficial”,Trying to control everything your teens do can impede their growth. To advance their development, allow them to make some decisions on their own.Impede meansA. block   B. predict   C. improveImpede is the opposite of advance, so impede means “block”,During their training, police officers must respond to simulated emergencies in preparation for dealing with real ones.Simulated meansA. made-up   B. mild   C. actualThe opposite of “real” is “simulated”, so it means made-up,General sense of the sentence or passage 语句与语篇的大意,有时,要猜出生词的意思可能需要进行更多的推测在这种情况下,你必须根据与生词同时给出的信息得出结论问自己一些有关篇章的问题可能有助于较准确地猜出生词的意思,A former employee, irate over having been fired, broke into the plant and deliberately wrecked several machines.(What would be the employees state of mind )Irate means A. relieved.  B. very angry  C. undecidedThe sentence provides enough evidence for you to guess that irate means “very angry”,Despite the proximity of Rons house to his sisters, he rarely sees her.(What about Rons house would make it surprising that he didnt see his sister more often?)Proximity meansA. similarity   B. nearness  C. superiorityProximity means “nearness”,The car wash we organized to raise funds was a fiasco it rained all day.(how successful would a car wash be on a rainy day?)Fiasco meansA. great financial success  B. welcome surprise   C. complete disasterFiasco means complete disaster,Main Ideas,A good way to find an authors point, or main idea, is to look for a general statement. Then decide if that statement is supported by most of the other material in the paragraph. If it is, you have found the main idea.先查找概述句,然后看段落中其他大多数语句是否支持该句的观点,School bullies have been around as long as there have been schools.   Studies reveal several reasons why some children become bullies. Research shows that a certain combination of size and personality may be one factor.  Bigger, more aggressive children are more likely to try to dominate their smaller, quieter peers. Another factor linked to bullying is overexposure to violent TV programs.,By the time the average American child is ten years old, he or she has watched thousands of acts of violence, including assault and murder. Such exposure can lead to aggression and violence. Finally, exposure to real violence is a factor in bullying . Studies indicate that victims of bullies often turn into bullies themselves. Whether abused by family members or tormented by other kids, bullies typically learn their behavior from others. Look closely into the eyes of a bully, and you may be looking into the eyes of a former victim.,Four statements from the passage:A. School bullies have been around as                  long as there have been schools.B.   Studies reveal several reasons why some children become bullies.C.   Research shows that a certain combination of size and personality may be one factor.D. studies indicate that victims of bullies often turn into bullies themselves.,A. School bullies have been around as                  long as there have been schools.While this is a general statement, the paragraph does not go on to show how bullying has been a problem from when schools first began to the present day. This sentence is no the main idea.,B.   Studies reveal several reasons why some children become bullies.The phrase “several reasons” is a general one. And in fact the rest of the passage goes on to describe a series of three supporting reasons why some children become bullies.   (main idea.),C.   Research shows that a certain combination of size and personality may be one factor.This sentence is about only one reason. It is not general enough to include the other reasons for bullying.,D. studies indicate that victims of bullies often turn into bullies themselves.This sentence provides detailed support for the third reason for bullying -”exposure to real violence.”  it does not cover the other material in the paragraph.,the main idea as an “Umbrella”,the main idea as an “Umbrella” idea.主题思想是作者的总观点,伞下是该段所有其他内容,包括各种supporting details.-具体论据,如例子、起因、理由或事实等。,Studies reveal reasons some children become bullies.,Combination of size and personalityOverexposure to violent TV programsExposure to real violence,The three strategies that will help you find the main idea.Look for general versus specific ideas寻找概括性观点及其对应的具体观点Use the topic to lead you to the main idea利用主题找到主题思想Use clue words to lead you to the main idea利用提示词找到主题思想,Look for general versus specific ideas寻找概括性观点及其对应的具体观点One statement is the general point, and the other statements are specific support for the pointCats are clean and do not require much attentionThere are definite advantages to having a cat as a petCats like living indoors and are safe to have around childrenCats are inexpensive to feed and easy to keep healthy.,-  home cooking-  take-out-  ways to eat dinner-  frozen foods- not taking notes in class- poor study habits- missing classes- cramming for exams,- children are at risk at the school- there are two active gangs in the school- knives and guns have been found in lockers- drug busts have been made at the school,Last night we could hear and smell a large animal prowling outside our tent.Green flies with stinging bites are in abundance around our campsiteThe time has come to find a new campsiteNearby we came upon a nest of baby rattlesnakes,Use the topic to lead you to the main idea利用主题找到主题思想1. 作者常用各章的标题阐述该章的总主题。各个章节还会用黑体标题列出许多主题和分主题。2. 如果没有给出主题,你可以问自己一个简单的问题  “Who or what is the selection about” “选篇的内容是关于谁或者是关于什么的?“,The next step after finding the topic is to decide what main point the author is making about the topic. Authors often present their main idea in a single sentence. (This sentence is also known as the main-idea sentence or the topic sentence.) 确定作者的观点。作者通常会用一句话来阐述其主要观点,这句话也叫主题思想或主题句,Though fun to watch, chimpanzees should not be kept as pets.  