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编号:10118842    类型:共享资源    大小:5.89MB    格式:RAR    上传时间:2018-05-23 上传人:俊****计 IP属地:江苏
关 键 词:
温控 垫块 浇口 注射 设计 三维 ug 10 cad 图纸 以及 说明书 仿单

摘  要


在本次毕业设计中,通过运用三维实体造型高端软件UG NX对“温控器垫块”外形进行3D造型,同时也设计了其塑料注塑模的3D模型。在正确分析塑件工艺特点和ABS的性能的基础上,介绍了对凸模,凹模,浇注系统,脱模机构,顶也机构的设计,选择标准零件,设计非标件的设计过程。由于模具生产的塑料制品具有高精度、高复杂程度、高一致性、高生产率和低消耗等特点,涉及模具结构、强度、寿命计算及熔融塑料在模具中流动预测等复杂的工程运算问题;CAD、UG NX等不同的软件可分别用于模具的设计、制造和产品质量进行分析。塑料注射成型所用的模具称为注射模成型模具,该模具特点是模具先由注射机合模机构闭和紧密,然后由注射机注射装置将高温高压的塑料熔体注入模腔内,经冷却或固化成型后,在侧向分型的作用下开模取出塑件。还根据所设计的模具尺寸选择安装了相应的模架,最终生成了直观的结构设计图;此外还利用CAD绘制了模具装配图以及各种成型零件图。



A lot of countries in the development of machinery industry in recent years, every industry pay more and more attention to related to mechanical CAD/CAM technology, CAD/CAM technology has now developed into a relatively mature technology, with the rapid development of our country home a ABS liance industry of mold industry, puts forward higher and higher requirements, especially plastic mould, in 2004, as a proportion of the plastic mold in the mold industry has risen to 30%, according to experts predict that in the next few years, China plastic mould industry will continue to maintain an annual growth rate of more than 10% of the high speed of development. Domestic demand in injection mold plastic mold market is the largest, the key for engineering plastic mold development. Also because of the plastic products and mould Three-Dimensional design and molding process of Three-Dimensional analysis is the plastic mold industry plays a more and more important role. 

In this graduation design, the high-end software UG NX three-dimensional entity model is used to shape of "t type mounting bracket" Three-Dimensional modeling, and design the Three-Dimensional model of the plastic injection mold.On the basis of the correct analysis of the characteristics and ABS plastic parts process performance, the introduction of the punch,die,casting system, stripping agencies,top agency also design, selection of standard parts,the design of non-standard parts of the design process.Due to mold plastic products with high precision,high complexity,high consistency,high productivity and low consumption, etc,involve mold structure, strength,life span,and the molten plastic in the mold flow projections and other complex engineering computing problems; CAD,different software may be designed such UG NX molds are used,the manufacturing and product quality analysis.Plastic injection molding mold used for injection molding is called a mold injection machine is characterized first by a mold clamping mechanism and tightly closed, and then the injection machine injection device of the high temperature and pressure of the plastic melt into the mold cavity, cooling or after curing,in the role of the lateral parting remove mold plastic parts.Also according to the design of the mould size choose to install the corresponding mold frame, the resulting intuitive structure design; In addition to use CAD draw the mold assembly drawing as well as a variety of molding part drawing.