They are dangerously stronger than any NFL lineman. Adult chimps weigh only 100 to 160pounds, but have been measured pulling six to nine times their own weight with one hand. Thus , to match the strength of an average chimp, a human being would have to be able to register a two-handed pull of about a ton; it takes a very strong man to pull a quarter of that.,Combines with this strength is the fact that a chimp is capable of losing its temper for reasons known only to the chimp.  Chimps signal their feeling with subtle cues of behavior that arent apparent to most humans.  Its quite possible for a chimp to be on the verge of violence while its owner sits unaware or even unknowingly continues to provoke it.,Furthermore , its not wise to keep a cute young chimp and release it into the wild when it becomes dangerous. Wild-raised chimps will routinely gang up on and kill those raised in captivity. (联合起来对付)What is the topic of the paragraph? In other words, what is the paragraph about?hint: it often helps to look for (and even circle) a word or idea that is repeated in the paragraph,What is the main idea of the paragraph? In other words, what point is the author making about the topic?   (Remember that the main idea will be supported by the other material in the paragraph),Topic :   ChimpanzeesMain Idea:  Chimpanzees should not be                          kept as pets.Supporting details: 1.  dangerously strongCapable of losing temperLiable to be attacked if released in the wild,As the first sentence of the paragraph suggests, the topic is ”Chimpanzees.” reading the paragraph, you see that everything in it is about chimpanzees. And the main idea is clearly that “Chimpanzees should not be kept as pets.” this idea is a general one that sums up what the entire paragraph is about. It is an “umbrella” statement under which all the other material in the paragraph fits.,Use clue words to lead you to the main idea利用提示词找到主题思想One type of clue word is a list word 列举词Several kinds (ways ) ofThree advantages ofVarious reasons for Several causes of Five stepsA number of effects Some factors in,General kinds of behavior can quickly get you fired from a job.American workers can be said to earn several types of incomeWater pollution takes two forms.Problem solving usually involves a series of four steps.The increasing flow of women into the labor force was caused by a number of economic factors.,Locations of the main idea 主题思想的位置Tailgating following too closely behind another vehicle is a common cause of accidents. Yet tailgating accidents could be avoided if drivers followed some clear-cut guidelines.,Tailgating following too closely behind another vehicle is a common cause of accidents. Yet tailgating accidents could be avoided if drivers followed some clear-cut guidelines.The first sentence introduces the topic, but it is the idea in the second sentence - tailgating accidents could be avoided if drivers followed some clear-cut guidelinesthat is supported in the rest of the paragraph.,So keep in mind that the first sentence may simply introduce or lead into the main idea of a paragraph. Very often, a contrast word like yet, but, or however signals the main idea. (signal word),Implied Main ideas and the central point,如何找出隐含的主题思想如何找出中心论点  (略)长篇文章,隐含的主题思想:Sometimes a selection lacks a sentence that directly states the main idea. In such cases, the author has simply decided to let the details of the selection suggest the main idea. 通过支持性细节暗示主题思想 You must figure out what that implied idea is by deciding upon the point all the details support  对各细节支持的观点做出判断,从而找出隐含的主题思想,识别隐含的主题思想先确定主题topic往往有助于找出隐含的主题思想。你可以问问自己:”who or what is the selection about” 确定主题后,再问:“关于这个主题作者想表达的主要观点是什么?”what is the authors main point about the topic?”,The passage suggest thatWe can infer from the passage thatFrom the beginning of the passage, we can conclude that .Inferences in reading  阅读中的推理,Mining coal is dangerous to the miner and usually leaves large areas of land unfit for further use. Acid rain from the burning of coal harms plant and animal life on a large scale. Also, the air pollution from the same source damages the health of millions of people. Moreover, coal-burning power plants expose the people living around them to more radioactivity, from traces of uranium, thorium, and radon in their smoke, than do nuclear plants. Most estimates put the number of deaths in the United States from cancer and respiratory diseases caused by burning coal at over ten thousand per year.,What is the topic of the above paragraph?Air pollution,                  Mining,  Effects of acid rain,   Drawbacks of coalWhich statement best expresses the unstated main idea?A. Coal is far from being a desirable fuel.B. Acid rain is a major environmental problem.C. More people are dying from cancer and respiratory diseases than at any time in the past.D. Air pollution has become our largest single environmental problem today.,Read the following passage and check the three inferences that can most logically be drawn from it.,A famous psychology experiment conducted by Dr. Watson demonstrates that people, like animals, can be conditioned trained to respond in a particular way to certain stimulations. Watson gave an eleven-month-old baby named Albert a soft, furry white rat. Each time Albert tried to stroke the rat, Dr. Watson hit a metal bar with a hammer. Before long, Albert was afraid not only of white rats but also of white rabbits, white dogs, and white fur coats. He even screamed at the sight of a Santa Claus mask.,1. Dr. Watson did not like small children.2. Before the experiment, Albert was not afraid of white rats.3. Albert had been familiar with rats before the experim


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