Key words:Thermostat;plastics mold;CAD/CAM;ABS plastic;Three-Dimensional

目  录

引言 1

1  注塑模设计的相关理论概述 3

1.1 注塑成型的相关概念 3

1.1.1 注塑成型的基本概念 3

1.1.2 注塑成型的特点 3

1.1.3 注塑成型的工艺过程 3

1.2 注塑模的定义 4

1.3 注塑模的分类 4

1.4 注塑模设计流程及关键环节 6

1.5 注塑模设计软件——UG简介 7

1.6 注塑模主要加工方法简介 9

2  温控器垫块注塑模设计 10

2.1 温控器垫块相关参数计算 10

2.2 温控器垫块成型工艺要求 10

2.2.1 塑件工艺性分析 10

2.2.2 塑件材料的基本特性 11

2.2.3 ABS的性能指标 11

2.2.4 塑件材料成型性能 11

2.2.5 尺寸精度分析 11

2.2.6 表面质量分析 11

2.2.7 模塑设备的选择 12

2.3 注射模的结构设计 13

2.3.1 分型面的选择 13

2.3.2 确定型腔的排列方式 13

2.3.3 浇注系统的设计 14

2.3.4 浇注系统的平衡 16

2.3.5 推件机构的设计 16

2.4 模架的选择 17

2.5 型腔工作尺寸的计算 17

2.6 型芯工作尺寸的计算 19

2.7 模具的其他相关计算 20

2.8 冷却装置的设计 20

2.8.1 冷却时间的计算 21

2.8.2 冷却水管直径 21

2.8.3 冷却水道的结构 21

2.9 开模行程的校核 22

2.10 注射机的校核 22 

2.11 模具外形尺寸校核 22

2.12 注射模的安装与调试 23

3  温控器垫块注塑模的仿真实现 24

3.1 模具开发流程 24

3.2 产品建模 24

3.3 温控器注塑模装配仿真 25

4  温控器垫块注塑模型腔加工工艺及流程 28

5  机械加工工艺卡 30

6  结论 31

致  谢 32

参考文献 33






- 0 -编号: 毕业设计(论文)开题报告题 目: 温控器垫块点浇口 注射模的设计 院 (系): 专 业: 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师单位: 姓 名: 职 称: 题 目 类 型 : 理 论 研 究 实 验 研 究 工 程 设 计 工 程 技 术 研 究 软 件 开 发2013 年 12 月 23 日- 1 -1毕业设计的主要内容、重点和难点等主要内容:1. 温控器点浇口注射模的设计任务书;2. 设计相应的模具及其主要的零部件,制定出主要零部件(如凹或凸模)的工艺规程,并编制主要零部件的制造工艺。3. 对模具进行实体建模、绘制模具的装配图与零件图。4. 模具的装配;5. 撰写毕业设计说明书;6. 翻译相关英文资料。重点、难点:1. 消化塑料制件图,了解制件的用途,分析塑料制件的工艺性,尺寸精度等技术要求。2. 消化工艺资料,分析工艺任务书所提出的成型方法、设备型号、材料规格、模具结构类型等要求是否恰当,能否落实。3. 选择成型设备根据成型设备的种类来进行模具,因此必须熟知各种成型设备的性能、规格、特点。4. 定模具类型的主要结构方案选择理想的模具结构在于确定必需的成型设备,理想的型腔数,在绝对可靠的条件下能使模具本身的工作满足该塑料制件的工艺技术和生产经济的要求。2准备情况(查阅过的文献资料及调研情况、现有设备、实验条件等)查阅过的文献资料 1.模具设计与制造技术教育丛书编委会.模具结构设计.北京:机械工业出版社,2004.2.杨占尧,白柳.塑料模具典型结构设计实例.北京:化学工业出版社,2009.3.宋满仓等.注塑模具设计与制造实战M.北京:机械工业出版社,2003.4.刘航.模具技术经济分析M.北京:机械工业出版社,2002.5.傅建等.模具制造工艺学M.北京:机械工业出版社,2004.- 2 -6.冯爱新.塑料模具工程师手册.北京:机械工业出版社,2009.7.张国强.注塑模设计与生产应用M.北京:化学工业出版社,2005. 8.刘文,王国辉,谭建波SolidWorks 模具设计入门、技巧与实例 M北京:化学工业出版社,2010.9.Chen,Y.-M.Computer-aided integrated design for injection molding.Intelligent Processing and Manufacturing of Materials, 1999.10.Yan, L. An Intelligent Knowledge-based Plastic Injection Mold Design SystemJ. Annual Technical Conference - ANTEC, Conference Proceedings, v 3, 2003,p 3514-3518.调研情况如下:国内热流道模具也已经生产,有些企业已达 30%左右,但总的来看,比例太低,亟待发展。 随着塑料成型工艺的不断改进与发展, 气辅模具及适应高压注射成型工艺的模 具将随之发展。 模具标准件的应用将日渐广泛,模具标准化及模具标准件的应用能极大 地影响模具制造周期。使用模具标准件不但能缩短模具制造周期,而且能提高 模具质量和降低模具制造成本。同时,快速经济模具的前景十分广阔。中、低熔点合金模具,喷涂成型模具,电铸模,精铸模,层叠模,陶瓷吸塑模及光造型和 使用热硬化橡胶快速制造低成本模具等快速经济模具将进一步发展。快换模 架、快换冲头等也将日益发展。另外采用计算机控制和机械手操作的快速换模 装置、快速试模装置技术也会得到发展和提高。快换接头的样式越来越多,外观也越来越复杂。因而模具的要求也越来越高,设备也更先进,制造工艺也比以前要更有难度。在这样的市场中要有立足之地,对我们设计人员是一个相当大的考验,设计人员必须多掌握几种软件。设计出来的东西要有创新才行。这样才不会被淘汰。模具行业中压铸模的比例将不断提高。随着车辆和电机等产品向轻量化方向发展,对压铸模的数量、寿命和复杂程度将提出越来越高的要求。随着以 塑料代钢、以塑代木的发展和产品零件的精度和复杂程度的不断提高,塑料模 的比例将不断提高,其精度和复杂程度也将随着相应提高。 - 3 -3、实施方案、进度实施计划及预期提交的毕业设计资料预期安排如下:1、2013 年 12 月 9 日2014 年 4 月 6 日完成毕业论文的开题报告、与指导教师共同制定毕业论文(设计)任务书;完成外文文献翻译及文献综述的撰写等工作;开始系统设计或论文撰写。2、2014 年 4 月 7 日-2014 年 4 月 21 日初步完成系统设计或论文撰写,进行毕业论文(设计)工作中期检查;对系统设计进行调试或对论文修改。3、2014 年 4 月 22 日-2014 年 5 月 4 日提交已完成的模具设计图纸或论文给指导老师;根据指导教师的意见进一步完善毕业论文(设计)。4、2014 年 5 月 5 日-2014 年 5 月 9 日提交毕业论文(设计)资料及所有文档,准备论文答辩。- 4 - 5 -指导教师意见指导教师(签字):2013 年 12 月 日开题小组意见开题小组组长(签字):2014 年 1 月 日院(系、部)意见主管院长(系、部主任)签字:2014 年 1 月 日编号: 毕业设计( 论文)任务书题 目: 温控器垫块点浇口注射模的设计 学 院: 专 业: 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师单位: 姓 名: 职 称: 题 目 类 型 : 理 论 研 究 实 验 研 究 工 程 设 计 工 程 技 术 研 究 软 件 开 发2013 年 12 月 13 日一、毕业设计(论文)的内容本设计要求学生以工程实际零件温控器垫块注射模的设计作为设计对象,需要学生充分运用所学知识进行模具结构的设计。1、查阅资料,进行企业调研,了解现有注射模具设计的结构与工作原理,做好设计前的准备工作。2、根据给定的零件的结构特点以及尺寸参数,提出模具的设计方案(两种以上) ,进行比较后选出最佳方案进行设计;3、运用 Pro/E、SolidWorks 等 CAD 工具进行辅助设计,完成模具整体结构的设计;4、对模具工作部分尺寸及公差进行设计计算;5、对模具典型零件需进行选材及工艺路线分析;6、绘制模具零件图及装配图;7、编写设计说明书。二、毕业设计(论文)的要求与数据1、根据下图所示温控器垫块零件的结构特点及尺寸完成一款注射模具的设计工作,零件的材料为:ABS;2、设计相应的模具及其主要的零部件,制定出主要零部件的工艺规程,并编制主要零部件的制造工艺;3、采用 CAD 设计软件(如:Pro/E、SolidWorks、AutoCAD 等)对模具进行实体建模、绘制模具的装配图与零件图。4、编写设计说明书。三、毕业设计(论文)应完成的工作1、完成二万字左右的毕业设计说明书(论文) ;在毕业设计说明书(论文)中必须包括详细的 300-500 个单词的英文摘要;编制主要零件的加工工艺卡,进行必要的理论计算,给出计算结果;2、独立完成与课题相关,不少于四万字符的指定英文资料翻译(附英文原文) ;3、绘制出所设计模具的装配图和零件图,折算 A0 图纸 3 张以上其中必须包含两张 A3 以上的计算机绘图图纸。四、应收集的资料及主要参考文献1.模具设计与制造技术教育丛书编委会.模具结构设计.北京:机械工业出版社,2004.2.杨占尧,白柳.塑料模具典型结构设计实例. 北京:化学工业出版社,2009.3.宋满仓等注塑模具设计与制造实战M北京:机械工业出版社,2003.4.刘航. 模具技术经济分析M. 北京:机械工业出版社,2002.5.傅建等.模具制造工艺学M. 北京:机械工业出版社,2004.6.冯爱新.塑料模具工程师手册.北京:机械工业出版社 ,2009.7.张国强.注塑模设计与生产应用M . 北京:化学工业出版社,2005. 8.刘文, 王国辉, 谭建波SolidWorks 模具设计入门、技巧与实例M北京:化学工业出版社,2010.9.Chen,Y.-M. Computer-aided integrated design for injection moldingIntelligent Processing and Manufacturing of Materials, 1999.10.Yan, L. An Intelligent Knowledge-based Plastic Injection Mold Design SystemJ Annual Technical Conference - ANTEC, Conference Proceedings, v 3, 2003, p 3514-3518.五、试验、测试、试制加工所需主要仪器设备及条件计算机一台CAD 设计软件(AutoCAD,CAXA,UG,Pro/E,Solidworks)等任务下达时间:2013 年 12 月 17 日毕业设计开始与完成时间:2013 年 12 月 17 日至 2014 年 05 月 9 日组织实施单位:教研室主任意见:签字: 2013 年 12 月 14 日院领导小组意见:签字: 2013 年 12 月 16 日编号: 毕业设计(论文)外文翻译(原文)院 (系): 专 业: 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师单位: 姓 名: 职 称: 2014 年 3 月 9 日第 0 页 共 28 页Die historyMeorice WilkesAbstract Functional parts are needed for design verication testing, eld trials, customer evaluation, and production planning. By eliminating multiple steps, the creation of the injec-tion mold directly by a rapid prototyping (RP) process holds the best promise of reducing the time and cost needed to mold low-volume quantities of parts. The potential of this integration of injection molding with RP has been demonstrated many times. What is missing is the fundamental understanding of how the modications to the mold material and RP manufacturing process impact both the mold design and the injection molding process. In addition, numerical simulation techniques have now become helpful tools of mold designers and process engineers for traditional injection molding. But all current simulation packages for conventional injection molding are no longer applicable to this new type of injection molds, mainly because the property of the mold material changes greatly. In this paper, an integrated approach to accomplish a numerical simulation of injection molding into rapid-prototyped molds is established and a corresponding simulation system is developed. Comparisons with experimental results are employed for verication, which show that the present scheme is well suited to handle RP fabricated stereolithography (SL) molds. Keywords Injection molding Numerical simulation Rapid prototyping IntroductionIn injection molding, the polymer melt at high temperature is injected into the mold under high pressure 1. Thus, the mold material needs to have thermal and mechanical properties capable of withstanding the temperatures and pressures of the molding cycle. The focus of many studies has been to create the injection mold directly by a rapid prototyping (RP) process. By eliminating multiple steps, this method of tooling holds the best promise of reducing the time and cost needed to create low-volume quantities of parts in a production material. The potential of integrating injection molding with RP technologies has been demonstrated many times. The properties of RP molds are very different from those of traditional metal molds. The key differences are the properties of thermal conductivity and elastic modulus (rigidity). For example, the polymers used in RP-fabricated stereolithography (SL) molds have a thermal conductivity that is less than one thousandth that of an aluminum tool. In using RP technologies to create molds, the entire mold design and injection-molding process parameters need to be modied and optimized from traditional methodologies due to the completely different tool material. However, there is still not a fundamental understanding of how the modications to the mold tooling method and material impact both the mold design and the injection molding process parameters. One cannot obtain reasonable results by simply changing a few material properties in current models. Also, using traditional approaches when making actual parts may be generating sub-optimal results. So there is a dire need to study the interaction between the rapid tooling (RT) process and material and injection molding, so as to establish the mold design criteria and techniques for an RT-oriented injection molding process. In addition, computer simulation is an effective approach for predicting the quality of molded parts. Commercially available simulation packages of the traditional injection molding process have now become routine tools of the mold designer and process engineer 2. Unfortunately, current simulation programs for conventional injection molding are no longer applicable to RP molds, because of the dramatically dissimilar tool material. For instance, in using the existing simulation software with aluminum and SL molds and comparing with experimental results, though the simulation values of part distortion are reasonable for the aluminum mold, results are unacceptable, with the error exceeding 50%. The distortion during injection molding is due to shrinkage and warpage of the plastic part, as well as the mold. For ordinarily molds, the main factor is the shrinkage and warpage of the plastic part, which is modeled accurately in current simulations. But for RP molds, the distortion of the mold has potentially more inuence, which have been neglected in current models. For instance, 3 used a simple three-step simulation process to consider the mold distortion, which had too much deviation. In this paper, based on the above analysis, a new simulation system for RP molds is developed. The proposed system focuses on predicting part distortion, which is dominating defect in RP-molded parts. The developed simulation can be applied as an evaluation tool for RP mold design and process optimization. Our simulation system is veried by an experimental example.Although many materials are available for use in RP technologies, we concentrate on using stereolithography (SL), the original RP technology, to create polymer molds. The SL process uses photopolymer and laser energy to build a part layer by layer. Using SL takes advantage of both the commercial dominance of SL in the RP industry and the subsequent expertise base that has been developed for creating accurate, high-quality parts. Until recently, SL was primarily used to create physical models for visual inspection and form-t studies with very limited functional applications. However, the newer generation stereolithographic photopolymers have improved dimensional, mechanical and thermal properties making it possible to use them for actual functional molds. 1 Die position in industrial productionMold is a high-volume products with the shape tool, is the main process of industrial production equipment. With mold components, with high efficiency, good quality, low cost, saving energy and raw materials and a series of advantages, with the mold workpieces possess high accuracy, high complexity, high consistency, high productivity and low consumption , other manufacturing methods can not match. Have already become an important means of industrial production and technological development. The basis of the modern industrial economy. The development of modern industrial and technological level depends largely on the level of industrial development die, so die industry to national economic and social development will play an increasing role. March 1989 the State Council promulgated “on the current industrial policy decision points“ in the mold as the machinery industry transformation sequence of the first, production and capital construction of the second sequence (after the large-scale power generation equipment and the corresponding power transmission equipment), establish tooling industry in an important position in the national economy. Since 1997, they have to mold and its processing technology and equipment included in the “current national focus on encouraging the development of industries, products and technologies catalog“ and “to encourage foreign investment industry directory.“ Approved by the State Council, from 1997 to 2000, more than 80 professional mold factory owned 70% VAT refund of preferential policies to support mold industry. All these have fully demonstrated the development of the State Council and state departments tooling industry attention and support. Mold around the world about the current annual output of 60 billion U.S. dollars, Japan, the United States and other industrialized countries die of industrial output value of more than machine tool industry, beginning in 1997, Chinas industrial output value has exceeded the mold machine tool industry output.According to statistics, home appliances, toys and other light industries, nearly 90% of the parts are integrated with production of chopsticks; in aircraft, automobiles, agricultural machinery and radio industries, the proportion exceeded 60%. Such as aircraft manufacturing, the use of a certain type of fighter dies more than 30,000 units, of which the host 8000 sets, 2000 sets of engines, auxiliary 20 000 sets. From the output of view, since the 80s, the United States, Japan and other industrialized countries die industry output value has exceeded the machine tool industry, and there are still rising. Production technology, according to the International Association predicts that in 2000, the product best pieces of rough 75%, 50% will be finished mold completed; metals, plastics, ceramics, rubber, building materials and other industrial products, most of the mold will be completed in more than 50% metal plates, more than 80% of all plastic products, especially through the mold into.2 The historical development of moldThe emergence of mold can be traced back thousands of years ago, pottery and bronze foundry, but the large-scale use is with the rise of modern industry and developed.The 19th century, with the arms industry (guns shell), watch industry, radio industry, dies are widely used. After World War II, with the rapid development of world economy, it became a mass production of household appliances, automobiles, electronic equipment, cameras, watches and other parts the best way. From a global perspective, when the United States in the forefront of stamping technology - many die of advanced technologies, such as simple mold, high efficiency, mold, die and stamping the high life automation, mostly originated in the United States; and Switzerland, fine blanking, cold in Germany extrusion technology, plastic processing of the Soviet Union are at the world advanced. 50s, mold industry focus is based on subscriber demand, production can meet the product requirements of the mold. Multi-die design rule of thumb, reference has been drawing and perceptual knowledge, on the design of mold parts of a lack of real understanding of function. From 1955 to 1965, is the pressure processing of exploration and development of the times - the main components of the mold and the stress state of the function of a mathematical sub-bridge, and to continue to apply to on-site practical knowledge to make stamping technology in all aspects of a leap in development. The result is summarized mold design principles, and makes the pressure machine, stamping materials, processing methods, plum with a structure, mold materials, mold manufacturing method, the field of automation devices, a new look to the practical direction of advance, so that pressing processing apparatus capable of producing quality products from the first stage.Into the 70s to high speed, launch technology, precision, security, development of the second stage. Continue to emerge in this process a variety of high efficiency, business life, high-precision multi-functional automatic school to help with. Represented by the number of working places as much as other progressive die and dozens of multi-station transfer station module. On this basis, has developed both a continuous pressing station there are more slide forming station of the press - bending machine. In the meantime, the Japanese stand to the worlds largest - the mold into the micron-level precision, die life, alloy tool steel mold has reached tens of millions of times, carbide steel mold to each of hundreds of millions of times p minutes for stamping the number of small presses usually 200 to 300, up to 1200 times to 1500 times. In the meantime, in order to meet product updates quickly, with the short duration (such as cars modified, refurbished toys, etc.) need a variety of economic-type mold, such as zinc alloy die down, polyurethane rubber mold, die steel skin, also has been very great development.From the mid-70s so far can be said that computer-aided design, supporting the continuous development of manufacturing technology of the times. With the precision and complexity of mold rising, accelerating the production cycle, the mold industry, the quality of equipment and personnel are required to improve. Rely on common processing equipment, their experience and skills can not meet the needs of mold. Since the 90s, mechanical and electronic technologies in close connection with the development of NC machine tools, such as CNC wire cutting machine, CNC EDM, CNC milling, CNC coordinate grinding machine and so on. The use of computer automatic programming, control CNC machine tools to improve the efficiency in the use and scope. In recent years, has developed a computer to time-sharing by the way a group of direct management and control of CNC machine tools NNC system.With the development of computer technology, computers have gradually into the mold in all areas, including design, manufacturing and management. International Association for the Study of production forecasts to 2000, as a means of links between design and manufacturing drawings will lose its primary role. Automatic Design of die most fundamental point is to establish the mold standard and design standards. To get rid of the people of the past, and practical experience to judge the composition of the design center, we must take past experiences and ways of thinking, for series, numerical value, the number of type-based, as the design criteria to the computer store. Components are dry because of mold constitutes a million other differences, to come up with a can adapt to various parts of the design software almost impossible. But some products do not change the shape of parts, mold structure has certain rules, can be summed up for the automatic design of software. If a Japanese companys CDM system for progressive die design and manufacturing, including the importation of parts of the figure, rough start, strip layout, determine the size and standard templates, assembly drawing and parts, the output NC program (for CNC machining Center and line cutting program), etc., used in 20% of the time by hand, reduce their working hours to 35 hours; from Japan in the early 80s will be three-dimensional cad / cam system for automotive panel die. Currently, the physical parts scanning input, map lines and data input, geometric form, display, graphics, annotations and the data is automatically programmed, resulting in effective control machine tool control system of post-processing documents have reached a high level; computer Simulation (CAE) technology has made some achievements. At high levels, CAD / CAM / CAE integration, that data is integrated, can transmit information directly with each other. Achieve network. Present. Only a few foreign manufacturers can do it.3 Chinas mold industry and its development trendDie in 1997 only 78 million U.S. dollars export mold. At present the technological level of China Die in the application of CAE design and analysis of mold calculation, it was just started, most of the game is still in trial stages and animation; in the application of CAM technology manufacturing molds, first, the lack of advanced manufacturing equipment, and second, the existing process equipment (including the last 10 years the introduction of advanced equipment) or computer standard (IBM PC and compatibles, HP workstations, etc.) different, or because of differences in bytes, processing speed differences, differences in resistance to electromagnetic interference, networking is low, only about 5% of the mold manufacturing equipment of recent work in this task; in the application process planning CAPP technology, basically a blank state, based on the need for a lot of standardization work; in the mold common technology, such as mold rapid prototyping technology, polishing, electroforming technologies, surface treatment technology aspects of CAD / CAM technology in China has just started. Computer-aided technology, software development, is still at low level, the accumulation of knowledge and experience required. Most of our mold factory, mold processing equipment shop old, long in the length of civilian service, accuracy, low efficiency, still use the ordinary forging, turning, milling, planing, drilling, grinding and processing equipment, mold, heat treatment is still in use salt bath, box-type furnace, operating with the experience of workers, poorly equipped, high energy consumption. Renewal of equipment is slow, technological innovation, technological progress is not much intensity. Although in recent years introduced many advanced mold processing equipment, but are too scattered, or not complete, only about 25% utilization, equipment, some of the advanced functions are not given full play.Lack of technology of high-quality mold design, manufacturing technology and skilled workers, especially the lack of knowledge and breadth, knowledge structure, high levels of compound talents. Chinas mold industry and technical personnel, only 8% of employees 12%, and the technical personnel and skilled workers and lower the overall skill level. Before 1980, practitioners of technical personnel and skilled workers, the aging of knowledge, knowledge structure can not meet the current needs; and staff employed after 80 years, expertise, experience lack of hands-on ability, not ease, do not want to learn technology. In recent years, the brain drain caused by personnel not only decrease the quantity and quality levels, and personnel structure of the emergence of new faults, lean, make mold design, manufacturing difficult to raise the technical level.3.3 m
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